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Intimate moment

by Afke

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Drew this for a contest at RiverTwine Holt, with the above title also being the theme. I've had this image in my head way before the contest was mentioned, but I figured it'd be a good excuse to finally put it on paper. ;)

I wanted to communicate a feeling of trust between these three lovers; Longshot, Pathmark (mine) and Evervale -- with asleep being the most vulnerable state you can find yourself in, I wanted to draw the comfort they feel with each other.

Posted April 29, 2012, 11:09:03 AM
pathmark, rpg, river twine, longshot, evervale

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Comment #1 - Posted May 08, 2012, 01:42:43 PM
I don't know if trust is what I feel from this illo. Between Longshot and Pathmark, yes, but Evervale almost seems left out. The way Longshot's hand and Evervale's arm are, it almost appears as though he's shoving her aside and she's trying to deflect it. But again, that's just an interpretation of the viewer. I really love the profiles of Evervale and Pathmark, and the curve of Evervale's back is eye catching. Very lovely illo!


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Comment #2 - Posted May 08, 2012, 01:46:50 PM
This has a lovely, very soft feel to it. I kinda feel for Longshot, though. Hope his arm doesn't fall asleep from Pathmark's weight on it.


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Comment #3 - Posted May 09, 2012, 01:58:47 AM
Haha, I always have troubles with my arms as well, and I prefer sleeping on my side like Pathmark here, I never know where to leave the arm I'm lying on. I usually fold my hands near my face, which is rather oddlooking as well I suppose.

@Amberfox; I was hoping to connect Evervale with them by having Longshot gently touch her cheek with his hand, like a soft brushing. When I look at the small version, it almost looks as if they're piled on top of each other. ;)
My original idea was about describing the kind of relationship Pathmark has with Longshot (to show that it was not just about the boys bonding with the girl, but with each other as well), and so I had them in my head quite clear, which made it harder to figure out how to add Evervale.
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