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Drawings and sketches
Album - Owner: Startear - 91 items
I'm more a dollmaker and fanfic writer than a drawer, but I sometimes I find myself trying. These are the ones I was lucky enough to get on my scanner.
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Crouch January 27, 2023, 04:34:07 PM 97 5
Made a figure sketch that just screamed Silverfish to me, so I finished him with my promarkers. Had to finish my sweet boy.

Made in a brown sketchbook that worked surprisingly well with markers, no feathering and doesn't eat the pigment, too bad I only got two pages left  :lol This is actually the first time I really tried to mix color pencil with alcohol markers. Used to be a snob about it, but I am better now.
Longshanks and Dewshine November 24, 2022, 02:45:25 PM 83 2
I could probably continue this forever but… god, I am so done with this. Digital project I started on last year that I happened to find on my ipad files a few weeks ago. 

I remember when I started this, I kept thinking about how Dewshine is rarely drawn on her own without her lovemates or her tormentor, and so many forget that her primary weapon is bow and arrow. I also thing I have never seen her drawn with her wolffriend? So here she is hunting with Longshanks.
Dewshine Hidden Years era November 24, 2022, 02:37:43 PM 93 3
Found my old Dewshine sketch and tried some color variations. First from the left is original, second is inverted and the third is the colors she usually wears.
Trinket and Jink March 14, 2022, 04:57:25 AM 120 1
While I ponder what to depict in this years calendar, enjoy this messy sketch of Trinket and Jink. I don't really think they'll end up together, but Trinket has been shown to have a crush on Jink in Stargazer's Hunt. And it is really, really cute.
Dewshine wip November 22, 2021, 05:05:09 PM 146 3
Been writing a lot lately, and just as I was about to draw Nightfall or Leetah, who I usually subject to experimenting with different mediums ( this time digital) I thought that I have never drawn Dewshine before. So, have this sketch I’m working on. I feel like people forget that she is one of the primary archers in the tribe.

So yeah, have a mesy, not quite finished Dewshine sketch.
Silverfish April 26, 2021, 12:01:34 AM 219 3
Here is my Elfquest RPG character. I managed to roll a troll, which I found really fun. Like, a Rayek bodytype on a troll?  :lol

He is a sweet, friendly guy who likes fishing with a javelin. I made a little backstory to explain why he had a Plainsrunner best friend: his mother sent him away when King Gruttlekraw died. She was afraid that he'd kill her child, because her king was like that, and that was all she had known. Silverfish found a tribe of elves who took him in and he has lived the plains life ever since.

He often gets roped in with adventures with his best friend, another character that I rolled but have yet to illustrate. He has an ear scar that they got  in a fight with a longtooth. He actually has a vest, mocasins and a hat, but he rarely wears them when he fishes in the river.

I might change some of his design elements. Like his pants, I am not happy with the color but. C'est la vie.

I have recently switched jobs and have been training this week, so this was a quick drawing using some pens and color pencils that I found lying around. But I had fun!
Ember February 08, 2021, 11:42:21 AM 201 5
While commenting the lovely sketches of Ember that Wildfire posted, it occured to me that I had never drawn her. So! Here she is! I was always very fond of her SaBtM and KotB look, it is so spunky and fun! I tried to carry this over in my drawings. In the top drawing she stole Scouter's hat, and in the bottom, she is aiming a shot with her sling.

Medium: Color pencil and tombow brushmarker.
Uli September 07, 2020, 03:53:09 PM 308 4
Finished painting of @nilla's character Uli. Painted with gouche on Arches watercolor block.
Uli Sketch September 07, 2020, 03:51:04 PM 227
Instead of working on things I should have, I drew a picture that I promised a long time ago to @nilla
Fire-Eye November 16, 2019, 03:55:56 PM 279 2
«Lonely-sad highthing got Fire-Eye again! Like all burny-head inside!»

You know, ever since we did the emotionative portrait series, I had this idea in mind but never truly dared to execute it. Until now. I've been experimenting a little with watercolor teqniques and made this piece of Jethel. It is also a callback to Original Quest: http://elfquest.com/read/index.php?s=OQ/OQ03&p=7

Edit: Excuse the shitty angle, don't have acess to my scanner right now.
Flood and flower January 21, 2019, 02:11:53 PM 314 3
I was gesture drawing when this pose reminded me of dancing which sent my mind over to the flood and flower celebration and lo this happened. It took me nearly two weeks to dare to color it but I'm fairly happy with it.  :)
Dancing Leetah May 28, 2018, 11:22:43 PM 300 1
I actually drew this almost two months ago or so, but I promptly forgot to post it. I was sick and exam tired, and was struck by the desire to draw Leetah dancing. I meant to color it but when I used the gold it messed everything up to a smear. So enjoy this black and white Leetah dancing.
Beyond's summer look November 19, 2017, 12:35:42 PM 289 5
Beyond was being difficult and nilla was bemoaning this. I had a suggestion but felt a struggle to explain what kind of top I think he'd look good in, so I drew it.

Then I goofed on the colors of said top. Or maybe I just want him or someone to kill me. I have to redo an 8-10 page paper and when I was finally told, I had to focus on an exam, so it's due next Monday.

Also, man. I refferenced my own hands for the pose and it really shows that I forgot to switch perspective.  :(
Go-Back kids March 18, 2017, 04:55:59 PM 9916 5
Some various kids from OQ. I always loved the designs on them, so!
Spring bath May 31, 2016, 07:08:14 AM 1531 5
So, one of the elements for the 2016 Grab Bag for May was flowers and nakedness, and I am happy to oblige! So here is Trinket from my "Trinket grows up with the Wolfriders AU." Taking a bath.

Actually I just wanted an excuse to draw a naked trollbutt. 
Ekah sketch March 05, 2016, 12:17:40 AM 1868 3
I did a quick ballpoint pen sketch of Ekah. I've been talking a lot about Cone and her era lately on the Elfquest front, so I felt that Ekah needed some attention. I did this after doing some warm-up exercises. Tried to draw within 10 minutes, used eight. Since it was pretty basic, I tried to get some movement into her hair.
Nightdancer February 29, 2016, 11:10:04 PM 1924 4
Obscure character time! This gal was in the BoTC comic and novels. I'm not sure if it really is Nightdancer, it's just an educated guess. She was a magic user, she could call moisture out of the air, and she made the muddy battle ground. What if she could repel it too, as an umbrella?

This was an illo for March 2016 Grab Bag
*disguested noise* color February 17, 2016, 12:09:01 AM 1931 3
Colored version of disgusted noise. I tried a new technique, it was fun!
*disgusted noise* February 14, 2016, 01:49:13 AM 1924
I've been wondering how Cone looks with short hair, and I wanted t do a "loosening" exercise. 

As for why she is making that face, most likely because she killed an animal native to Timeless area and is very dismayed a the taste. Aiobhe? Something like that, @nilla?

I plan to color this but if anyone feels like taking a go at it, feel free!
Leaving Home February 06, 2016, 06:52:36 PM 1779 3
I got a new watercolor set for Christmas, but for reasons I didn't get it before yesterday. So I had to do a test run. This is an Illustration for my own fanfic, Leaving Home, where Cone decides to leave the Wolfriders. In one scene Beyond, @nilla's character shoves his hat over Cone's face.

Story can be read here: http://ladystud.tumblr.com/post/138723746439/wow-this-thing-wrote-itself-thanks-to
Feeling of loss (sketch) January 16, 2016, 08:32:41 PM 1694 3
Initial pen sketch of Feeling of loss, here: http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5353

I originally liked the "finished" one first, but now I like this one best  :lol
Rough sketch for tanning January 09, 2016, 11:28:37 PM 1789 2
I love rough sketches, so maybe I need to go with a good example? Bad picture of the sketch I used for this illustration: http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5352

Finished picture was an illustration for January 2016 Grab Bag at Father Tree Holt.

Feeling of loss January 16, 2016, 11:02:23 PM 1604
"The first snow of the white-cold had laid a thin white blanket over the holt, when the news were broken to the tribe. Starfire, daughter of the chieftess was dead. The news had spread, laying a clammy hand on their bellies."

Illustration for a planned fanfic. Contribution to December 2015 Grab-bag.
Tanning January 11, 2016, 02:28:50 PM 1505 3
My scanner doesn't work anymore, so this is a camera picture. There are definitely things I'm unhappy about, but I had fun.

Trinket and Moonshade sharing a moment. Part of my "Trinket gets left behind in time" au. This is a contribution to January 2016 grab-bag
Tween Trinket September 27, 2015, 06:16:58 AM 2082 2
And a tween Trinket. It always annoyed me that Hidden Years Trinket looked the exact same as in Kings, so as I was wrangling with myPaint and layers, I drew how I think she may have looked when a bit older than Kings, but not quite in Wild Hunt.
Taroh September 27, 2015, 06:07:01 AM 2087 1
Wrangling a bit with digital again, I drew Taroh, a character I adopted in World of Danen. Too bad I never did anything with him. This took about 30 min-1 hour.
Bowki January 17, 2015, 12:21:39 PM 3152 1
I was playing around with coal. :)
Home November 13, 2014, 01:48:04 PM 4028 2
Ekah is back home, and exploring everything.

This was also when she learned that sandstorms may come swiftly.

I feel a bit meh on the shading and inking, but it might be because I worked two days at this.
Sketchdump November 10, 2014, 01:15:21 PM 3950 1
A scetchdump. Initially I wanted to add Strongbow, Crescent and Chitter, but I ran out of room. :)
Young Apple November 10, 2014, 12:56:21 PM 4115 4
I just wanted to draw her happy for once, so a smiling but young Apple.
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