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In Fishing trip - Posted Jan 23, 2011
LOL, I love this! The girls' expressions look like "Um... ???" and the one on the right (Newt?) just looks like he's thinking "I'll get it! I'll get it!" - but it leaves me half-expecting him to be about to take an unexpected dunk himself if he keeps running! =D

I like the effect of the background, too! It's detailed, yet simple, and being simple makes the whole picture look... I don't know... happy? Carefree? Whatever it is, this picture is great! :)
In "An Early White Cold" by Lunakat - Posted Jan 23, 2011
Beautiful picture, beautiful family... and I love the picture-within-a-picture wolf face on the wall! =D
In "The Start of New Moon's Journey" by Afke van Herpt - Posted Jan 23, 2011
Yes, yes! That's what I couldn't pin down about how it looks so incredibly true to EQ art. Being all hand-done, and the hint of paper, like Eregyrn said, must be why I could see this as an actual frame from one of Wendy's own comics. (How's that for your photo-realism portrayal of the comic book setting? =D)
In Leetah - Posted Jan 23, 2011
If she's swiveling her hips while standing more or less in place or taking small steps, her hair *wouldn't* necessarily move all that much, I'd think. It kind of reminds me of a belly-dancing move. I'd have to say my favorite part of this is how her skin turned out.
In "You Are My Home" by Jerelyn Foxeye - Posted Jan 23, 2011
Ahhh, there's the picture that the icon came from! Breathtaking! I love the landscape, and I don't usually care about landscapes. If there are artistic flaws in this, they're beyond the training level of my eye.
In Tyleet - Then & Now - Posted Jan 22, 2011
Both versions are quite beautiful, actually. The one on the right seems to have a bit of a D&D art "feel" to it to me (that's meant as a compliment). If you were going for sexy originally, I think you captured that more in the new version -- the old pose I really like, too, but I'd probably call it "quirky"! :D
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