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In "Touched by the Sun, Toorah's Story" by Phoenix RP - Posted Oct 01, 2011
You know, one doesn't see a lot of fanart of Toorah. I like the glimpse of what the younger version may have looked like.
In Nightfall - Posted Oct 01, 2011
Nightfall has always striked me as a character who values honor. I know that some has been rather miffed about her being a part of the "Cutter" fan club, and see why. One of her defining natures are that she will protect her loved ones. Her dream in Dreamtime emphases this best, me thinks. Despite she wasn't one of the characters who were twisted into the most grotesque shapes, she would still think it is a dishonor to be twisted like that, no matter if it is an enemy or not.

Good gracious, I feel too strongly on the subject XD
In Tyldak - Posted Sep 30, 2011
Kitulven: Mhm, det var en fæl tid. Prøvde å være moralsk støtte, men hjalp lite når dere låste dere inne på verkstedet. Da måtte jeg ut fordi jeg ikke "jobbet," og når jeg skulle tilbake til plikten, så var det en som hadde et sammenbrudd eller sovnet. Denne ble lagd dagen før R bommet så totalt. Jo, for det var da jeg gikk til innkjøp av kaffebønner og store mengder sjokolade, samt iste for å holde dere våkne.  

Det ver B som tok den ut av hånden min, mens han skrek i panikk, som resulterte at jeg nesten skar meg hver gang.

Tror egetlig at jeg aldri har giddet å forandre smilene. Burde ha gjort det her, men men.  
In Nightfall - Posted Sep 30, 2011
Ah, sorry Berit, didn't see your post. I actually like inking these days, as long as it still has a rough feel. It is nice to see clean lineart, but when I make it, it clashes in my eyes. So I try to keep the sketchy and rouch feeling in my inking, unless I'm drawing masks. :)
In Tyldak - Posted Sep 30, 2011
I don't know where the original has hid itself, but I remember spending awfully lot of time cropping in, had a pen frame around it which looked hideous.

But yeah, he is hard to draw. and the one I've made most art of, for some obscure reason.

I don't envy the person who will do the calendar pic of him.

Ah, but it is Joyrider who has decided to draw him, and her art is amazing.
In Tyldak - Posted Sep 30, 2011
Rather like Tyldak, the character, to draw and make doll of, despite it is so damn hard. This was highly edited, but still so very pleased with it.
In Nightfall - Posted Sep 29, 2011
I think she recoiled from seeing the ElfQuest 1994 movie. It was... bad. Really bad.
In As Good as New - Posted Sep 27, 2011
Man, this is awesome. I mean, Rain needs more loving, he was just too cool. I actually love the coloring here. Seems so peaceful.
In Hamiegh`novil - Posted Sep 27, 2011
Thank you. When I was doing this I had to put on "Wounded Warsong" to get the right mood, but she was so fun to draw. Worshiping wise she is getting little attention and is much weaker than the legends tell. :(
In Yawn-Sloth Sleeper dcc - Posted Sep 26, 2011
*drags nilla away from the falling tree*
In Yawn-Sloth Sleeper dcc - Posted Sep 26, 2011
Sorry for the reupload, I'll go lie under a falling tree now

Hey, don't do that!
In Yawn-Sloth Sleeper dcc - Posted Sep 26, 2011
Yeah, I did. Now this incredibly stupid self has grown so used to thinking she uses blue that these tones looks odd now. Reason why I thought so was because it sounded like she didn't care what she put on, and brown is like the most standard color. Must say that I love the mustard yellow in this. And that green thing in her hair is even more awesome green than blue.
In Shenshen 2011 - Posted Sep 26, 2011
If THIS is a failed attempt, then I'm looking forward to the successful one. Seriously, her skin looks so smooth, I want to touch it.
In Young Dart - Posted Sep 26, 2011
Hm, looking at it again, after learning how to make proper hair, I think I must remake it. I'll try to have it up by the evening.
In But... - Posted Sep 24, 2011
You know that sad myth that if you have HIV or Aids and sleep with a virgin, you'll be cured? They have their own version of this. If you are mute, or silent one as they call it, it is believed that sleeping with the shaman will cure you. His mother was one, and it was never cured. Since they believe that silence is the enemy of the world, she was barely tolerated by the tribe. While Zar, son of the shaman, took care of her through basic herbal healing. The shaman refused from singing in her funeral, which was ten years after he was born. Two years later, he killed his father, putting the "Sacred Cabin" on fire. No one suspected a thing.

Zar told me this a few days ago.
In But... - Posted Sep 24, 2011
When he is not looking into one, he plays flute. Or in one case, kills his father. Long before this shot.
In Zey Lineart - Posted Sep 21, 2011
Well, considering the hard life they are living, the males should have more defined muscles than the Wolfriders. Especially those who lives long. Of course, there are the more bony, like Chot, but I think he uses speed and stealth, while Zey to me uses strength and stealth.
In Zey - Posted Sep 21, 2011
Thank you! He was very fun to color, especially the hair. When I was younger I used to draw hair stroke for stroke, which usually ended up with them having Blairesque hairstyles. Just red would look bland, so I added black into it. As for the armwraps, it is what I enjoy most making in dolls, so i treied my best at making it show.  
In Tananek - Posted Sep 19, 2011
As for names, I've named him Ahnek in my mind.
In Tananek - Posted Sep 19, 2011
Seriously, this is the most awesome drawing of yours. The horns are magnificent. Just freaking love the shape, the way it looks, and especially the decoration of it. His hair being halfway long, nor entirely short but not long. Especially empathized at it being longer at one side. His sleeves is another great thing. You rarely see someone in bare chest. And nice decorative ropes. Personally i would imagine what was under his chest to be the hardest thing. Here his eyes shine through. You keep getting better at backgrounds, which is lovely.

And it would be natural for him to be scared of the Wolfriders, if he is raised by the Timeless. He must think they're out to hunt him.  
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