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Author Topic: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice  (Read 166750 times)


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #525 on: April 06, 2020, 08:39:19 AM »

(No need to defense, I was just reminded.)

Antaka opens her mouth. Familiar footprints? Lady Ironglory could have been from his tribe, or they both meet. They do have some similarities like the color of eyes, the armor parts, the way of talking. (The height?)
she burst out: "Do you know Sir Toad?"

Then takes a deep breath. "Did you see the boar transform? Was anyone near it too? I have seen the head of an elk falling down into the valley from a far distance. It could have come from the cave. May I accompany you to find out if someone is in trouble? And we do miss ehm, a whole tribe, presumably dead."
She thinks that must sound silly and added: "I'm not afraid to go up there."

Just a short brief moment there was fear, but she wants to know. And with a warrior like this on her side, she might have a chance to at least take a look inside the cave. But she was cautious. This woman can still be the reason for all of this and just lie to her. It seems unlikely by her words, but Antaka don't know for sure. But she remembers the honor Toad have spoken off. A knight will be hornest she assumes.
I'm not conceited with my title - it's just how it is  ;D


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #526 on: April 06, 2020, 10:06:04 AM »

Any elf approaching Stormhunt and Solstice receive warning growls and snarls until Stormvex tells them to allow the others to have hands on the fallen elf. The bonds obey, but glare at the elves, letting them know they are not to interfere any further.  Stormvex follows the elves, letting them deal with the "god" since they seemed to know him and had a sense of what was going on. Perhaps he was from their holt or on some sort of relationship with them. He could be possessed or his personality split but was important to these elves. This was not his fight.

**Runedance, put the bow down,** he locksent to his friend. **You might hit someone...more importantly, one of our bonds. I promise you'll get to whack something later.**  He knew Runedance wasn't concerned with these elves, not knowing them, but the warning about the bonds made him lower his bow.

**If he starts up again, I'll put this arrow between his eyes or straight into his heart.** Runedance made his way toward the elf with the others, but certainly was in no hurry. Suddenly, things felt boring.
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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #527 on: April 06, 2020, 12:38:26 PM »

Moondrop pauses at the warning growls of the new beasts, desperate to get to Wander but scared of being attacked. One of the elves appears to be their master, as at his direction they allow her to get closer. She nods at him in thanks, and quickly covers Wander's eyes and ties his wrists as Laluna examines him.

Once Wander is bound, Moondrop shies back away from the large animals.

At Marut's question, Moondrop's gaze flicks to Laluna and Mahadrin. "Wander seemed gentle and weak when he offered to share his shelter with us, but it appears Yare may have been right about him after all."

She looks at the new elves with curiosity. They didn't seem to know about Wander's power, so couldn't be part of his tribe. They also looked like they knew how to take care of them selves, despite running unprovoked into danger.

"Thank you for your help." She looks to the forest where they appeared. "Are you alone?"



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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #528 on: April 06, 2020, 03:38:22 PM »

Stormvex returns Moondrop's nod. **You're welcome, although we didn't really do anything.** He studied Wander on the ground, bound up and unconscious. This female had mentioned a name - Wander? This sickly god must be Wander. He had seemed gentle and weak, but then maniacal...certainly there was more to this than he thought. Again, he thought possessed or split personality.

He leaned slightly, casually against his polearm. **We were traveling back home when we wound up here,** Stormvex wasn't quite prepared to go into detail. He still wasn't certain how well he could trust any of these new elves. They didn't seem threatening, but then, neither did this "Wander."  **I am Stormvex, my tactless friend here is Runedance,** he gestured slightly toward the other elf as he strolled up to them.  **These are our bonds, Solstice, my wolf, and Stormhunt, his snow leopard. Are you from a nearby holt?**
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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #529 on: April 07, 2020, 02:12:09 AM »

(Oh! I did not take offence! hahah! I just felt like saying that!)

Lady Ironglory is not nearly as tall as Toad, she is about the same height as antaka herself, so Toad might be ecxeptionally tall even in his own tribe... Ironglory nods and studies Antaka's weapon with her gaze...

"Yes, Sir Toad is one of my men... I am surprised to hear that he is in this weird land also..."

But then she pauses and looks slightly confused...

"Transforming Boar? Nay... I only saw a big hog... but no transforming..."

She walks towards her but keeps her weapons sheathed, there is a spear in a holster at her back and she has a short sword... she bows...

"If there might be survivors to this tribe... I will accompany you, good lady, to rescue possible survivors... will you accept my offer of friendship?..."


Marut also looks at the new comers and looks a bit puzzled, but tells Runedance...

"Don't be in such en eager to kill another elf... you will taint your spirit..."

but after that his expression lightens up more, he doesn't want bad blood between anything, but doesn't like unnecessary killing... Marut also looks at Moondrop and is amazed that this mad elf called Wander was frail and kind at first... Woodfox tries to make friends with Runedance and waves at him...

"Hi! I'm Woodfox!... let's be friends!..."

Mehadrin suddenly cries out...

"My feet are cold! someone help me! I don't know if it's safe to go back inside!!..."

he shivers in the cold and again, huddles to Moondrop's side...

"Honey... keep me warm..."

He also glances at Stormvex with his beautiful shimmering eyes...

"... Hope a brute like you or your friend are not here to steal me away because of my beauty..."

Marut looks very confused and slowly looks at Mehadrin... why would Mehadrin immediately think they were going to snatch him?...


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #530 on: April 07, 2020, 03:35:37 AM »

(Are you f*ing kidding me, off course I will accept her friendship. Damn she is freaking awesome!!!)

Antaka let her jaw drop. They know each other! She looks back and sends to Toad. She is not sure, if she reaches him, but she give all her effort in it. (diced 4)
"I found Lady Ironglory and we both want to look for survivors from Wanders tribe in the cave.  She heard a scream from there. Best bring Yare back, if Wander is awake they can talk. Also Wander might be more on a watch, after what happend. He is a rockshaper, he could manage to protect himself, I think... But maybe, Yare likes to rescure some of his tribesman out of the cave?"

Antaka looks back and is unsure, how to act. She falls down to one knee and bows to Lady Ironglory. "I will be honored to walk by your side, Lady Ironglory, to face the evil and rescure possible survivors. And I'm very honored to call you a friend and will accept that offer. I am Antaka, named after my mother, huntress and goat Sheppard of the Norah tribe in the dessert, my friends call me Antaka. If there are issues in naming me by my name, please don't take a bird name..." she looks up and giggles a bit. "Sir Toad did and I just don't like it. Oh, and he is at the foot of the mountain watching a prisoner."

She stands and thinks, that she is kind of a bad person, to leave Toad just like that in the first place. But she don't know what to do with Yare. In her tribe situations like that never happend. All the outcasts accepted their fate and left the tribe. But also, non of them ever attacked another one like that. And no one wants to do it again so desperately like Yare. Maybe they have to kill him?
I'm not conceited with my title - it's just how it is  ;D


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #531 on: April 07, 2020, 03:11:42 PM »

Toad seems to receive Antaka's sending...

"L-Lady Ironglory is here too? I am most shocked and overjoyed!... I shall make haste to come to you... but I might have to speak with this Yare fellow on the way... He might be too scared to return to the mountain... please, my good huntress... please wait for me!..."

Lady Ironglory also bows down in a respecting manner at Antaka... it is hard to see how much she has suffered injuries but they are a lot, still she has the will to fight to protect... Antaka clearly sees it now, these elves truly are hardened by battle to protect others...

"I Ironglory knowledge your wish to not be named after a bird, worry not, that is something Toad like to do... may I call you Norah Warrior? for speaking strangers name feels a tad over friendly for me... I shall learn to call you by your real name after our bond grows stronger..."

She lifts her head and ask her...

"Is this prisoner a lot of trouble?.. will my good Toad be fine?..."


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #532 on: April 07, 2020, 04:11:02 PM »

Runedance glances at Marut, his steady, standard grin never waivering. He wished he could remember some of the terrific arguments others in his holt had used against judgmental sorts like this one, but Runedance was never one for being glib or verbally clever. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders slightly, his grin wide and amused. **Life can be short, have fun.**

But then he took note of Marut's hair, his eyes widened.  **Wow,** he remarked. **How does it do that?** He began batting at the gravity defying hair like a kitten. **Hey, Stormvex! Check out this hair!**

Stormvex shot a quick warning glance from the corner of his eye.  **Runedance! Don't taunt the locals!** With a sigh, he locksent to Marut, **I'm sorry. Just ignore him and walk away.** He flooded his send with sincerity, hoping Marut would not assume they were both so rude.

Runedance noticed Woodfox's wave and offer. He tilted his head in momentary confusion. Woodfox...foxes that he knew were a lot of fun and eager to find trouble, but he wasn't sure what to make of this one. He managed to offer a nod before summoning Stormhunt over to him and walking up to Stormvex.  It was then he got a good look at Mehadrin.

**Oh, shit,** he locksent to Stormvex, stunned.  **When did Harvesttoad get here?**

**And when did he go red?** Stormvex replied. Harvesttoad was a holtmate from their home holt, and was very similar in displayed personality. If it weren't for appearances, he would swear they were one in the same. He noted he was staring and quickly cleared his throat, open sending,  **Uh...no. Our purpose here does not involve you.** Was this elf as shallow and stupid as Harvesttoad or was there something he should be aware of? Stormvex forced a slight smile and took a slight step back to try and not make himself appear intimidating with his close proximity.

**What is it, oh mighty brute?** Runedance locksent to Stormvex, gesturing at Mehadrin.

**Just stay quiet,** he replied. **I think you've done enough to endear yourself to these elves.**  He then looked at Moondrop and Marut, then at Wander. Since no one had replied earlier, now seemed a good time to get answers and distract from the social awkwardness Runedance had caused.   **What exactly has happened? Should we be concerned about Wander?**
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 04:13:09 PM by Amberfox »
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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #533 on: April 08, 2020, 05:57:34 AM »

Since Wander seems stable and no-one seems to be injured, Laluna has a bit of time to attend to her own injuries. She removes one of her arm sleeves and stuffs a little snow inside it. She then presses the impromptu ice pack against her swollen cheek to ease the pain.

Laluna studies the new elves and their mounts more carefully now that they're all safe. She figures one of them is a bit more rash than the other, but they seem friendly. Mehadrin's worry -- or wish-- of them carrying him away makes her smile a bit.

"I'm Laluna." she introduces herself aloud, curious about their habit of sending most of the time.

"It is true that Wander has been kind and caring so far. He let us in this tower when the weather was bad earlier. An elf from Wander's tribe came and tried to kill Wander, warning us of him being a cruel one. We didn't believe him, so we restrained him. We knew there's some bad magic up at the mountain," she nodded at the distance, "and some of us went to see what's it all about. I stayed here, tending to Wander's wounds with Mehadrin." she glances at the half-naked redhead. Her expression turns sad when she recounts the events.

"Suddenly, Wander woke up and he didn't remember ever seeing us. He demanded we bow down to him as our chief and he threatened both of us. I angered him when I would not... obey him. Mehadrin helped me, but I was afraid that he'd kill one of us... so I hit him and we escaped." she ends, taking a worried glance at unconscious Wander.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, but I want to help him... I just don't know how."


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #534 on: April 08, 2020, 11:16:52 AM »

Marut wonders about Runedance when he starts playing with Marut's hair but seems surprisingly cool about it, he just says to Runedance...

"Yeah, fun is alright, but no unnecessary killing, alright?..."

He looks a bit like he has a headache when Stormvex sends to him, then smiles...

"Sorry... I'm bad at sending... I understand you alright but... can't send back... and I wish no bad blood between any of us... I just hold life precious... seen too many humans killing everything in sight... I don't like that..."

Marut looks at their bond beasts and smiles... Stormsong stares at solstice from afar and wags his tail... Marut says...

"well, the wolves are beginning to get friendly!... let's hope they play nice..."

then Marut notices Laluna covering her cheek...
W-what happened to you?? are you alright! here, let me help..."

Woodfox follows Runedance with a stupid smile... he finds him interesting...


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #535 on: April 08, 2020, 12:26:17 PM »

Moondrop looks down at Mehadrin's bare feet in the snow, then to the tower.

"Wander's out here. Why wouldn't the tower be safe? Did something else happen?"

Now that the animals have moved off, she approaches Wander again, searching through his clothing. "We should probably get him inside, too. Assuming we don't want him to freeze to death."

Although it wasn't really a question, she glances at Laluna as if for confirmation that they do want to keep him alive.

(Moondrop rolls a six for searching for the little cube in Wander's clothes.)


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #536 on: April 08, 2020, 01:31:24 PM »

With no effort, Moondrop finds the cube from Wander's clothes... Wander looks very peaceful now, all the strange coldness his expression had has melted away from his face, he looks frail and harmless again... Mehadrin asks and sobs...

"c-could you... go check if it's safe inside?... I-I don't know if there is something dangerous... I don't want to be in danger!... you are braver so you do it!..."


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #537 on: April 08, 2020, 04:17:00 PM »

(Thank the High Ones Marut is a better elf! Whew!)

**Depends on what you mean by "unnecessary,** Runedance grinned, leaning into him.

**Oh,** Stormvex mutters slightly stunned. He harshly clears his throat before replying, "You know, I really should get back my singing voice. It's been too long. Yes, there is no need for unnecessary violence. I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen from our perspective." His sending voice was smooth and masculine, almost melodic; his speaking voice obviously hasn't been used for a lengthy time, sounding quite rough and scratchy.  Stormvex looks a little apologetic and embarrassed.

Stormvex looks over at Solstice and then Stormsong (lots of storms around here, hm?), nodding. "We may have a pack forming shortly."

Solstice had noticed Stormsong after releasing the now unconscious one. Her nose had been twitching in his direction, her tail cautiously, slightly wagging. **Good? Play?** she sent to Stormvex.

Stormvex nodded. **Go on, I'll call if you're needed. Be nice.**

Solstice hruphed and slowly trodded off to meet this new wolf. He certainly had an enticing scent. She kept her tail just above her topline and wagging slightly. She was enthusiastic but cautious.

Snowhunt growled at it all before Runedance began scratching her thick ruff and under her chin. The large spotted feline began to purr with delight and brush against her elf. **Hunt! Hunt!**

Runedance notices Woodfox and keeps an eye on him, not sure what to make of him, but continues to roll and play with is bond. His interest has waned with these new elves.

Stormvex carefully listens to Laluna and regards Moondrop going through Wander's clothing. "I am Stormvex, and the inconsiderate one is Runedance," he offers in case she had not heard. Perhaps she had issues with sending as well. He contemplated her words. "I agree we should get Wander inside and try to determine what has happened to him. You said you tended to him, are you a healer? Are any of you healers? Perhaps we can search his mind and see if perhaps he is under the control of another. This elf from Wander's tribe, where is he now? Perhaps he knows more than he's offered that might be of use to figure this out. First, let's get him out of the cold."

He clips his polearm awkwardly to his back and gingerly steps to Wander, maintaining a close watch on the elf. Should he become a threat again, he would be quick to respond in defense. He takes note of Moondrop's acquirement. **Yours or his?** he locksends.
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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #538 on: April 08, 2020, 06:00:33 PM »

Moondrop quickly curls her fingers around the cube possesively.

**Mine.** She sends back. It's not really a lie. She's the one who found it. They don't know who it belongs to, and although she didn't care what happened to it when it was just a thing, she doesn't want to give it up now that it has a purpose.

Rising, she slips the cube into her cloak and nods toward Laluna. "She's the one with healing abilities."

Moondrop looks around, the absence of the other elves just registering.

She asks Laluna, "So Yare did find his way here." She's almost surprised he managed it without ending up in the lake. It's more surprising that anyone would go to the mountain with all they had heard about it. "They went to the mountain? With Yare? Didn't think he would do that without kicking and screaming."
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 06:05:13 PM by Jeb »


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #539 on: April 09, 2020, 01:17:04 AM »

Laluna touches Marut's arm gently, assuring him she's alright.

"It's just a bruise... I didn't expect him to hit me." she says shyly, while still holding the snow-stuffed sleeve against her cheek.

Laluna glances at Stormvex curiously when she hears his voice. It seems so different from his sending voice, it makes her think he must've stayed silent for a long time.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry, I have never learned to send..." she smiled apologetically to Stormvex.

"And yes, we should take Wander inside. His condition wasn't great to begin with." she glances at Wander's sleeping figure.

"I am a healer, but not a very skilled one. I've tried to find out what ails him, but I haven't been successful so far..." she sighs. Her eyes look tired from the strain and stress, but she does her best to help the others to carry Wander inside.


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #540 on: April 09, 2020, 04:49:46 AM »

Antaka put on a smiling face to cover her thoughts. What is this with the names? She do have the name to be called by that! She don't give them a soul name, not that she have one, but she knows the concept of that. She reminds herself, not to be angry about it, just to stay in wonder as she really does and go on with it.

"Norah Warrior sounds fine to me. If you make it short, if danger approaches, you can call me Norah. I'm totally not offended called that way and I do not think any other Norah will be here that there will be any confusion." Antaka stops and lifts her hand at her chin, absorbed in thought she talks quietly to herself. "Maybe there will... if Laluna and Moondrop knows each other and Lady Ironglory and Sir Toad knows each other there might be one of my tribe here too. I wonder who it will be..." she smiles and restrained herself, looks back at Lady Ironglory.

"Your good Toad is on his way up here. I don't think the prisoner will be any trouble to him as strong and tall as he is..." Antaka felt silent. This was dreamy and unnecessary. She have to admit that she likes him... But what did Toad mean with he might have to speak to Yare on his way up? Didn't Yare want to rescure some of his tribe instead of murdering Wander? She sends to Toad: "There might be survivors in the cave, can't that convince Yare?"
She desperately hopes so.
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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #541 on: April 09, 2020, 06:59:49 AM »

(Yeah, Marut is cool about many things, there are only two things that annoy him, one is needless bloodshed and the other, well see if anyone finds it out!)

Marut looks surprised at Stormvex when he speaks, then Marut says...

"Oh, you can send if talking feels too weird... I'll just answer by talking... sorry for this thing!..."

Marut smiles a bit embarrassed for his strange limitation with sending... but then picks Wander up so other's don't have to burden themselves and the way he picks him tells instantly that Marut is surprisingly strong for one who isn't happy with needless fighting... Woodfox suddenly throws a snowball at Runedance and let's out a weird chuckle and runs away like a squirrel that annoyed a cat on purpose!...

Mehadrin follows Marut inside but is scared of the inside and Marut because he looks weird... he looks at others to follow like he was worried that Marut would eat him!... Mehadrin says to Moondrop...

"Are you coming, honey? and Yes, Toad and Antaka took that... Yare person... to the mountains... Ihope they bring something pretty back whan they return!..."


Ironglory seems to look at Antaka a bit surprised when she spoke of Toad in a special way, Ironglory's eye curves a bit, she seems to be smiling...

"Ah... I see.... has sir Toad been kind to you?..."

But then She nods...

"I do hope you find others of this tribe of yours... I shall help you with that task if you would like me to do so..."

She heard her silent whispering!... but understands now why she seems worried.. Toad sends to Antaka...

**This Yare fellow is very scared of the mountain, he wants to save his comrades, but is almost frozen in place when he tries to move... fret no, my good Huntress... I shall be with you shortly...**



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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #542 on: April 09, 2020, 10:10:30 AM »

Antaka blushes to a deep, deep red and and burst out at first and then getting lower with every further word "He was not that nice all the time..." Embarrassing ashamed she tilts her head away, looking somewhere else then at Ironglory. She was astonish that Ironglory could hear so perfect with only one ear. She don't want to keep her suggestions secret but didn't suspect she could hear it. She was more annoyed that her feelings, kinda flirty feelings for Toad, slipped.

With a startle she gets Toads sending and drops sad. Yare, what a poor fella. She can understand that he is frightened, she herself is somehow scared of the mountain, but if he just swear to leave Wander alone he could just run away. She then let slip a smile. fret no, my good Huntress, I shall be with you shortly was very kind.

"I don't know how long it would take to Toad to get here. This prisoner is very scared of the mountain and won't come with him so easily. We can't set him free either. If so he will murder a fragile man, germ ridden and very ill who may not be in a state to protect himself. And has not company who can protect him" She thinks of Laluna and Mehadrin, both are surely not the best warriors. Some time has past since they leave, maybe Moondrop was back, or Wander is awake and can build a stonewall to protect himself or he just died. She don't know. But she don't want to put Laluna in danger. If she tries to stop Yare and be killed on that attempt, Antaka will regret it forever. Or even Mehadrin. Not worth it.

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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #543 on: April 09, 2020, 04:13:41 PM »

Ironglory nods, her cape moves in a light wind...

"If sir Toad has wronged you, I shall punish him for it... rudeness is not tolerated from my men..."

She really seems like she would punish Toad badly if he has done something wrong!... Antaka finally sees Toad, he is still far but approaching with Yare who at times stops and just stares at the mountain, cowering in fear... Toad clearly speaks to him... and doesn't keep him in his grasp anymore, Yare has decided to help them on his own it seems...


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #544 on: April 10, 2020, 05:53:21 AM »

Antaka jumps when Ironglory assumed to punish Toad.
"No, no, it was just a misunderstanding. I don't have known how he meant his words, I... use them in another way. He wasn't rude, on his behalf, I was just not used in the way he talks.  Please don't punish him, he couldn't know." Antaka starres at her, horrified. Now that they finally get along with each other she don't want that to break again. "He was nice, but I don't feel it that way, because I do come from a total different way of living."
She looks at her a little uneasy how to look her in the eyes because it's only one... "It's the thing with the names. I just don't get it. So we got into some scuffle about how he named me. As far as I understand your tribe by now, you don't name people by their names and he did nothing wrong in that. And I'm over with it. Please let it rest."

Antaka smiled as she sees Toad and Yare approaching. Yare's trying makes her feel happy. Finally he gets to his senses.
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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #545 on: April 10, 2020, 07:13:54 AM »

Moondrop feels a strange sense of pride when she sees how easily Marut lifts Wander. "Well, that was easily managed." She laughs to herself. She had been trying to figure out whether they would need to fashion a litter or get him up on Stormsong maybe, this is much better.

She rolls her eyes at Mahadrin's shallow desires. "Alright, pet. Let's get those precious toes warm."


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #546 on: April 10, 2020, 05:52:35 PM »

Lady Ironglory then nods when Antaka explains that she doesn't want Toad to be punished... Ironglory explains...

"We feel as if we have to earn the right to use the real name of a person... it feels overly friendly, even cocky to speak one's true name, we know others do not feel this way so we are not bothered when someone does it to us... I do know it sounds weird... and if one speaks of the other gender it feels especially intimate to speak their true name... thus Toad speaks to men with their real name, but with women he tends to give nicknames... I am sorry if he came up with a nickname that offended you..."

Ironglory nods deep... Toad is close enough the see them so he waves at them a bit... Yare looks at them stiffly as they walk closer...


Moondrop remeber's Marut being able to lift a whole reindeer carcass, so carrying Wander isn't that big of a deal for him... Mehadrin gleefully walks further inside when Moondrop talks about his "precious toes" he feels as if someone finally noticed how pretty his toes are and appreciates them... They come inside the Tower... Marut looks around wondering where he should put Wander...


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #547 on: April 11, 2020, 03:31:31 AM »

Laluna follows the others to the tower. She's amused by Mehadrin's endearing words towards Moondrop. It seems he still clings to her for protection.

When Laluna sees Marut's hesitation, she guides him downstairs.

"It's warmer down here."

She walks over to Wander's throne and fixes the bedding she made for him earlier. The memory of the recent violent events still lingers in her mind. Despite the warmth from the heatstone, the place feels colder to her somehow.

When she's sure that no-one needs her help, she takes the water vessel and steps a few paces away from the others and starts to remove her blood-ruined leathers. Laluna scrubs the dried blood off her skin as best she can. She'll have to make some new clothes for herself, maybe by modifying the winter clothes she made earlier.


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #548 on: April 11, 2020, 10:20:53 AM »

Interesting. Antaka can wrap her mind around the thing with the names. So if they are of differend gender it is different to handle? She wonders if the origin of this behavior came from the soul names.

As Toad and Yare approach she waves to them a little and greets Yare.
"I am so proud you came up here. " she points out to Lady Ironglory "This is Lady Ironglory and she have heard some scream from above. It could mean someone is in need for help. I assume it could be one of your tribe and we want to go to rescure him or them if there are more survivors. I hoped you would join us to take revenge on the one that actually kill your tribesmates. Not only send them there. We are in good company. We can make it!"
As she spoke she feels herself more secure then before.  She looks at Toad and smiles. She has no clue how much time has passed since she left him, but it seems longer then she thinks. Then she looks at shivering Yare. "Did you eat?" she asks.
I'm not conceited with my title - it's just how it is  ;D


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Re: Elfquest fanart RPG 2 - the land of ice
« Reply #549 on: April 11, 2020, 03:52:45 PM »

Marut gently puts Wander on the bedding, then notices what Laluan is doing... He walks to her and gently touches her shoulder...

"I just  hunted a deer... would you wank the fur and the leathers?... I can also make something for you if you want..."

Marut looks at her very caring, some would say he might care a bit too much, but it seems to be in his nature... then he suddenly smiles...

"Oh!... and Moondrop and I found out we are from the same tribe... sort of... and we might even be family..."


Antaka feels that it is very possible that their strange habit of naming others might come from soul names... yet they have names like Toad and Ironglory, that are not soul names themselves... Then Toad and Yare arrive, Toad immediately bows deep to Ironglory, almost tearing at the same time, he is full of emotions...

"Oh! Lady! I've missed you so!... I almost thought I would never see you again! you'r wounds? are they alright??..."

Ironglory gently lifts her armored finger to Toads lips...

"Shhh... all is well, brave knight... my wounds may ache in the cold, but I am used to the pain by now..."

Toad nods... Yare looks at Antaka and shivers, not from cold but he is afraid, his pin eyes are filled with past terrors...

"eat?... I could not eat... not here... I feel like I am choking.... do you... do you believe someone is alive?... someone from my tribe??... I... I... if that is so, we must help!..."

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