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Berit's Glider Pictures
Album - Owner: Berit - 13 items
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Anondraw Door - 2020 January 21, 2020, 08:43:13 AM 200 2
Followed Yavia's idea of making the Elfquest character names with symbols, as she did with her Strongbow drawing! made door because it was so stupidly easy to create his name that way!... also, did this here!...

Anondraw Kureel - 2020 January 24, 2020, 08:56:21 AM 225 7
Was kinda lost at what I should draw in Czarine's EQ anondraw https://www.anondraw.com/collab#private_j6meh,-196,-53 and Wildfire said I should draw a glider, so I drew Kureel!...
Anondraw Winnowill - 2020 January 24, 2020, 10:51:35 AM 198 4
Used a different style than the one I mostly use, also Done in Czarine's EQ anondraw drawing room!...
Don't touch me! March 11, 2012, 01:51:35 PM 791
Terra wants nothing to do with Door, and Door wants to experiment this odd creature some more...

Yeah, I know, these Fineliner artworks are nothing impressive, but when I try something out, I usually try them out looots... besides, I'm learning how to draw Door in the first place...
Door 2012 March 09, 2012, 05:16:17 AM 765 6
Side profile of door, drew this completely without a reference, so there's about million of things wrong, but like always it was fun to do!... and yes, more Door to come, later on!...

And yup, still experimenting with the fineliners and markers...
how is it possible... March 11, 2012, 12:11:54 PM 758 2
"... that you torment me even when you are in deep sleep?..."

Door wondering about Terra, who is in a magical slumber. Terra is in lots of trouble, without knowing it...

yeah, more Fineliner nonsense, but I'm just so happy that the site is open again, I had to post something!...
I grow tired of you... March 12, 2012, 12:22:37 PM 1226 5
Door is getting tired of Terra, Laluna and Marut... and it's worrying, when he gets tired of something...

Yup! still fineliners!... I'll wait  a little before I post more of this stuff, so that you wouldn't get bored!...
I understand... your pain... March 12, 2012, 12:05:56 PM 1248 6
Laluna being kind and understanding... even towards Door...

Yup! these will never end!... but I'm so busy at work, that I can only draw fast pictures like these fineliner sketches... and because I almost never color my art, these might be a refreshing change... and I get to improve my coloring skills at the same time...
I'll head home after it's done... March 11, 2012, 02:11:58 PM 776
Laluna is sure that Moonshade will be pleased!... but little does she know, that she is not heading home tonight...

Yup, Door, Fineliners and markers again... and boy how these fineliners are runny! the others were far better...
Open your mind to me March 09, 2012, 05:08:15 AM 838
Terra and Door, who is torturing her, he never understood Terra's mind nor her wolf blood, he wants to learn what is this creature he sees before him. Terra hates it all, because she saw what winnowill did to Stongbow!...

And yeah, a bit cheesy fineliner and marker sketching, and in Terra-Verse, (as Mirror named it!) Strongbow is Terra's father, and she was there when Winnowill tortured him...
Random Door sketch - 2015 July 12, 2015, 08:46:44 AM 1348 7
Just a Random Sketch about Door...
Seeing the world through different eyes March 11, 2012, 02:00:27 PM 836 5
More Fineliner/marker mess... Terra and Door again... well, to be honest, I'm actually planning to make a short EQ comic... not sure if I'll do it, but planning, it has been long since I made a comic and I'm getting rusty...

anway, if I make a comic, the cover will be based on this... maybe...
Under my spell March 12, 2012, 11:24:54 AM 1060 9
Laluna gets some sort of spell cast on her... I don't know why, but this image made me think of countless old anime... anyway, fineliner & Door mess again...

and I'm not sure have the rules of mature art changed some way, like what they say about nudity in the future, so if this turns out to be something that belongs in mature albums. I'll move it right away...
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