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by nilla

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Yesterday I sat down and tried to draw something for the first time in week. Being incredible sick kiiiinda stopped me from drawing anything.

At the time, I was struggling with sore throat, a runny nose and stuffed ears.

Not a good state to draw, I’m sure. But I did it anyway.

For some ungodly reason I chose to draw Torch,Beyond’s little sister.

I spent most of the day arguing with the drawing over just how much clothing Torch should actually have on.

I added, I erased, I add again, I erased again.

I also tried to change her hair. I had about as much trouble with her hair as I had with her cloths.


Posted July 23, 2012, 12:07:34 PM

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Ask, Order,bells 'We agreed I paint t… Torch Shaped in anger Butterfly
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Comment #1 - Posted July 23, 2012, 12:27:56 PM
I really like those fangs. Where did she get those from, flesh shaping or are they natural?


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Comment #2 - Posted July 23, 2012, 12:39:29 PM
That sounds very meh. Hope you feel better!
Aaanyway, that is one sexy outfit! Yummy! Dig that fluffy hair, too!


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Comment #3 - Posted July 23, 2012, 12:46:11 PM
Sorry to hear you've been sick and you're still not over it yet. I hope drawing at least helped ease the mind and the boredom of having to stay put. I also hope you get better very soon. Summer illnesses are the worst.

Love the very feral, primitive look of Torch. I take it the bones on her outfit are used for weapons? Also like the ragged remnants of her clothing; it adds to the overall personality. I can relate; I've had characters that just don't want to cooperate in terms of clothing and hair. Glad she finally worked with you. I really love the result.


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Comment #4 - Posted July 24, 2012, 03:07:46 AM
Where did she get those from, flesh shaping or are they natural?
Hmm. I think they're natural. I think whatever flash shaping power she might have inherited from Darkfire might have been passed over in favor of a fire maker ability.

Sorry to hear you've been sick and you're still not over it yet. I hope drawing at least helped ease the mind and the boredom of having to stay put. I also hope you get better very soon. Summer illnesses are the worst.
That sounds very meh. Hope you feel better!
Aww! Thank you so much guys! I've been feeling a lot better since yesterday. :)

Aaanyway, that is one sexy outfit! Yummy! Dig that fluffy hair, too!
Hehehehe. I never could get her to wear anything else. She keeps arguing she'd get too warm if she had more clothing on. XD

Love the very feral, primitive look of Torch. I take it the bones on her outfit are used for weapons?
The one on her upper arm is. The one on her hip is likely a decoration.

I've had characters that just don't want to cooperate in terms of clothing and hair. Glad she finally worked with you. I really love the result.
Hehehehe! Who's ever given you the most trouble?

Thanks so much for the feedback guys. I highly appreciate it!
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