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In TEETH! - Posted Jun 28, 2024
I think it's just funny to see their faces when they realise their parents (and other adults they know) had a whole other life before, that they don't know anything about, and then catch a glimpse of it. ;D
In TEETH! - Posted Jun 24, 2024
I recently showed this picture to my nibling during a conversation we had while playing some D&D, having a quite similar situation but with goblin eyeballs (better not to ask). Glad I still had it stashed somewhere!
Anyway, the joke almost flew past them, because all they could say was, after seeing the year written on the picture, was that "I wasn't even alive yet back then..." :D
In Leyf - Posted Jun 24, 2024
Oh man, this indeed was so long ago, and I know of things I'd do different now if I'd roll these same random colours again... Go for the more muted tones. So if I roll yellow, I'd use ochre in stead of the bright one you'd first think of. And blue could also be navy. There are soooooo many hues!
In Bearclaw - Posted Jun 24, 2024
I see the lightning not just as a nod to something he said, but also to how he created his own doom, with the fight he had with the human shaman during a lightning storm. All these little details in your picture seem to tell all his stories at once! That's quite something!
In Elf Self for 2024 - Posted Jun 24, 2024
Oooh, I love elf-self portraits. I was thinking I should try some of mine again, it's been too long.
I like the expression, a bit hidden and shy. :)
In Songjoy...Again - Posted May 05, 2024
Ooooh, a golden boy.
You may be able to get some of the colour back in photoshop. I find levels do wonders when I need things to be either darker or lighter or more contrasted.
Too bad your scanner doesn't allow for more control. :(
In Cutter and Tyleet - Posted Apr 24, 2024
OK that's just the cutest thing ever, look at that face full of glee!
In MermayJune2023 - Posted Jul 06, 2023
Gorgeous :)
In Tyleet as a child - Posted Feb 06, 2023
Only the cutest Tyleet ever!
In Crouch - Posted Feb 04, 2023
Oh I love discovering new papers that work with markers, especially coloured paper. :D
Opens up so many extra possibilities. Just mix everything, use everything you've got! Leads to great things, as you can see.
He looks so serious, hope he's not too worried!
In 'What's that?' - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Well he's gotta stay true to his inner self somehow!
I think it's quite a fancy coat. :)
In Into the Woods by Maggie Atkinson - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Such a relaxed image to start with. And such a warm glance despite his icy coloured eyes.
Kimo always looks so inviting when you draw him. Like one can tell him anything, and he will keep it all a secret.
The texture is beautiful, and I think it adds to the warmth and cosiness.

@Treefox; you could always choose to display just the cover once the year is over. ;)
In Keep Out by Christoph Schilling - Posted Jan 03, 2023
I think this is my fave from this year.
The character, the story, the framing, the intensity, the skill.
I love it all.
In Where Did I Leave the Fly Swatter by Yeee - Posted Jan 03, 2023
This is so hilarious! :D I just can't stop chuckling.
There's two preservers that crack me up particularly; the blueish one making the face from between Hakens hair, and the purpleish one that is being stopped quite abruptly by the yellow preserver.
This is just wonderful, they're having so much fun. Sorry Haken. ;)
In Portrait of Shenshen by Wildfire - Posted Jan 03, 2023
It's nice to see some of the old themes pop up!
This is beautiful, Shenshen fits the Klimt concept so well.
And I love the way you mimicked the gold parts in your digital medium.
In New Beginnings by Saree - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Sorrow's End truly was the place where they all could finally let their guard down and just enjoy life and everything in it.
You convey this feeling very well in this picture, from Newstar exploring, to them sitting out in the open and in daylight no less, and Woodlock looking totally relaxed and laid back.
In Bee Care by Yavia - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Aww, our human buddies...
So glad you drew them, Shuna was on my wish/to do list as well!
In New Wavedancers by Christoph Schilling - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Had to zoom in on this one to see it in all its gloriousness :o
I mean... no words, what jaRf said, it looks like it could be an official poster!
Not just the amount of characters, but you still managed to get some action in there as well!
In 21st Festival of Brush and Colours by jaRf - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Good to have such a willing model, posing is hard!
And so colourful, I love it.
I feel like the hand in the front is ours, all the fan artists. ;)
In Sticky Predicament by Leigh Davis - Posted Jan 03, 2023
Ember used to be such a naughty kid, this picture is canon now, I'm sure of it, haha. ;D
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