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Topics - Halfnote

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Holts / Mist Valley Holt
« on: March 30, 2009, 07:22:09 AM »
Mist Valley Holt is a Wolfrider based holt in the OQ style, with elves, trolls and humans. The wolfriders live in a valley and are surrounded by hills, in a thick forest. The trolls live in the mountains closeby, but a few decades back trades have been cut off when the former chief betrayed the trolls. There is no contact with the human village up north -- after the human massacre that resulted in the loss of their previous holt, the elves are weary of making any contact.

The holt's website can be found at http://www.losteuphoria.com/mistvalley. The forum is directly accessible through http://www.frozenleaves.com/mistvalley.


Mist Valley has new adoptables!

Flint ; 110 years old, hunt leader, son of Newmoon and Goldstar. Though he was named for the colour of his hair as a babe, Flint could have well be named for the characteristics of that material as well. He’s sharp and cutting, and occasionally causes sparks. Despite his strong opinions, he is very charismatic and can often sooth the hurt he words can cause – when he wants too. Flint is also very intelligent and has a knack for predicting herd behaviour. This hunting skill and his confident manner combined make him an easy choice for leader for hunting parties. While he’s often quiet, contemplative and serious, at social occasions he easily joins in the stories and laughter.

Shadow Pool has new adoptables!

Oakmist; 873 years old, hunter, tanner and elder, father of Coolsong, brother of Nightwreath. Oakmist is a friendly elf, and enjoys being surrounded by his friends. He has a strong tendency towards directness, and his bluntness frequently causes minor and shortlived disagreements with his tribemates. However, truth is truth and sending and since Oakmist isn’t malicious most of his tribemates get over their irritation – eventually. Oakmist’s passion is tanning, turning the messy, ugly icky hides and skins saved from the hunt into sturdy leather, hardened armor, and soft, supple suede. However, he has absolutely no interest in designing clothing for his tribemates.

Tallow; 623 years old, soap and candle maker, no family alive. Tallow has a calm, controlled, and self-contained personality. Everyone knows him, but few really ‘know’ him. He doesn’t talk about himself, his past, his thoughts, or his dreams. He’s not rude, he’s not abrupt, but he seeks no one’s company. His life has taught him that friendship is fleeting, and safety lies in solitude. Being part of a tribe is necessary for survival, so he worked hard to find a niche that no one else was filling and made it his own. He goes about his self-appointed duties without consulting anyone, and his tribemates find candles and soap always in supply in the storage dens, and their clothing cleaned and neatly folded just inside their dens.

Talon; 9 years old, cub, son of Brazen, Rainroot and Drumbeat. Talon is a responsible cub... but still prone to cubling games and mischief. Excelling, or hard working to become so. Likes training with his sling arrow. Sometimes lonely, due to lack of agemates, but this encourages him to act more grown-up. Born outside of Recognition seems to have only made him more prone to getting sick first, but little else. Mostly considers Rainroot his father since Brazen is openly lifemated with him, but he has another in playful Drumbeat.

Interested? Drop me a PM, subscribe to the forum or apply for a character via the website :)

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