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Album - Owner: Jeb - 4 items
I'm always interested when people share their creative processes, so here I share some of mine.
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Try, try again - RT Thornbow
I'm always interested in learning about other's drawing processes. I'm still learning to block out drawings first, so I still usually just draw something, and if I don't like it, start again. If not interesting, it might at least provide an embarrassed chuckle.

Again from River Twine, this is Thorn…
 Views: 2274
 Comments: 3
Apr 17, 2014
Zoom Details 2
Try, try again - RT
I'm always interested in learning about other's drawing processes. I'm still learning to block out drawings first, so I still usually just draw something, and if I don't like it, start again. If not interesting, it might at least provide an embarrassed chuckle.

This is a story illustration for Rive…
 Views: 2278
 Comments: 2
Apr 17, 2014
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Try, try again - RT Snowfall
I'm always interested in learning about other's drawing processes. I'm still learning to block out drawings first, but I still usually just draw something, and if I don't like it, start again. If not interesting, it might at least provide an embarrassed chuckle.

This is Snowfall from River Twine. H…
 Views: 2279
 Comments: 3
Apr 17, 2014
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Try, try again - RT Copper
I'm always interested in learning about other's drawing processes. I'm still learning to block out drawings first, but I still usually just draw something, and if I don't like it, start again. If not interesting, it might at least provide an embarrassed chuckle.

This is Copper from the River Twine…
 Views: 2255
 Comments: 2
Apr 17, 2014
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