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Author Topic: Berit's short stories  (Read 26848 times)


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Berit's short stories
« on: September 09, 2011, 03:13:56 PM »

I'm not good at writing, for I tend to goof around too much, but I think I'll give it a whirl... so that those who are interested, can find out more about Terra, Laluna or my characters, these are all parts from my different stories or things I have translated from the RPGs...

I'm not starting just yet, but created this here as starters, so that I could inspire myself to write more!... but I must warn all who read these...

there will be violence in the stories, so if you don't like reading about stories that can be brutal, please do not read the stories I've written!...

it will work like this... if there isn't anything harmful, I'll write "Warnings: NONE" and if there is, violence, for example, I'll write "Warnings: violence"...

My stories aren't all violent, but I will give a clear warning in the tale that has violence... I will also give warning about other matters that some people may find shocking or displeasing...
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 09:44:10 AM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 04:20:44 PM »

(Let's try something very short, at first! No violence in this one, this is nothing smart. just a little test, I just write this down as I go, so mistakes and typos might be plenty!)

Warnings: NONE


It is autumn, and forest is a blazing with bright colors of the fall, beneath the huge trees and moss covered rocks, there is a small hole, huge wolf stands near the entrance, looking in, golden eyes stare from ash gray face, ears pointed up, she wonders what is happening within the hole, where frustrated, but gentle woman's voice states firmly...

"... I will not go home until father says he's sorry for what he said..."

Another voice tries to persuade her, voice of a kind-hearted young man...

"... please!... they really miss you, even your father!... they are worried about you..."

A woman with magnificent green hair looks over her shoulder, pouting... she tells the the man behind her...

"... Marut, I won't go... I can take care of myself..."

Marut scratches his cheek, looks down for a moment, then his eyes rise and meet Terra's huge pink eyes...

"I know... but please, think about it... alright?..."

He turns around and climbs out of the cave, pushes the wolf out of the way...

"Come on, move!..."

the wolf takes few steps back, looks into his eyes, clearly asking what is going on, Marut pats the wolf in the head...

"Sorry pal, I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to... I'm not a wolf like she is... but you take good care of her, alright?..."

He walks to the forest Wolf staring his back, wondering, tilting her head a bit, then peeks into the hole again... she stands there quite a while, but Terra isn't coming out, so the wolf whines silently and digs the earth from the entrance, still no response, the wolf gets restless and really starts to dig! she tries to make he hole big enough for herself, Terra tries to stop her, but too late, a huge section of the hole collapses! Terra crawls out from the dust, coughing...

"What are you doing!? I said I'd come out soon!..."

Terra turns and looks at the disaster, just as she is about to say something, huge water droplet falls on her nose, Terra looks up and notices dark clouds gathering, it starts raining... for a moment, Terra just stands there in the rain, looking in the wolf's apologizing eyes... a small smile rises to Terra's lips...

"fine! let's find some other place..."

she hugs the Wolf's neck for a moment and looks around, feeling sad while thinking about her family... Terra looks at the direction of the Holt and for her surprise, a grumpy looking man walks towards her in the rain, it is Strongbow!.. he stops in-front of her, silent as ever... and without a word he lifts his hand... Terra looks at his hand for awhile... a sad smile rising to her face, she doesn't take her fathers hand, but rushes to hug him.. Strongbow does not hug back... Terra whispers to his ear...

"I missed you too, dad..."

Strongbow closes his eyes, looking as serious as always... but slowly, hugs her back... then they head for the Holt, walking together in the rain...

(And a little explanation, Terra is Luna's character, and in our Elfquest fan RPGs, she was adopted by Moonshade and Strongbow, she has somewhat stormy relationship with her father, due to the fact, that they are both strong willed and stubborn)...
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 01:29:11 AM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2011, 04:08:49 PM »

Wow, you gave your story a nice, strong start with such a good description of the trees and time of year. Good job of 'showing' instead of just 'telling'. Luna also sounds like an interesting, determined character. I'd like to read more about her. :)
The sorrow of the elves is that
The things they love must die...
(The Tree of swords and jewels waits for me)
Time withers all about them,
Yet the elves it passes by...
(When shall I hang my own upon the Tree?)


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2011, 03:28:57 AM »

Thanks! well, this ain't nothing special. I have a bad habit of going into too much detail when I write something. I can't help it, really!... well, in these stories there will be much more about my characters and Luna's characters, since we hang out together a lot... she was thinking about writing some stories too...


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2011, 04:00:08 PM »

Time for another story! yet again, something I write as I go along! Maybe something about Cade, short story again...

Warnings: NONE


Within a deep dark cave, where the air feels heavy and moist, sounds of breathing are heard by a young human boy, it is not the breathing he has heard when his parents were asleep... this is something different. like a huge beast was somewhere in front of him. his eyes can't see through the shroud of darkness, and his nose has been in the cold too long, he smells only the winter air... it feels very dangerous and the boy shivers in cold and fear. but he has to see it for himself, the mighty god sleeps here, or so his brother told him... and if the god sleeps through winter, who would know if he took a little peek...

He presses forward, the cave leads him downwards. the air feels more moist, something really does breath in here, little water drops shimmer on the walls... suddenly, the boy slips! he falls thought the darkness, all the way down, until he hits the ground... he is unconscious for a while, but as soon as he wakes, he lifts his head horrified, fearing the wrath of Gotara... but all he sees in a shadow of human-like being, it is, for his surprise, smaller than his father, but somehow, it has a very powerful feel to it... the boy stands up... slowly, walks towards the being... feeling afraid when he sees it looks like those forest spirits the shaman always talks about... in tales, those creatures are dangerous too... the boy smiles a bit, knowing the mighty Gotara truly is here, in their village. he feels a lot safer now...

the boy can't help himself, and pokes the god in the ear. no reaction, the god keeps on sleeping... then suddenly, a man's voice calls to him...

"Taruff! Are you here!?..."

the boy gets scared, it's his father! he will be punished if they found him here, in Gotara's lair!... he looks around for a bit, then decides that he won't answer... his father shouts...

"I see your footprints in the snow! I know you are here Taruff!!..."

Taruff, backs down a bit, shocked... he counted on the snowy weather to clean his trail... but it didn't snow as much as he thought... then to Taruff's surprise, his father begs...

"Come on Taruff! no one needs to know about this! come! the god might get angry! please come out!..."

Taruff has never hear his father this scared, he only wonders why, wasn't Gotara the god who protected them and provided them food and shelter?... Taruff answers...

"Coming father!..."

and starts to climb back up. taking one last look at the the mighty beast. Taruff whispers...

"Father and others may fear you. but I don't think you are evil, Gotara... thank you for protecting us..."

Taruff climbs back up, and his father takes him to his arms...

"Taruff! thank Gotara for letting you out alive!..."

tears fall from his father's cheeks, and he has never seen his father this happy... it is so new to him, that he can't even say a thing... only walks back with his father, there is snow everywhere... his father notices his son in deep thought... he only smiles and says...

"he will be with us next summer, son... you can see him then..."

Taruff nods slightly and thinks to himself, if he can be the next shaman of the village...
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 09:47:19 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2011, 12:13:41 PM »

It's so nice to see some stories from you! You're always so good at thinking up plot twists. Keep them coming!


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 01:32:03 PM »

Yet another short story!... lessee now... I'll write about... ... Tomi!...

Warnings: Violence


A Slight rain falls from the sky and the forest is filled with mist, slight sun rays hit the moss and the leaves, turning the mist slightly green... five humans walk among the trees, their feet sink to the wet moss. one of them says to a black haired man...

"are we lost? you said the village wasn't far away..."

The black haired man looks over his shoulder, grunting...

"be quiet! we are almost there! Soon we will see the mighty Gotara in front of us!..."

the others follow silently, wishing that the rain would stop... little do they know their movements are being watched by dark, keen eyes... as they walk near a big tree, the man walking behind the others suddenly groans and falls in the mist... the one in front of him turns slowly...

"Takar?... ... what happened?..."

the group stops and wanders around, searching for Takar... but they find nothing, like Takar has vanished into thin air... one of then panics...

"oh no! no! this must be the haunted valley! we should run!..."

the black haired man yells...

"No this isn't! Takar just ran! he was always a coward! follow me! and Gotara shall give you everlasting glory! don't be fools like Takar!..."

suddenly, the black haired man notices, that another one has gone missing... there is only three men left... third man yells..

"Barak is gone too! we are cursed! we shouldn't have come here! the Shaman told us not to go! why didn't we listen!..."

Suddenly something falls from the the trees in front of them, something big, it smashes to the mossy ground... all of them stand silently, scared... then they all move closer to the lifeless lump. and to their horror, it is Barak! but his head has gone missing! red steaming blood forms puddles on the bright green moss... one of the humans screams...


And runs as fast as he can, slipping in the moss, he just barely gets up when he starts running again. and when the others can no longer see him, something small suddenly attacks him from the bushes! he feels something sharp cut his stomach open and then he falls to the moss, dead... the other two rush forward, trying to reach the village, where Gotara is rumored to live. and soon, the village emerges from the mist just downhill... the Black haired man smiles and says!...

"See that Turek! there it is!..."

but he gains no answer, smile slowly vanishes from his face, as he turns around, seeing only Turek's sandal on the ground... he shivers, and just when he is about to run, a quiet, somewhat alien voice speaks to him...

"Tough luck... I can't let ye tell the others..."

The man notices a small human-like creature sitting on a branch near him, the creature is dressed in black... the creature smiles, but his eyes look sad, as if he was apologizing for what he must do... the Human shouts and attacks, for he knows he can't run away from this! as he strikes his club forward, the creature has already vanished, and then he feels something sharp cut open his throat... gurgling he falls down, the creature jumps off his back... looks at the dying man...

"I'm sorry... Yer tongue might've put my kin to harms way... Gotara will not save you, nor shall anything else..."

The creature turns around, the dying human sees only his back as he walks to the forest shadows... and when the deed is done, Tomi takes off his bloody clothes and washes them well, as he sits in the river, watching the rain on the waters surface... he notices eyes of a wolf piercing the forest shadows... Tomi whispers...

"damn yer keen nose, now don't go telling the Wolfriders, Ye hear? they would not understand... the blood I shed, it's for the best of us all..."

Tomi puts on the wet clothes, and walks away. like nothing has happened... the wolf keeps a distance, following him. quite clearly, it thinks it's for the best to keep an eye on him...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 06:20:27 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2011, 12:38:45 PM »

Ok, this is not a Story, but just to make things cleear, in our games, the timeline isn't the same it is in the Cannon EQ, and few things happen in different order and some characters die who live in the comics, and on the opposite... (for Example, Haken is a live in our games) I will Edit this when ever I feel the need to do so... I will not put years here, because it varies from game to game... at First I shall start this from the point where Terra and Laluna are found...

-A large Female wolf called Wintersting lost her puppies to a disease...
-Weeks later, Wintersting shows herself to the holt rarely...
-Then, for the surprise of others, she carries a blue haired elf cub from the bushes... she has been taking care of the baby for few weeks... Moonshade and Strongbow adopt the child, for they are still grieving the lost of their own daughter, Crescent...
-yet, few weeks pass, the tribe gets worried about Wintersting, for she doesn't answer their calls... they search for her and found her dead, by the same disease that killed her cubs, and near her, they are even more surprised to find yet another elf baby, who has green hair, and is clearly related to the first one... Wintersting knew she was ill, and could only take care of one baby, so she had given Laluna to the tribe, but kept Terra herself, she wanted to take care something with her last moments... Strongbow and Moonshade adopt her too, for she has the same scent as Laluna and they look so similar that they are clearly siblings...
-The sisters play with Cutter, Nightfall and Skywise when they are young...
-Their childhood is peaceful, Rain is like an uncle to them, and they often visit him...
-Soon after Dewshine and scouter are born, Terra falls from a cliff, she loses all her memories and humans found her and raise her...
-About a Year later, Laluna searches for her sister and falls off the same cliff with same results! humans found and adopt her as well...
-The sisters are separated and they have no memory of their past or one another, they continue living their separate lives till they are teenagers...
-The sister reunite, and are amazed by the fact that they are sisters, but their past is shrouded in mystery, and they are both bothered because they know nothing about their roots...
-They both grow up in the middle of humans, and don't really feel like they belong there, they know nothing of their other shapes, they have lived long resembling humans...

From here, it gets more complicated, due to many different games, and that fact that we are too busy for multi-player RPGs, so the sisters found their way to the holt differently, but I'll add all I can, at the moment... I'll also add parts of what my characters were doing at the moment...




-Terra meets Marut, and is surprised by this small elfin creature, however, they become friends and they seem to get along more than well...

« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 03:06:00 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2011, 03:50:52 AM »

Czarine found some parts of our email EQ RPGs, I'll translate them here, but these are OLD, and some parts of them are missing, like tha scene just before this one, but apparently Strongbow got angry and send to all the Wolfriders so that they gained a slight headache... I really can't remember why he got so angry...

EQ RPG 2005-2006

... And little by little, all the Wolfriders recover from their headache, Cutter sighs in relief when the pain finally eases... Pike looks miserable and grunts,,,

"Phew! He always ruins all the fun!..."

Redlance, who is sitting on beach tells them...

"His sending was right, however, we should be careful and silent when we are on the ground, the humans will us if they hear all the noise we make..."

Oh yes, Laluna remembers the humans, those sadistic creatures who were constantly threatening them... Skywise sighs to Redlance...

"It's very unlikely that they'll hear us all the way here..."

Redlance nods in agreement, but continues...

"Still, there is always a risk, they might not hear us all the way to their village, but their hunting parties might roam near...

Laluna's head slowly recovers from the pain that Stronbow's powerful sending caused... Unstably, she stands up from the water... Laluna and all her clothes are soaking wet...

The mentioning of humans left her silent, Laluna had hoped there weren't any of them left to disturb the lives of the elves... even here, the humans cause only trouble...

Suddenly, a gray wolf playfully jumps into the water, soaking everyone even more! even Redlance, who was sitting on the beach can't avoid getting wet! he starts laughing. Cutter jumps into the wolf's back and lifts Laluna there with him as the wolf starts running along the river, water flying beneath its paws. Cutter lets out soundly laughter, it will annoy Strongbow, for sure!...

It all happens so fast that Laluna can only scream as Cutter captures her to ride the rambunctious wolf. Laluna giggles at Cutter's little scheme, even though the noise the two of them make will anger Strongbow...

Nightrunner leaves the river carrying the two, and runs into the forest, through bushes and grass, until they come to field. they are all filled with leaves, dirt, grass and burrs as the wolf jumps around energetic and wild! then, all of sudden it stops on it's tracks, clearly alarmed about something, Cutter goes silent the instant Nightrunner stops, and starts looking all around with his sharp blue eyes...

(Will continue translating this soon, when I have time)



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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2012, 01:03:18 PM »

Another short one, I will write as I go along... (I have some problems at submitting pictures currently)...

Warnings: none


Terra had been gone for a long time, she must have traveled with the unknown wolf pack. Laluna started to worry, not about her sister, but about Marut, Laluna had not seen him at all within the month, she was not sure if he had left his den outside the Holt. Laluna gathered some food with her and set off to go and meet him. as she walked forth, she had an awful feeling and rushed forward, something was wrong, she just knew it. lonely chirping of a bird pierces the silent woods as Laluna makes her way to the through the forest, she climbs to the tree to his den, it is awfully quiet...


Laluna asks, but no one replies. Laluna looks inside, and thinks that he must have left, as she is about climb down, she has to check again, something feels wrong. Laluna enters the den, and looks around her, no one seems to be there and Marut would have answered when she called for him. Laluna turns, and suddenly notices that Marut's bag is still on the ground. she walks into the hollow of the tree, where Terra and Marut sleep, there, among the many pelts, she sees a hand! Laluna rushes forward and finds Marut lying there silently. Laluna steps closer, and feels shocked. he is too silent. he is dead. Laluna cannot believe what she sees, and touches Marut's hand, Marut suddenly lets out a silent and weak sigh...


she asks, worried but feeling some hope, Marut turns his head very slowly and looks at her with blurry eyes, his skin is red and he has a a high fewer. Laluna gently lifts his hand and says...

"You are burning... how long have you been ill?..."

Marut has trouble forming words, then he whispers...

"three.... weeks..."

Laluna looks worried, if she had come later, Marut could have died here. Laluna looks outside, Strongbow doesn't like him, and he cannot be moved now, his body couldn't handle it. Laluna sits down next to him as gently whispers...

"Rest now, I will take care of everything..."

Marut looks at her and falls asleep, Laluna knows that right now, Marut needs her. Laluna hunts and collects food near by, but she cannot leave him for too long. days turn into a weeks. Laluna climbs in, and sees Marut standing there, looking all better, but then she sees he is dressed in his hunting gear, Laluna rushes forward and pushes him back to bed.

"oh no you dont!..."

Marut stares at her, slightly intimidated. Laluna points her finger at him...

"you WILL rest until you are well! You could die if you go now!..."

Marut looks at Laluna sadly and says very very silently...

"... but... I'm all better..."

Laluna looks at him so seriously, that Marut knows better than to argue with her, women can be scary, he thinks, nods then and whispers...

"... yes, ma'am... I mean... miss..."

Laluna's face slowly turns back to gentle and caring... she sits near him, thinking that now that Terra isn't here, she needs to take care of him and besides, Skywise has been bothering her lately, all the better to stay away from the Holt until things look better...


Explanation: this is yet another short story that is actually a part of a bigger one. and as strange as it sounds, even though I draw laluna and Marut together quite of then, in reality, they don't know each other that well yet. in the story, this marks the beginning of their friendship... so there, not that interesting little story...
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 04:46:29 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2012, 07:14:41 AM »

Aw, I want to hug Marut! I wish you would do more illustrated stories, that they would get published so I could buy them.


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2012, 08:14:59 AM »

Thank you, well, I do illustrate my own stories quite a lot, but my stories are free for all to read! I'm not that great a writer to sell anything!...


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2012, 10:25:18 AM »

Free is great of course! I just like reading stuff in paper form (even though it's bad for the environment). One reason why I read little fanfiction, I just don't like reading on the screen that much.


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2012, 02:41:13 PM »

Ok... I think I'll write another short story...

Warnings: none

The Wind and the Water

It is a nice day... nice day indeed! the weather is warm even at evenings, as the sun shines burning hot all day long. most are happy of this warmth, but one isn't, Laluna walks in the forest, thinking about gathering some herbs she could use later on... then, all of sudden, she feels a little droplet of sweat on her neck... she gets thirsty... so very thirsty... the sun seems to shine mercilessly on her, and she feels faint... Laluna tries to walk to the shadows of the forest, she falls to the ground unconscious... her blue hair shine out in the rays of the sun, contrasting against the bright green grass... she is visible, for too many to see...
Tomi is lying on a tree-branch nearby, it's nice and windy up on the tree, and he can be alone... but he has been doing this the whole day and gets bored, when he is thinking about what to do he gets the urge to see pretty ladies! Terra dislikes him when he gets too friendly... but her sister... well they don't know that well... yet!.. Tomi jumps to his feet, wide smile on his face...

"Alright! Yer my next target, lady blue!..."

Tomi grins and heads off to find this beautiful blue lady. After searching for her for some time, he stops shocked! there she is, lying on the ground! and near her... a human!... the human slowly closes in on Laluna, lifting his club, ready to strike the lady dead!... Tomi leaps into action! he cannot withstand someone maiming a lady! just as the human is about to strike, Tomi runs like the wind, never stopping lifts her up and vanishes to the forest with her, leaving the human baffled... he didn't even see the small elf!... Tomi stops only when its safe... looks at unconscious Laluna... she looks more pale than usual...

"What's wrong with ye?..."

Tomi whispers... takes Laluna to the shadows... there lying on the moss, her pale skin shining out from the dark... suddenly, her lips move, Tomi crouches down near her, his ear next to her lips... Laluna is trying to say something... and after few efforts, she pleads...

"... Water... ... take me to... water..."

Tomi asks nothing, picks her up and runs as fast as he can, Laluna's blue hair is blowing in the wind fiercely... he jumps over bushes and finally finds a small pond... he runs to the water, making it splash all around them, his movements slow down, until he just stands there, in the pond. He keeps Laluna's head above the water, not once looking away from her pale face... Laluna trembles a little... lifts her hand to Tomi's chest... and finally opens her violet eyes... Tomi sights in relief... she is better, he doesn't know how, but she's better... and like she was a fish, she gets better in a flash now that she is in her element... she smiles to him, and Tomi cannot help but to smile back, "so pretty!" he thinks and scratches his head...

"thank you..."

her gentle voice breaks the silence... Tomi cannot help but to nod... everything is fine in his world when a lady thanks him. Laluna stands in the water, looking at the sky. looks uneasy, she does not like the sun... suddenly Skywise's young voice says from the shore...

"After the sisters again, eh?..."

Tomi and Laluna turn their gazes to him, he doesn't look very pleased... Laluna doesn't know what is going on, but these two don't like one another... the forest is too small for two womanizers, and Tomi has pulled annoying and quite mean pranks towards him in the past...

"Well, it was fun, lets meet again..."

Tomi says to Laluna, and jumps off the water, vanishing in the forest, Skywise is in foul mood when he looks after him, but one glance at Laluna and his face shines with you!... Laluna looks at him with a tired smile...

"Like always..."

without saying more, she walks home, Skywise follows her, even though he knows she doesn't always like him!... Thus, the day ends with everyone safe and sound!...

Explanation: Laluna doesn't like womanizers, she doesn't hate them, but sometimes gets bored of them... and here she doesn't know that Tomi is one too! and Tomi is awfully mean towards Skywise, that's why he doesn't like Tomi...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 02:51:51 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2012, 12:07:46 PM »

Tomi goes against the humans again, so there is violence...

Warnings: Violence

Winter cold

A small group of people have made a camp in the mountains, they are
all starving in the bitter cold winter, sun shines from the sky, but
no ray of warmth passes though the sky colored like frozen steel, a
cold sun. A woman of the camp looks at it with eyes full of longing.
it has been days she last ate her full. she misses the green summer.
she walks near the tent, and hears her father and grandfather talking.
her grandfather commands...

"The winter is too harsh! we cannot survive like this! there are too
many mouths to feed and only little we can share!..."

Her father is silent for a moment, and for the girl's terror he says...

"Alma is useless... she only walks around the camp doing nothing..."

She cannot believe what she is hearing, they are talking about her!
she stands there as still as the sky, heart sinking with fear... she
never would have though that her family would want to get rid of
her... but she just knows they will, like something is telling her to
run... her grandfather spokes in a dooming tone...

"Get rid of Alma... we will tell her mother that wolves got her..."

she hears her father stand up, without thinking anything more, she
runs! she is in panic, she will die if he stays here any longer! she
will die in the wilderness where she is heading, for she cannot
survive on her own. but the thought of getting killed by her own
father, the one she thought was going to protect her from all harm,
she will accept any death before it! tears fill her eyes as she cannot
even scream, her heart torn apart. they betrayed her... her family
betrayed her... her feet carry her far from the camp, and finally she
can't run anymore, her feet are numb and she falls to the snow, crying
silently. her quiet sobs feel so empty in the forest... soon, she will
die here, she will starve, or beasts of the forest will reclaim her
life... she lies in the snow for a time, feeling hopeless and alone,
then she notices a tent just beyond the forest, on a hill! she rushes
at it! maybe they will take her with them! but as soon as she gets
there, she stops horrified... the snows... they are not white... they
are in the color of deep red... Alma stands still... dead... they are
all dead! but... what killed them?... she walks in the camp,
frightened as a deer in the territory of wolves... looks at the dead
people, they seem to be a hunting group, those said to specialize in
hunting demons... Alma doesn't understand... she never believed the
stories about demons, but she knows these men were strong, completely
able to take care of themselves. what could have done this?... Alma
walks around, never knowing that she is being watched... Tomi sits
behind a tree, cleaning his daggers in the snow. he moves atop the
snow, light as a feather, no sound can be heard from his movements, as
if he was a snowflake, Tomi watches the human girl from behind a tent.
lifting his trusty blade. he is ready to take her life as well... but
the more he watches her... the more he lowers his dagger... this
human... she isn't a threat, she doesn't even know where she is and
how to survive...

"I must be mad..."

Tomi whispers to himself, hides his daggers and silently jumps on a
branch near the girl, waiting for her to notice him. slowly the girl
turns around, screams and falls to the snow! a small... human like
thing is watching her... it... it must be a demon!...

"Don't hurt me! please!!..."

Alma cries, hiding her face in her frail hands... Tomi comforts her
in human tongue...

"Shhh-shhh... don't be afraid... I'm not going to hurt ye..."

Alma shivers, slowly lowers her hands and fearfully gazes at him, and notices that he smiles at her... Alma looks as this odd creature, not even
knowing what she should think... in the stories they are horrible
monsters... but how can something smaller than her be that
dangerous... Tomi asks...

"Ye lost?... where are ye heading?..."

the girl looks into the snow, unable to say what happened at first.
then she sobs...

"Father... tried to kill me... I-I ran... I have no place to go..."

Tomi jumps in front of her, Alma looks at him scared, her eyes full of
tears... Tomi pities the girl...

"Ye poor thing... life has been unfair... it will be dark soon... ye
will froze to death alone like that... would ye trust a demon to keep
ye alive for the night?..."

Alma thinks, looks at the dead hunters around her... could this small
creature have done this?... no... something else killed them... and
she will die too, without help, scared, she nods slightly... they
travel together in a small cave, it is warm there, for Alma's
surprise... she sits on a pelt... Tomi puts on a fire... Alma looks
into the flames, and starts feeling tired in it's warmth, all that has
happened, the fear, the running, the sorrow the amazement... she falls
in a deep sleep... Tomi holds her head in his lap, looks at the
sleeping girl, perfectly aware that she is helpless and she is the
enemy... he pets her head slightly and whispers...

"... I am sorry...."

and slowly grabs his dagger... he lifts the dagger  up, looking sadly
at the girl. thinking that this is all for the best... the girl has
suffered enough... the light of the fire shines deep red on his deadly
blade... Tomi is about to kill the girl, he has killed many, this task
would be nothing to him... but he feels a sting in his heart... hides
his dagger... whispers in a sad tone...

"... I still have a heart, it seems..."

Tomi stays up all night, keeping the girl alive. never will he tell
about this to anyone... One who has taken the life of many, saving the
life of one...

Explanation: the elves do not know it, but Tomi has a human as a
foster child. to Alma, Tomi is more loving a father than anyone, but
she does not know what Tomi does on his journeys. Alma thinks that
Tomi is unable to kill...
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 09:30:28 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2012, 02:55:27 PM »

another shortie... I'm on a roll today!... this one was written within few minutes...

Warnings: none

Snowtime happiness
A wolf runs in the snowy fields, her heart pounds with happiness as she rushes forward, she is in a hurry, something exciting is about to happen! then, the Wolf stops and stands like a statue, nose flaring she inhales the winter air for familiar scents. slowly, a shadow climbs atop a hill in front of her, her ears point up and she charges forward! her speed increases by every step she takes! she ponces at the shadow and pushes it on the ground! the person lifts his head, his big nose leaves a deep hole in the snow. Marut looks at the wolf...

"ahahaha! I missed you too, Terra..."

the wolf starts to crawl and twist, the fur on her back turning curly and green. naked skin shows underneath the green flowing hair... pink eyes shine out to stare at him... a small playful smile rises to Terra's lips, she lunges at Marut who falls in the snow again! she grabs Marut by the cheeks and starts kissing his nose and face, Marut tries to get up...

"Terra! Ter- ummph! Terra!..."

Marut grabs a handful of snow and smears it in Terra's face...


Terra screams and shivers... looks sad...

"I want home... it's cold..."

she hugs herself to keep warm, Marut throws a snowball at her! Terra screams and charges after Marut who runs cheerfully away! the merry chase ends when Marut slips and falls in icy pond... Terra rushes to help him...


After Terra gets him out from the freezing water, they hurry back to their tree den. Marut quickly rids himself of the wet cold clothes and dives beneath the furs... Terra comes next to shivering Marut, hugs him tightly to keep him warm... Marut smiles little, lifts a fish...

"well... I got us dinner..."

Terra smiles softly, lifts his fingers in his hair... kisses his nose once more... they don't talk, words would be unnecessary, they just hug each other... Terra lifts her hair over them both... then she whispers to his ear...

"Welcome back..."

Marut whispers to her...

"it's good to be back..."

they both close their eyes and and sleep, they need their strength when sun sets... for then it's time to hunt...
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 09:27:02 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2012, 03:12:03 PM »

Just some FASTLY written poetry... Terra and Door... and yeah, I'm tired as I write this, so it might end up silly...

Sky VS earth
He flew higher than her eyes could see.
the old bird of prey tried to hunt her.
but where could she be?
she vanished, to his wonder.

hiding beneath rock between bushes,
curled in her green hair.
worried, she prays and wishes,
that the glider wouldn't see her lair.

He is the hawk and she is the hare,
Door tries to find her but has no luck,
his eyes filled with anger shine like a flare,
he is the lord of skies but she only has to duck!

this is not over.
he thinks and leaves the chase.
Terra's shoulders fall lower.
it has been like this for days.

for today she might be the winner,
but tomorrow is another test.
all this have made her thinner.
but today, today she can rest...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 06:14:28 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2012, 07:53:42 PM »

Our little Berit...Poetry Master!
The sorrow of the elves is that
The things they love must die...
(The Tree of swords and jewels waits for me)
Time withers all about them,
Yet the elves it passes by...
(When shall I hang my own upon the Tree?)


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2012, 08:27:19 PM »

Still in mood for poetry, and again, it's late at night and I'm sleepy!! it's about Tomi this time...

Warnings: Violence

Shadows unseen

Night and a night again I slip through the shadows
Heartbeat fastening in my chest
I send their souls flying free as forest doves
my blade drunk from blood I rest

I live all my life unseen
I feel not the thrills
I could as be nothing but a dream
but I am a serpent who kills

Why they need to go?
that you would ask
they harm us, is it not so?
that is why I do the task

No screams, no pain
my blade takes their lives away
red rain falls again
Night red turns to day

I do not find happiness
how could I? looking into her eyes
I continue, nevertheless
only knowing something in me dies

my blade unseen
I hang my head
my sorrow unseen
no words being said

I am a the darkness
what else could I be?
I know in my sadness
that no one sees... me...
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 09:33:05 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2012, 01:20:05 AM »

Aww, poor Tomi! He could use a hug, if only he could be found.  :'(


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2013, 03:53:42 PM »

Something fast that has been buzzing inside my head for a while, again, I write as I go, so typos will occur!... Tomi and Laluna again...

Warnings: Slight violence


... It had been many years and Tomi had not appeared in the Holt, It also seemed that he was out of sendings reach, for he did not answer to their calls. Some of them did not feel his presence anymore, so many of them wondered if he had died somewhere. Then one day, Laluna walked in the woods, collecting mushrooms and herbs. She was trying to remember what Rain had taught her when she was little...

... Suddenly she heard noises from afar, Humans, no doubt about it, but she did not hide, for it was clear by their voices that they were on their way back, talking about an prey that got away. She sighted, knowing that there was a wounded beast somewhere, she was about to reach her knife and go forward to search for the beast, But was slightly alarmed by a familiar voice...

"Well! look at that! Ain't I glad to see ye!..."

She turned her head, slightly frustrated, it was Tomi alright, this close to the Holt and he didn't even answer to their howls. but suddenly her anger turned to a shock, for Tomi breathed heavily and leaned on the tree, his clothes stained by red, he had an arrow stuck in his stomach. Not saying a word she rushed to him. Tomi's smiled at her...

"... Yer a life saver... I know ye can do it, Sweet-cheeks..."

Laluna did all she could to save his life, as Tomi fell unconscious. it took a lot out of her, but when she was done, she could only stare at the arrow. Humans had no such thing as bows! She could only ponder if it had been another elf that shot Tomi, but why? again she was startled a slightly by Tomi's sudden words.

"... Got me of guard as well... I came to tell ye all I saw... Humans know how to use them, it must've been Cade's doing. He teached them the skill... to hunt us..."

Laluna looked into his dark eyes, not believing what she had heard. But she knew Tomi was not the one to lie. The thought of humans hunting them with bows made her feel uneasy. clenching her fist she looked after the humans. There was another thing that worried her as well. the humans managed to hit Tomi and it was no easy task. that meant they didn't just shoot arrows, but they knew how to aim and were skilled at it...

...As they returned to the Holt, the news silenced everyone for a moment. Strongbow looked even more grim than the others. He was not pleased by the idea of elven weaponry in the hands of the humans who had no right to use it, not after all what they had done...

Aaaand that's about it for now! I have an early morning and it's already late! will do another part later on...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 06:12:26 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2013, 06:03:18 PM »

It has been quiet here lately, hasn't it? well, I'll just write a new story then! again, I'll write as I go along...

Warnings: NONE

Another Shadow

The issue with the humans having knowledge of elf weapons had been a subject in the talks among those who lived in the Holt, They had not found a solution for it yet. Tomi had left the Holt alone, He thought it was time he used his skills again, the only way he knew. In the Shadows he lifted his knife to coat it with poison, but suddenly he heard movement behind him.

"Whose there?.."

He asked with a demanding voice and the movement behind him had stopped. Then young male voice began to speak to him from the shadows. Voice he had not heard before, but it spoke like an elf.

"So... You noticed me... Say, Are you going to go there and kill them all? really? that is your big plan?... You are getting predictable... and you know what?... you are wrong! you kill to protect, but do you not see the pain you cause them!? maybe they are not same as us, but they still have the right to live!..."

Tomi looked a bit puzzled as he listened, but slowly he had started to feel angry, who was this person, lecturing him in such way? Tomi demanded...

"Show yer self! I've no time for yer games!..."

The shadow stepped forward, he was taller than Tomi, but his appearance had startled Tomi for another reason... The man had similar clothing as Tomi did, Like he had come from the same place. They both looked at each other in the light of the two moons. The young man was not pleased. his dark red hair was short and wind blown. then his young voice broke the silence...

"Please... I'm begging you... stop this now... no more killing..."

Tomi was alarmed for a moment but then he regained his cool. He answered the youngster...

"I have to... There be no other way... its them... or us..."

The youngster stepped forward, looking Tomi straight in the eye. He said no words but his expression told it all, he was going to stop Tomi, no matter what. As they both stood there on a moonlit branch, caught in their fury. They had not noticed that they were being watched by violet eyes. Laluna stood there watching them. she had come after Tomi because he was injured and in no condition to fight but she had not expected to see anything like this, She had no idea, that there could be another shadow...

There! I don't know if anyone is reading these but it's fun to do anyway! Yay! a wild shadow has appeared! wild shadow casts guilt, Its super effective!...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 04:56:48 PM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2013, 11:54:14 PM »

You are getting predictable...

I really like that!
Yep, it is super effective!


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2013, 08:27:46 AM »

Time for more of Berit's goofing around with text! And as always, I write as I go along...

Warnings: none

New sharp blade

In the dark shadows of a hollowed tree, Tomi sat, thinking about the words of the stranger. Every minute that passed by could mean the death to someone he cared about. He did not know another way to solve the problem, but the cub was right. That had brought a little smile to Tomi's face. Sometimes, the sharpest of knives gets dull without anyone noticing, and now Tomi felt like he was this knife. He stood up and whispered to himself...

"Time to sharpen this ol' knife... maybe it's been time fer that longer than I imagined..."

Just as had been ready to leave, he heard a bright elven giggling from below. Terra had fun with Skywise, They both jumped from branch to branch chasing one another. Skywise finally caught her and they fell in a bush below the trees. Tomi had gotten worried for a moment but smiled again as Terra giggled out in excitement. Skywise turned to Terra, ready to make his move but Terra eyes got fixated upon a running mouse and she charged after it before Skywise could do anything. Tomi followed their cheerful hunting for a while thinking to himself that killing and war were not the way of elves here. but Go-Backs would probably agree with Tomi about attacking the humans. Suddenly Tomi had started to smile again...

"Ye show how to do it then, cub..."

At the same time the shadows behind him shivered and the young voice of the mystery man asked...

"Whah!?... you knew I was here!?..."

Tomi looked at the forest and answered...

"Aye... show me how sharp ye can be..."

The young man had started to look depressed...

"Really?... phew... well fine! I'll show you another way then..."

The youngster jumped out of the hollow tree and rushed to find a way to fix the matter. he felt the pressure of Tomi's constantly watching eyes, not knowing that Tomi was smiling all the time...

Urgh... I should not write when I'm ill.... hard to focus... but then again! it's a fine way to pass time!...
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 08:30:02 AM by Berit »


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Re: Berit's short stories
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2013, 05:41:13 PM »

Ah, now I know the reason behind the mysterious moonlit picture! Yayyy, more stories by you!
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