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EQ fanart RPG!
« on: November 21, 2017, 02:06:39 PM »

Okay! here is the RPG I promised to run here in the EQ fanart! rules and tips you can check here! http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?topic=428.msg7182#msg7182

Let's see if anyone if interested, if not, then I'll play by myself, if you are interested at any time, you can just drop in! and vanish then if you want to,  no one is forcing you into anything! So I'll start now with my characters!

If you want to roll dice, here is one online dice roller you can use, just click "roll again" and add the number to your comment when there is a scene needing group effort going on https://www.random.org/dice/?num=1

« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 12:35:47 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2017, 02:22:19 PM »


You found yourself in a field covered in mist dense enough to drowns out the sun, you have no recollection of how you got here and are beginning to feel uneasy lost int he never ending white. after wandering a while you find yourself near an ancient tree that is the only place the mist does not touch. it is a grand old thing clearly sharpen by elven hands and a huge abandoned nest of some bird lays on it's branches. For reasons beyond your understanding you know that you are stuck here on this place, the mist does not let you leave before certain things have expired.

As a group, you can search for new areas once a week!
This week you need to roll 15 points to unlock new area.
your group effort was 7 points, so the group was were unsuccessful in their search, better luck next time!.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 03:37:41 AM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2017, 02:39:15 PM »

3 (Marut's dice roll)

silver haired elf emerges from the mist carrying a dead rabbit with him. he stops and drops the rabbit on the ground while staring at the tree, his big pointed nose clearly tells where he is looking. His name is Marut and he is very startled but curious about this new place he has stumbled into...

"w-where is this place? this is not the place I was supposed to be!... that mist... something is wrong with it..."

Marut carefully peeks into the dens in the tree...

4 (Tomi's dice roll)

Another man follows him a very short man with shiny black hair, his tired eyes come alive and look at his surroundings sharply...

"Ye are right, this place does not feel natural. the work of some magic, I bet... we better look around this tree. maybe there be something else here?..."
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 02:43:53 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2017, 10:39:46 AM »

No matter how they search they cannot find any clues to what has been happening in this place, but they do find a strange object at the edge of the mist, it is like a small cave crafted from dead wood.

Marut jumps back in horror, not sure if he should draw his bow.

"Gasp! What is that thing??.. It smells like humans, the scent if faint but it is there..."

Tomi walks near the object and looks at it curiously.

"well I'll be... I have no idea what it is... But it is interesting, ye mind if I take it?.."

Marut puts away his bow and looks at Tomi clearly confused and worried.

"no... Not really... But just be careful with it, alright?..."

Tomi crawls into the wooden cave and starts throwing grass and dirt out from it, not really giving any weight to Marut's words.

"sure sure... why don't ye go skin yer prey?..."

Marut looks at Tomi, not really sure if he should leave him with the mysterious and probably dangerous human smelling object but he know's that Tomi wants to be left alone so he agrees and rushes to skin the rabbit the caught earlier, at least they have some food here. Time passes and Marut starts getting worried because he hasn't seen Tomi so he goes looking for him only to realize Tomi has turned the mysterious human object into his very own den! it is made wind proof by the use of moss and branches...

"what on earth?..."

"I figured we'll be stuck here quite a while... I wanted something to do and I've never gotten used ta living inside those tree dens..."

"well you certainly wasted no time... It's quite nice looking den you made!.. Maybe I should make one too, just in case... but not now, you should come and eat so the meat won't spoil"

Tomi cleans dirt off his knees and follow's Marut to the food, He starts a fire and cooks his share...
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 12:14:11 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2017, 01:25:43 PM »

Laluna wakes up with her head pounding in cold, wet grass. She can't remember much, only that she was looking for some healing herbs and trying out some new, tasty looking berries.

"Ouh... need... more sleep..."

She stumbles forward in the mist covered field, wondering why everything in her vision is so white. She somehow makes out a shape of a great tree close by, and starts towards it, but on her way she trips and hits her head on a pile of wood.

"GgggGGHHHhhh" she lets out a stifled moan of pain.

The pile of wood smells somehow funny, and on closer inspection it has a hollow, round, wooden space inside.

"What a weird tree trunk", she thinks, and crawls inside it. At least it's dry inside, and maybe a beast won't find her there.

Before she drifts out in sleep, she imagines smelling something burning somewhere, but it must be just her imagination...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2017, 01:57:13 PM »

Marut and Tomi eat not knowing about the invader that has crept to their midst, Marut wonders what he is going to make from the rabbit skin. soon he notices a scent in the air...

"Do you... smell anything weird?..."

Tomi looks at him clearly not knowing what he means by that, then continues to eat, Marut sniffs the air and says...

"I'm... smelling dreamberries..."

He starts following the scent, Tomi looks at him and starts following, maybe it's a lead out here? They happen upon Tomi's den and Marut looks into the distance. Tomi thinks it's best to get a weapon just in case so he opens the door to his den to get his knives jumps out of fright when he finds the invader, alerting Marut to look inside as well. they both stand there puzzled, looking at the female elf that has suddenly appeared into Tomi's home! slowly a womanizing smile rises to Tomi's face...

"You know... I'm starting to like this place..."

Marut slowly turns to stare Tomi as to ask if he is mad, then snaps out from his confusion and slowly checks if the woman is alright.

"hmmh, she has quite the bump and she might be in a dreamberry buzz... Wait here, I'll get some food for her..."

Marut says and rushes off, Tomi just looks at her smiling...

"With pleasure..."

Tomi sits on top of his den and starts playing his flute softly, Marut rushes back with some food and leaves it near the den on a big leaf, then slowly pokes her leg...

"hey... hey you... wake up... is everything alright?..."
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 04:16:30 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2017, 03:31:56 AM »

New Group activity! your characters may roll a dice for a chance to unlock a new area!

The sweet scent of water drifts through the mist, you might be able to locate it if you dared to search for it...

Amount you need 11
Your group rolled 14! SUCCESS!! you managed to unlock a new area!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 01:37:33 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2017, 08:25:22 AM »

1 (Tomi's dice roll)

Tomi is far too interested in the beautiful home invader to even remotely notice the frail scent of the water, He just wants to admire her forever...

6 (Marut's dice roll)

Marut stops poking the woman's leg ans sighs, but then catches the scent floating in the air...

"hmmh, she isn't waking up just yet... Tomi, would you see to her if she wakes up?... I have to go investigate something... I'll be right back..."

Tomi stops playing his flute only for a while...

"sure... don't ye run inta trouble..."

He starts playing again and Marut follows the scent....

2 (Rustle's dice roll)

Without anyone knowing another elf is following the same scent, Rustle finds her throat extremely dry and wants a sip of water, that is the only thing that matters to her right now. She is still unaware of the big tree and hidden in the mists, her steps are light in the grass.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 08:27:35 AM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2017, 12:57:05 PM »

(Laluna's roll: 5)

Laluna wakes up a bit groggy, but at least her head isn't pounding anymore. She remembers seeing a weird dream about a hare dancing to flute music, only, the hare was already dead. Laluna shudders to the memory.

"...those berries must've been poisonous or something..." she mutters, and turns to get out of the weird tree trunk, when she sees a shady-looking elf staring at her!

Laluna gets so badly startled that she almost hits her head on the den's ceiling.

"Who are you? How long have you been there??"


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2017, 01:36:24 PM »

Tomi smiles at Laluna when she wakes up...

"Hello hello hello Sweetcheeks! ye had little too much fun with dreamberries? well hope ye found my humble dwelling to your liking! there is food for ye! rabbit meat, sure ta go down nice!..."

Tomi puts his flute away and motions towards the leaf that has meat on it... backs away slightly so she doesn't find him so threatening...

"And I am called Tomi... May I ask yer name, Sweetcheeks?..."

Meanwhile Marut manages to locate a stream with waterfall, there is fish a plenty! he is so happy about the fish that he doesn't even realize there is an elf girl drinking from the stream when he rushes back full of excitement, scaring the elf girl who falls head first into the stream. When Marut gets back he grabs Tomi's shoulders and yells...

"Water! there is water! we are saved!..."

Tomi stands there being shaken by Marut for a while before shouting...

"ENOUGH! whew... just dun go shaking me like that!... by the way, our guest has awaken, ain't she pretty?..."

Marut looks at Laluna as well and clearly ponders about her hair color...

"Uh... hi... my name is Marut... um... welcome?..."
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 02:25:48 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2017, 02:30:13 PM »

The elf girl Rustle panics and swims to hide between the reeds, not knowing what just ran from the place, maybe it was a human or something?? after hearing some commotion further away, she sneaks out of the water and follows the sounds. Her heart beating like mad she finally locates a large tree and peeks from behind it only to see other elves, she decides to stay hidden for a while...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2017, 09:58:11 AM »

"Dreamberries?" Laluna looks puzzled, but takes some of the food and eats it. She hadn't realized how hungry she is!

Just as she tries to ask something from Tomi, a big-nosed elf rushes to shake Tomi by the shoulders. Laluna thinks they are an odd looking pair, but nods when Marut introduces himself.

"Hi! My name is Laluna. What place is this? I'm not sure how I ended up here..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2017, 10:18:43 AM »

Marut seems a bit nervous as he looks at her, Tomi explains...

"We dun know what this place is, but that mist surrounding ta place prevents us from leaving... Magic, I'll say..."

Marut looks at Tomi and says...

"Yeah, we just found ourselves here... you can try to leave but it seems futile... and... I know this is sudden, but ummh... you have... blue hair? never seen such a thing before..."

Tomi smiles seductively and says...

"I think it makes ye look like the moon and the night sky... mesmerizing..."

He starts to play his flute again but keeps his gaze on Laluna. Marut sighs, then blasts his excitement at Laluna as well...

"But I found water! and fish! we have things to eat and drink!... Come on you two let me show you!..."

then he notices Laluna still looks like she has a headache...

"Oh... w-well... would you like me to bring you some water?..."
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 01:32:58 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2017, 08:50:27 AM »

While the others speak and are distracted, Rustle sneaks to the campfire and steals the rabbit skin and stuffs as much food in her mouth as she possibly can, that is, pretty much all of it, and runs away like a fox from a chicken coop. she remains nearby to stalk another moment to rob them of their stuff!..


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2017, 08:59:07 AM »

"Oh? My hair has always been like this."

Laluna smiles at Marut, but clearly feels uncomfortable about Tomi's staring. She's relieved when Marut asks them to accompany him to the stream, and stands up to follow Marut.

"I think some walking would do me good right now! You said you saw fish too?"


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2017, 10:01:13 AM »

Marut nods...

"Yes! I believe there is plenty of them! now we have to find a way to catch them..."

Tomi follows them both but notices their food missing, not saying a word he stays behind and draws out his knives as a dark expression rises to his face. Meanwhile Marut shows Laluna the stream, air is moist from the waterfall that hums softly, it is not big enough to cause a lot of noise. plenty of fish swim below the waters, some of them big and lots of small ones. there are steep cliff with vegetation crowing on their crevices and frogs are umping into the water to escape from the elves that appeared in their territory. Marut sniffs the air...

"Wonderful! isn't it!..."

Laluna notices a good amount of cattails, some of their parts are edible and refreshing at hot summer days, and so much reeds that it would be easy to create a lots of thing's from them...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2017, 01:06:55 PM »

At the Tree, while Laluna and Marut are away Tomi hides in the shadows and simply listens. and soon enough he hears faint steps getting louder, someone is nearing Tomi's den. He sees a curvy woman who looks around and moves like animals do. She sniffs Tomi's den few times and is alarmed by the human scent, not knowing what to do about the intimidating object that doesn't move, she starts biting it aggressively! Tomi steps out from his hiding place and yells.

"What are ye doing lass!? stop biting my house!..."

the woman jumps high in the air out of fright and runs off, Tomi gives chase.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2017, 03:25:54 PM »

Tomi chases her all the way into the mist and beyond, without them realizing they warp to the other side of the clearance and run all the way to the mist again and again, and again. Finally the woman stops and turns around hair moving wildly and just look at Tomi and without really knowing why Tomi feels threatened by this tall woman. they both stand there a while just looking at each other. Tomi puts his weapons away and says.

"Look, I am not here to harm ye... I just, did not know if ye were dangerous to my friends... I bet ye have also noticed that we are all stuck here, same goes for ye... so... wouldn't it be better to work together? what do you say?..."

Tomi keeps his hand reached forward as to shake hers if she likes, the woman looks at him and his hand for a while, suddenly tries to but her hair in order as to look attractive, she bites her lip and carefully comes closer, look at Tomi's open hand puzzled, then comes closer passing his hand and... sniffs his hair... Tomi looks extremely weirded out but says...

"Or... ye can smell my hair... it works too... I guess... well... I am Tomi... ye have a name, lass?..."

The woman stops and tries to put her hair in order...


Then all of sudden her behavior changes, turning her into elegant and sort of cold...

"... I shall aid you in your mission, now please... show me to my den..."

She offers her hand to her, Tomi looks at her hand, shrugs and takes hold of it as he would never pass the chance to hold a female hand. He shows her to the tree...

"pick anyone of these ye like, precious..."

Rustle looks at the tree and doesn't seem to be able to choose from the dens...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2017, 04:32:48 PM »

As the elves were examining the body of water, a large splash resounded from the deeper waters. A figure and a large silvery tail could be spotted, and the figure was holding a black stone tipped spear, from which a rather large fish was skewered and struggling to escape. The figure began making it's way towards to shore when it paused, spotting someones or somethings standing there now...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2017, 06:20:26 PM »

Marut jumps a little after hearing the splash and points at its direction happily thinking it came from a large fish but stands there in a shock after seeing that what he thought to be meal having elven features! He has never seen anything like this before, something that is part fish and part elven maid! So he just stands there in awe, still pointing at her...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2017, 08:28:50 PM »

Tidemist continued to hesitate in the water, the flailing of the fish growing fainter and fainter. It was one thing to find herself at this body of water, not knowing how she got there and yet she seemed to be packed for traveling, and without any of her tribe, but it was quite another to suddenly see someone wholly unfamiliar! But they were making no aggressive moves, and in fact seemed to be fully land based, and just as stunned to see her.

She slowly swam closer, and as her fin began brushing the bottom of the lake, she stopped and concentrated. A little slowly, her tail split down the center and lost its scales, turning to smooth tanned skin and feet, the flukes shifting from the bottom and sprouting from her calves. She flexed one leg than the other a moment before she stood up almost gracefully, knee deep in the water. She turned towards the other elf, and gave a little sideways tilt of the head as she spoke, sounding somewhat intrigued. “Soft waves and cool shade to you stranger.”


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2017, 03:01:54 AM »

The big nosed elf just stands there stunned by her transformation almost missing the point where she said something, until the thought finally caught up to him. He stutters...

"Um... Um... Y-yeah... Uh... Hi!..."

He scratces his head to collect himself. He is of stronger build than many elves and weird looking one at that. Finally he manages to speak clearly...

"Hello... My name is Marut... I... See you are just as lost as we are... In this strange place... So uh... Welcome?..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2017, 07:58:56 AM »

An amused smile touched her lips as she listened to the elf stuttering. Poor thing seemed so unsure and she felt the last bits of caution fade away. “Hello Marut. My name is Tidemist.” she hefted the spear and fish a bit, then looked at him intrigued again.

“'We'? But I see only you. Do you have a tribe here?” She glanced at the fish and frowned ever so slightly. It was certainly a meal for one elf, and with a little stretching possibly two or even three, but anymore than that wasn't possible. And food was always one of the best gifts to bring when meeting a new tribe. “I could catch enough fish for all of us.” She offered without a second thought. After all, fishing was no chore, even if this saltless water was strange on her skin and in her gills.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2017, 08:34:05 AM »

Marut scratches his nose a bit ashamed, knowing he sort of made fool of himself just now. Marut is about to introduce Laluna to Tidemist, but realizes that she has been swallowed by the mist and is no where to be found.

"Uh, yes... there is few of us here, I don't know why but they just wander here and cannot leave, the mist prevents that... my friend Tomi said it was a magical mist of some sort, but I... I don't really know about magic! never was gifted that way!... I caught a rabbit earlier for us to eat, you are welcomed to join us if you like!..."

Marut looks at the water and the fish...

"S-So! I take it you are a good swimmer and fisher!..."

Marut instantly feels stupid for asking, she IS half fish after all...

"I... what I mean is... I'm a hunter... and... I... well it would be great to have help feeding the lot at times! and... well.. I sort oh have this fear of swimming! hahah! so... yeah... we would be extremely grateful... but! before that... would you want to see where we live? it's just this way, close by actually..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2017, 08:54:53 AM »

Tidemist giggled a little as she watched Marut scratching his nose then her attention was caught by his haltering explanation. “Shells...That's what happened to me. Not sure how I got here, but suddenly I found myself here.” She gestured to the stream and waterfall. “I was hungry and I did have some food, but figured I should save it just in case...so I started hunting. I just thought the mist would burn away eventually from the sun.” She frowned a little confused at that. Since when did mist behave that way?

“Oh, magic? It's fairly common in my tribe. But I don't have any kind of sensing magic...I'm not sure what a rabbit is but I don't mind trying it!” she spoke cheerfully and smiled.

At his question, she nodded. “Oh yes. My tribe and I live right by the sea, so it's a bit strange in this fresh water...but it's water either way.” She gave him a glance of surprise when he admitted his fear of the water, but then she remembered the other tribe that lived near her holt. They had a mistrust for the water as well, and she mentally shrugged it off.

She smiled at his offer to show her what she presumed was their holt before she resumed hunting. “Alright. Let me grab my pack.” She turned to a tree and picked up a small traveling roll from a hollow at the bottom of the trunk. It had a thick blanket rolled up, a medium bag hanging from it along with a thin rock shaped like a bowl, yet it had a handle projecting from the side. She slipped it onto her back and shook a few drops of water from her bangs, sending her braids swaying and smiled at Marut again.

“Lead onward, friend.”
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