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Author Topic: ZQ Nation  (Read 7685 times)


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ZQ Nation
« on: November 12, 2018, 09:38:08 AM »


And since this story style seems to be a tad bit different than people are used to - cast please feel free to ask [PM] me any questions, or concerns or changes needed for your character  ie   "Would your character have portrayed exhaustion any other way than described in the Introduction outline?"
A small synopsis of what you and your character are signing on for:  "Looking for a Story"

 A multiple character-driven [story by story] format. Open only for the Halloween/creepy season Sept- Nov. and  Instead of the classic write a paragraph and pass it on - You give input as to what your character would do in a given situation and the volunteer Writer or Group assemblies it into a Story.  Yes - play with in drawings.   No -   Not an RPG.   I do not know how to RPG.   This is Just a story once a year.  Something to evolve or not as time and interest permits.  Seasonal and all that.  A reason during the creepy season to join in on the smashing good fun.  - Do a little monster mash.  Draw some funny stuff or gory- you choose from the story.  It will have both.

 "I am just an  Illustrator/Scribe  who happened to fall in love with a group of  Gamers.  These people were wonderfully detailic about what their characters looked like- I drew my fingers off that first year - and was happy: Another odd duck who had found their flock.  So I know what RPG'ing is and I have seen it played and I am sure some elements are in here because everybody contributed to the evolution of our group. 

But not every member played, so the system had to work for all.  Hence . . .   the Conclave was born.  Easy to learn simple to run.  And people/writers/artist could run stories with respect to Persona Rights of a OC.  I learned/honored that gamers are very protective of their creations.  Understandably.  And what wonderful creations they were and we went on many adventures.  So in stead of looking for group, I should say: "Looking for a  Story"  that will inspire me and others to draw or write and with characters that I will want to play again and with - next year."

. .

AnyWhoot . . . Here is how it works broken down into four Posts > that can easily grow.

The Idea:

 When the question was asked this Halloween   "Which OC that you have ever played or would you invent for a Walking Dead/ Z Nation cross-over?"  And the character also had to fit the no-magic ping since the Story is paralleled to began at S9 E1 and the disappearances or sightings of certain types of Magic users is an existing mystery. Table the discussion that sending is a Magic for now and start with that as a given, please.

 This playing format is based on a Creative Conclave theory or a little like a  script writers guild.    Which means all things Hollywood can be parodied:

What that brings to mind for me is a trip thru Google to see what the Hollywood cast promotion poster  looked like on TWD for Season Four and see if I can use the format to do our Characters - fun stuff for me -   Or Story boards, character poses - really any thing that inspires you is a Win! . .  and then there is the character outlines and such . . .  height , looks , costume, stance etc. . .   Things to share in the Gallery - Whatsever.

Small, very action-packed, character driven episodes  lets keep it small - - with only a one story a year commitment - -  at only  13 available slots to fill out [or claim] or fill in per year - meaning any volunteer writer or artist can fill in a episode that has not  been claimed or written and has a empty slot. 
 So we have S1 E13  thru S9 E1  to fill. [Keeping with the spooky theme = chosen 13]  Only 3 slots have been applied for and submitted too so far.   Which is a really cool start!   I strive to only write two story contributions along with my Timeline and plot duties every  Season, if I have time for more, great.   If not I haven't let anyone down.  Story and characters can easily be moved forward by a very good script or two.   And a forty minute episode appears easy to format for me:  I can do that in less than  8  questions  and  within  ten  paragraphs.

 The AU paralleled the beginning of this season of 2018 TWD for it's currant start date. 

 Humans are infected, and the "theme" is TWD.  More forest regions because Modern times on a (?) larger world, just industry and cities / smaller towns spread more far apart than Earth, and for some reason the surviving elves cannot get infected or the animals on the planet either. In the first 5 yrs those that relied on Magic disappeared much faster, and to the horror of the others, there are few too none left in the Groups that they have encountered so far. . . encountered so long ago that they doubt they exist now. Could there be a group with magic users left?  We do not Yet know.  But many Traps have been left behind;  Horrors of dead man flesh and bone either embedded in rock or trees or  twisted in body.  Living dead masses that squirm and moan  and cannot move until bones break or flesh rots and they crawl upon the ground.

S2E6 (temporary  timeline slot)  "That first year or so..."     Seems to have been submitted as a backstory to a character.   So this really could work on a fixed Timeline with a 13 episode slot.   Two stories  per season from me would work  too move story and people  - one driven by characters and one by plot - just to keep it going, eh?    This story does not have all its characters yet.    ". . .  the rest of them"    Leaves it open for more characters to be in the beginning/season: or for Players to choose where they want to begin.  Since it is a seasonal/episode format you can choose to be part of the cast or have a guest appearance.  This story is not finished until all details have been added.  You watch the story grow - You add the meat to its bones.

  I still have a strange reverence for  "Persona Rights"  (And the Old Rules of Courtesy) so choose a character that you have the rights for and that you enjoy. No harm, can or will come to them, that you do not approve. You set the boundaries for your character, and I will honor them.  These stories do not have to effect their persona or timelines as you choose. (Zombies kill, story tellers should not)  Example:  Goldspice was re formatted to Goldsmash out of respect for River Twine and its chosen boundaries. [ I did not invent the character-only played her]

If you are new to fandom and missed all the beginnings for  "Persona Rights" and  "The Commandments of Fandom" or  "Conflict Courtesies"  I will gently school you.  I am surprised that these rights are not yet self evident.

. .

« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 11:43:05 AM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: Z Q Nation
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2018, 10:42:45 AM »

  To:  Tamarien/Goldsmash
  Subject:  The World of ZQ,  Player's Guide
  By  P. Potter/Flattop

The Planet:
The size of ZQ would be approximately the size of Neptune , with major continents, and minor continents and a multitude of islands.  As there is a great amount of land mass there are still many large (think approx 1,000 square acres )  protected areas of untracked forests and mountain areas as well as oceans, deserts and undeveloped savannas.  Weather is very double -moon like, with the added variations  that a faint shadow of another  near planet is always in the sky.    Seasons are depending on were you are located on the planet in relation to the equator.  The double moons give the tides a magnitude of familiar trouble.
Pre-plague Human Development:
For simplicity the non-EQ race will be referred to as human.  Technology level began as approximately the same as current Earth levels.  Nine years into The Plague has set the world back to the Steam and Plow Age.  There are no "major"  metropolises such as New York City or even LA. City populations are at approximately 500,000 at most with the majority of towns in the 50,000 to 100,000 population level and numerous towns of less than 50,000 population.
Production tended to be mono-product or closely related products from town to town.  For example town 1 would specialize in children's shoes, town 2 would be arms and ammo, town 3 would be autos, town 4 would be heavy work clothing or coats and town 5 would be food products.  Smaller towns would be production of raw materials such as a crops, Forrest or mining.  Large towns would be production and assembly work.  Cities would be production of more complicated products such as computers and other tech as well as seats of government.  In regard to the frequency of each type of town, for example, you would see more farming towns than clothing towns and more clothing towns than arm/ammo towns.

Human Groups:    Are based on location and occupation.  City.  Town. Etc. . .  The Hill folk being the only humans to have shunned the techno-age and lived with their own Legends and culture.  More like sophisticated  Hillbillies than Amish or Quaker's they too have lived isolated and self contained for thousands of years and little is known about them besides they live peacefully with all other cultures on the World and keep to themselves.

Bond Wolves:  Many have chosen to stay with their elf friends or packs.  Those without home or bond - travel and migrate.  So this world has some elf-blooded wolves out there roaming the forests. Our camp has two hunting Packs of wolves.

Elf Races:
The races of Elves have existed on ZQ for a significant period of time.  Due to the size of ZQ and the great amount of underdeveloped and unexplored areas the elves  have been limited, too no, personal interaction with the humans.  Any trade was done by  a shapechanger in Human form so the elves are equal but unknown in physical appearance by the humans.  Thus no legends or worship - just a coexistence in a different  form.   In fact so large is the world of ZQ that there has been limited contact between elf and troll  before the plague - therefore minimal  to no conflict.  They came together in peace and have shared this new World agreeably.

The Plague:
The exact cause cause of the plague is  still  not known.  What is known is that almost all of the human population has been infected resulting in the atypical zombie on the endless quest for food; You, the uninfected.    As far as the elves are concerned there has only been one issue of concern besides survival; the disappearance of the magic-users.  Shortly after the start of the Plague some magic-using elves  started leaving the elf communities and base camps.   If a witness  was asked  they would say it appeared that their fellow elves  where listening to a inner voice and paid no attention to their tribe members pleases or questions, and just vanished into the wilderness.  The best of trackers were unable to follow these elves when their trail would eventually disappear.   The remaining non-magic using elves found themselves  unable to contact these former members by sending; and when they tried would become sick or queasy with attempted contact.   Evidence of Magic use has been seen and noted all over the Planet, some in such grotesque forms that tribemates will not speak of it but All small Magics seem unaffected by this mystery.  Sending, bonding, and floating seem to still be around and seen in the last few years.

Meanwhile there appears to have been no effect to the trolls, go figure.  In fact they appear to be thriving in this new world.  They can often be seen in large scavenging parties, dissembling entire metal buildings and taking the material back to their caves.  A herd of zombies can quickly be reduced to piles of feted pulp by a pack of prepared trolls.  There is an added ferociousness to the trolls attacks on zombies:  Among the elves it is termed "green meat", for it seems that a zombie will stop eating a human or elf or animal when it gets cold or the meal has turned into a zombie itself - But once you have seen a whole field of just troll Bones , gnawed and picked clean - you never forget it.   The trolls do not talk of it, or speculate .  The trolls are so hardy that they can not be affected and any infection they get from a bite or scratch seems to be treatable by their own herbs and potions. They seem to be the most hearty of creatures in any Universe. [and maybe the most tasty on Nation ]

What is now happening:
The world has changed and as hard as it is to believe the humans are now more of a problem than before.  Instead of a curious few Live and curious explorers now and then  over the centuries -  the zombies  come in herds, seaming to smell the living.  Many elves lost their holts, loved ones and lives in those first few years of moving herds.

Gone are the days of light and airy clothing.  Now all areas of flesh must be covered when outside of base camp.  Many have taken to wearing plates of light metal to protect critical areas or making coverings out of what ever is handy.  While the bow and sword are still the preferred method many have taken to carrying small human built arms.  While the animal world seems not to be affected by the plague they hide more and are harder to find due to the herds of hunting zombies. 

The Way has changed to a different form of survival, new alliances have been made and we are working together to stay safe.  We are trying to Map the planet and see where our folk could be or where they could have gone to ground or something.  Only two years into the mapping, since survival came first, now one goal is to find out just how much of our world has been affected, infected or may be salvageable.

And to survive and all costs.   JSS!   {just survive somehow}

. .
« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 10:45:21 AM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: Z Q Nation
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2018, 11:10:57 AM »

    Cast   Roster  so far:    S4   Flashback Episode

Softfeather  and  bond Wolf / Male
Tomi Hushmore
Shadow's Whisper
Pack of wolves    Twenty two count includes alpha male Moonmark.
Many NPZ's

Visual Guide:  Heights -  As the Roster stands [closed 12-01-18]  If everyone was to line up regimentally in one of the hero profile poses it would go like this. . Smallest to Tallest:

Smallest - Tomi, a Wolf head, Softfeather WR, Shadow's Whisper, Needle, Goldsmash (would just look over a regular size trolls head), Wolfsway WR (A tad taller than Goldsmash), Flattop -  then Pyre ,Tallest (first born to Prey-Pacers Height)
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 05:47:13 PM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: Z Q Nation
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2018, 12:32:25 PM »

OC:    1.Goldsmash    Because she has a talent with a hammer and big muscles.  A hardy taller generation elf with white hair and her once amber eyes,  have hardened to a metal tint.  Hence Gold, gold eyes, flint-like even. She looks a little like a blind Husky dog when the light catches them just  right.

PC:   2. Softfeather WR  Archer,  Wolfrider,

OC:   3.  Shadow's Whisper.  The elf that can sneak up on a zombie, is coming to us from SweetWater Holt, and only carries a gun for that needed far away shot - otherwise he is up close and personal with his pointy little knives. Oh - and he likes to cut the tendons in the knees to get them on the ground before he piffs them. A Taller dark skinned elf whose very silence and unmoving stillness (think Michael Myers except you cannot even hear him breathe) of body and mind makes him scary anyway. A former scout with a Map like memory, he and the now Fatal Fletch; whose sense of direction is almost magical, have made a valuable tracking team.

OC:   4.  Tomi Hushmore.  Here comes dainty but deadly little Tomi: played by Berit from eqfa.  A big attitude in a little fighting package. With an uncountable death toll and an head for the ladies.  Handy and very useful at both killing the Rotters and making traps.  His swords can become a deadly fan of power  - so stay out of his kill zone during a confrontation. His friends help him come back from the berserker rages he sometimes cascades into. Loyal to a fault and always looking for a good tassel in the furs, welcome TOMI!


OC:   5.  Flattop.  Tall troll character.  He just wants to hit things- anythings- all the time. Almost tireless.  Some say he pounds things in his sleep.

PC:   6.  Wolfsway.    WR  His weapons are his wolf pack.  He has an uncanny communication link with them that allows him to see through their eyes and direct them by Sending.

OC:   7.Pyre   Firstarter  He very inclined to make traps for zombies. Fire pits (either dug or from earth cracking from him pouring extreme heat into it and) they can't get out off (if you need to write a bit about how they meet him that's what I see happening but that's up to you). He lures some of them away and gets them to fall into it and starts control burning them, clearing out whole batches of zombies. It could ease the pressure for the others.
 Pyre is good with spears, halberds and glaives, since those are most common weapon among the Timeless' elite fighters. (I'm not sure he has one currently, since he'd favor fire, but if they somehow end up in weapon museum...)

OC:  8.  Needle   A medic. Has healing magic, but after seeing Bad Thingstm happen to his mother when she used her healing magic on herself, has forsworn the use of his magic to avoid meeting a similar fate. He instead uses his knowledge of how his magic would work in a situation to inform his actions in treating others. He is a head taller and slightly more slender than the average Wolfrider. He is still youngish, only a couple handful of years past reaching adulthood, and has short brown hair and bright green eyes. He carries with him a travel pack that holds his medical supplies (tree sap, stitching materials, bandages, splint parts, etc.), and can quite often be seen practicing his stitching on a piece of fabric.

OC/APC/UPC   9. Pack of wolves  Twenty two count.

TPC:   10.   NPZ's

PC:      player character
NPC:    non player character
OC:     original character
APC:    adoptable player character
TPC:    temporary player character
GPC:    guest player/ appearance
UPC:    use player character

NPZ/UPC:   non player zombie

. .
« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 03:02:54 PM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: Z Q Nation
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2018, 06:24:54 PM »

Stages of a Story:

  Quoted [in part only] from - Special Articles:   "Elements of a Story"  By M. Warren/Freethorn

Stage One:  Outline world and guidelines     

Stage Two:  "Have an outline of an successful plot line.  The outline of a successful plot should look something like this:

Introduction - Introduce major characters and/or just set up place and time.
The Hook - Immediately following the introduction there should be an event the catches the interest of the readers and gives them a reason to see the outcome of the story.
The Body - The main set of events that slowly (or quickly) build the action to eventually lead to a climax.
Climax - The main resolution of the story, the reason why everyone was reading the rest of the story.
Conclusion -  There should be some time for the reader to absorb what happened, and to tie up loose ends.  This is usually where we see what happened after the climax.

As a final note, foreshadowing is a good element to any plot.  Little clues that point in a direction, things the reader can look back on and think  "I understand why that person did that now." "

Stage Three:  Ask only the questions needed from a Character to move each plot step. This is also where characters can interact with each other, and add meat to the story on their own, or develop and outline comradeship (s)  within the story. Or write a first person view of a scene.  Or share a tidbit of information about themselves with the reader.  Or add an illustration or comic panel.  Etc . . .

Stage Four:  Send out outline before every outline step

Stage Five:  Collect and assimilate all info and collage the story together -done.  Present story for anyone to enjoy or be inspired by.

This should take less than five weeks - and we have already completed three weeks worth: For example:

Stage One:
  Check - contributed by Flattop

Stage Two:  "Have an outline of an successful plot line.  The outline of a successful plot should look something like this:

 Check - still taking characters - Cast soon to close. [On the 30th of November 2018]

Check - Introduction - Introduce major characters and/or just set up place and time.

S4E0 (temporary  timeline slot)  "That first year or so..."     Seems to have been submitted as a backstory to a character.    This story does not have all its characters yet.    ". . .  the rest of them"    Leaves it open for more characters to be in the beginning/season: or for Players to choose where they want to begin.  Since it is a seasonal/episode format you can choose to be part of the cast or have a guest appearance.  This story is not finished until all details have been added.  You watch the story grow - You add the meat to its bones.

Introduction -  STORY:    [outline]

   That first year or so after they had established a permanent place, they had been hit hard on salvaging runs.  The scouting groups were down in numbers and it was a weary, but intact and successful troop, that was headed back to base camp.  Softfeather had gone on ahead, being less tired from her sniper's volley.  Busyplan was so tired he was dragging his enormous axe carelessly on the ground, Flattop wasn't smashing unlucky objects and Shadow's Whisper's very presence in the group proved how tired he really was.  His large hood was uncharacteristically thrown back and Goldsmash noticed him casually glancing at the plowed ground and, with a sly smile, she imaged a mindful scowl on his otherwise immobile face.

  Something had bothered Hushmore this run and his edge was keeping him on his feet, prowling, and keeping them safe from east flank. He was unapproachable but There.  Wolfsway and his Pack were on guard on the west, so they could at least relax a little.   The rest of them looked as tired and ragged as she felt -  but scavenging had been good; multiple carrysacks were full and the trip to the town had been worth it.

 Suddenly a low many-voiced hollow moan could be heard ahead, soft in comparison, to the group moan that answered in exhausted harmonic response.

  To be continued :

The Hook - Immediately following the introduction there should be an event the catches the interest of the readers and gives them a reason to see the outcome of the story.

Check - "Suddenly a low many-voiced hollow moan could be heard ahead, soft in comparison, to the group moan that answered in exhausted harmonic response."

Questions needed for next plot step:

"What is your characters fighting style on the world of ZQ Nation.

Going to a Town meant More firepower.  Estimated  zombie count for such a run would be a least a 10th of a population - so I estimate that we had to fight at least 9 thousand Zombies in the Town.

Hence we are tired. And here comes more. {We are going to learn why this herd? why this Fight as a plot point?  Which will lead us into the next question and paragraph.}

Do people still use  Marauders Maps to plan an Attack plot in Fandom?  Meaning if I put out a Birdseye view of the confrontation spot could people tell me how they would plow thru the herd and how many Zombies they could handle?  I might be putting out some comrade requests to get me/Goldsmash  to the back of the line.

Tomi - Tomi would attack a group of Zombies stealthily, he would go out from the safe zone and kill them one by one without causing a mass attack... but if the Zombies attack the group he will join the fight head on and he would cut tendons, making zombies unable to walk and he would also cut off arms and heads... but mostly he would slow down the enemy to let the others finish the zombies off...

Pyre -  He very inclined to make traps for zombies. Fire pits (either dug or from earth cracking from him pouring extreme heat into it and) they can't get out off (if you need to write a bit about how they meet him that's what I see happening but that's up to you). He lures some of them away and gets them to fall into it and starts control burning them, clearing out whole batches of zombies. It could ease the pressure for the others.

How would   [       ]   portray exhaustion?    Would [     ]  have anything to share about their exhaustion  or  thoughts about the run to town?

Pyre would either be sitting down or leaning up against something, but would still be looking around, just making sure nothing is sneaking up on them and for the most part is being quiet. He's also likely to tell people to stay close. He listens intently to others, point out places good for zombie traps and be bait while the others get some supplies.Firestarters - The magic tends to be the aggressive sort. (My elves's magic is geared towards combat so they tend to specialize) It it either incinerates (fire tends to be very effective against undeads and the like in video games and such) or it burns the flesh so it hardens and snaps, slowing or stopping movement. (Turning your enemy into walking torches is frown on by the Timeless. XD)

Goldsmash  - usually helps the back line and Shadow's Whisper and smashes them as he takes them down.

Shadow's Whisper - OC 3 Shadow's Whisper.  The elf that can sneak up on a zombie, only carries a gun for that needed far away shot - otherwise he is up close and personal with his pointy little knives. Oh - and he likes to cut the tendons in the knees to get them on the ground before he piffs them. A Taller dark skinned elf whose very silence and unmoving stillness (think Michael Myers except you cannot even hear him breathe) of body and mind makes him scary anyway. He will get behind the herd if he can and start from the back and fight his way towards his troop.

Wolfsway -

Flattop -

Softfeather -

The Body - The main set of events that slowly (or quickly) build the action to eventually lead to a climax.
Climax - The main resolution of the story, the reason why everyone was reading the rest of the story.
Conclusion -  There should be some time for the reader to absorb what happened, and to tie up loose ends.  This is usually where we see what happened after the climax.

As a final note, foreshadowing is a good element to any plot.  Little clues that point in a direction, things the reader can look back on and think  "I understand why that person did that now." "

Stage Three:  Ask only the question needed from a Character to move each plot step. This is also where characters can interact with each other, and add meat to the story on their own, or develop and outline comradeship (s)  within the story. Or write a first person view of a scene.  Or share a tidbit of information about themselves with the reader.  Or add an illustration or comic panel.  Etc . . .

Stage Four:  Send out outline before every plot step

Stage Five:  Collect and assimilate all info and collage the story together -done.  Present story for anyone to enjoy or be inspired by.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 12:13:05 PM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2018, 12:37:08 PM »

Tah-Marien is currently down with the flu.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  She will be back on-line as soon as health permits.



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Flattop's Fighting style
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2018, 10:24:03 PM »

Flattop prefers to be more of a direct, one-on-one, type of fighter, savoring each blow.  His preferred weapon would best be referred to as an over-sized Round Face Martin Hammer, preferring to use the flat-end over the pike-end.  His preferred attack method is an overhand swing, striking with the flat-end, giving his opponents a "flattop" & will even use this method with smaller groups of opponents.  If an opponent should get behind him he may use the pike-end during the back-swing to strike that opponent.  Should he wound an opponent who then drops to the ground he will use his feet, stomping the opponent for the killing blow.  When fighting larger groups he will use the flat-end in a sweeping motion in order to strike more opponents per swing.  Rarely will he use the pike-end in this manner as the opponents then to get stuck on the pike.


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2018, 11:42:00 AM »

I forgot to mention Pyre is good with spears, halberds and glaives, since those are most common weapon among the Timeless' elite fighters. (I'm not sure he has one currently, since he'd favour fire, but if they somehow end up in weapon museum...)


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2018, 09:32:50 AM »

A museum is a great idea for where he/we could have armed ourselves - especially before our "Hilltop" was born.  Then/when main base comes into script he can design any weapon, you can imagine, for the forge to make.  I imagine a Firestater is a welcome addition to the forge and the hot bathing system both!  Scavenging s give us a variety of surplus that allows for open choice and change of weapons which will be interesting.

Clothes wouldn't last long; which can be fun and frustrating, but certain design elements will help for Little Sun and Pyre. And it does give an artist some leeway in dressing a character which I haven't seen before.  Should be fun to see what people come up with for Goldsmash.   I like LS's fur and gemstone trim as an element of design.
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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2019, 07:58:44 AM »

I'm still in.

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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2019, 06:37:48 PM »

hello to my first day. 

introduction ok.

add to fighting style- he is capable of walking into a herd and walking with them, if needed, before an attack.

ready for next fighting paragraph


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2019, 12:48:00 PM »

Introduction: OC -- Needle. A medic. Has healing magic, but after seeing Bad Thingstm happen to his mother when she used her healing magic on herself, has forsworn the use of his magic to avoid meeting a similar fate. He instead uses his knowledge of how his magic would work in a situation to inform his actions in treating others. He is a head taller and slightly more slender than the average Wolfrider. He is still youngish, only a couple handful of years past reaching adulthood, and has short brown hair and bright green eyes. He carries with him a travel pack that holds his medical supplies (tree sap, stitching materials, bandages, splint parts, etc.), and can quite often be seen practicing his stitching on a piece of fabric.

Fighting Style: Not a fighter, but comes along in case someone gets injured. He carries a sword and a pistol, both of which he is proficient but not expertly skilled with. He would stay with the largest group if he can, only breaking off if someone is hurt and needs his assistance.

Needle would show his exhaustion by walking with his head hung down, breathing noticeably through his mouth, and not paying much attention to what is going on around him.

Ready for the next paragraph.


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2019, 03:01:09 PM »

Hell-o   and  - of course it is a Holiday weekend for some of You/Us. . . .Sorry!

I will still send out current story arch and updated elements to get the ball rolling again,  hope that is OK?
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2019, 04:29:39 PM »

My delay.  Having trouble editing in the Message program.  Switching to email format.

Sorry for the extra wait.  My fault; not programs - I have to see more at a time.

Note:  It was Hard to put my character into the story as an observer - I always chronicled before, or wrote up a finished Timeline. I over-thought ed and way too  much information it and expanded until I was buried.  Something good happened in those small bits of overachieving; I found a pattern that I could choose from and  k i s s  (keep it simple stupid) my way through:

Character Motivation:
                                  1.   A.   Basic Action
                                  2.   B.   Motivated action/story  -  List
                                  3.   C.   Interaction  -  List
                                  4.   D.   Observations of fellow characters, environment, or story arch
                                  5.   E.   Personal viewpoint; inner thoughts
                                  6.   F.    Foreshadowing

I also got stuck enough to finally just get out my D6  and agree or disagree with it.

. .

« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 11:35:42 AM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2019, 03:28:29 PM »

You all have been sent the current story and outlines by email.  Please post when/if you receive.

Whew!    I really am going to look into Discord - would anybody mind if we take this game to a new ballpark for interaction?

Now that the major homework is done . . . . Yay!  ART time!  It is really hard not to draw and write instead.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 05:35:43 PM by Tah-Marien »
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2019, 03:55:08 AM »

What Needle would have done to contribute for the strategy meeting -- Being inexperienced at something like this, he would have kept quiet for the most part. He would pay attention to everyone, and give honest answers to any questions directed his way. If asked what he would personally need, he would make sure that he would have enough supplies, both rations and medical, for the undertaking. If Pyre needs someone to ask a simple question about strategy to make his flashback scene work, I volunteer to be the one who needs some educating.

Fight scene -- I would do as Pyre asks and follow, doing my best to watch behind him so he could focus his efforts ahead. Needle's fatigue and weariness from the beginning of the scene would still have some effect on him; while the threat of battle would snap him out of his stupor, he would still be somewhat rigid/mechanical in his actions, operating on some sort of auto pilot as he finds himself in yet another battle after all the ones they faced back in the human city. Just more killing, no need to expend his remaining mental energy on anything beyond keeping himself and the others alive.

After the fight/ discovering the tassels -- Needle would see them, but need a moment to realize what they meant. But when it all falls into place, THIS is when he is finally able to fully shake off the mental fatigue he has been suffering. Muttering a curse softly, he see if the others has noticed, point it out to anyone who hadn't, and be ready to do whatever he might be called upon to do.


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2019, 12:31:44 AM »

Yes i got the  e-mail  i am thinking.  I will send you a replie in a while.
Truelife, PC, Sweetwater holt


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2019, 08:07:06 AM »

Thanks Laurence (wow you are fast!) 

Thanks Catwin !

Hope everybody else received . . .
OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: ZQ Nation
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2019, 10:32:40 PM »

When dragging his weapon it would be flat end down, otherwise wheat could be planted in his wake.   :)
"Just ahead Flattop, too tired to even whump anything unlucky enough to be in his path, was bent under the weight of his heavier pack, his pick dragging behind him leaving a small furrow between the path left by his shuffling feet."

Strategy Meeting:
Bah, just point me were we are going & I'll smash a path for us.

Action Panel:
When Flattop hears GS yell of "lift" he pauses for the barest of instants & then remembers their earlier conversation and trusts out his hand at her approach.  As GS's foot hits his hand he closes his grasp, dwarfing her small foot, thrusting up & forward, releasing her foot as his arm reaches full extension.  His face breaks into a large grin as the dainty elf flies up & away from him.

No real reaction as he is not that observant of what others are wearing so does not recognizes the tassels as belonging to a party member.  Thus he is puzzled by the others reactions to this particular group of undead as to him they are the same as any one of many groups he has encountered already.
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