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Member Albums

Owner: Jeb

9 items
2 items
4 items
I'm always interested when people share their creative processes, so here I share some of mine.
22 items
17 items
My variously successful attempts to capture at least a fraction of the beauty that others here have achieved.

Owner: Elftanner

2 items
Elves that I have drawn that are not Elfquest, or Dan'n elves.
15 items
This is where I will put my Elfquest elves.
5 items
I started a series of drawings of the elves as the Gods and Godesses
39 items
This section will hold drawings of elves from my World of Dan'N. I started creating this world when I was 16 years old. The characters have gone through many iterations. They have been played as RPGs, they have been in many short stories by the playe…
7 items
These are drawings requested by others and posted here. They range from canon characters to self elves. enjoy  :-*
72 items
These are sketches I did for fun. Most are requested, some are not. If you would like one just let me know. I am still taking requests.
24 items
This is a comic I did about Shale and Eyeshigh


No items
My characters with other elves
No items

Owner: Windrider

7 items
More or less finished drawings, inks, and paintings.
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