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Messages - branchscamper

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Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 29, 2012, 09:13:16 PM »
Thank you to those who answered my question.  When I read how artist do things I sometimes have no idea what they are talking about when there are vectors and spaces and such.  I think it's just that I never learned the technical terms and when I finally find out what it is I kinda go "OH! That???"   :lol

I wish I had been better in the whole composition thing when doing this project.  I wasn't sure what exactly to expect so kept it rather simple.  I'm used to more of just character drawings than a whole big finished project.  But if it's one thing this project has done it's made me look up and learn a lot - from the characters I had no idea about in EQ to reading some of the story lines I had no idea about either to learning more about art and even attempting digital colouring.  I think in that alone I am happy I took on this calendar work =D

And with that I sent you an email Windrider that I will happily take on Winnowill grid art.  I will be back in my comfort zone of black ink haha

Art and Elfquest / Re: [Tools of the Trade] - Figure blocking / sketching
« on: January 29, 2012, 09:07:31 PM »
I find this topic so interesting and also amazing seeing the art go from the sketching to the finished project.  I don't normally figure block or anything really XD  I might have to scan my pieces in progress to see if I even have a method.  I just kinda draw and hope for the best  :-\

And I love your paintings Windrider.  You said watercolour right?  I have not been successful at all in using those.

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:01:00 AM »
Ok so I have to ask as this has been boggling my mind. What size do you guys start your artwork at? I'm used to traditional mediums and most of my work begins on a simple 8x11 inch paper. I rarely go larger except when doing my acrylic paintings. All of my pinups were done with all three images on that paper. I'm truly fascinated by how others have done theirs!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:56:31 AM »
Amberfox - go ahead and sign up to draw Haken if you want. I don't want to hold you back while I'm searching. I'm in the middle of a move so much is packed up and it was never scanned onto my computer so it's not an easy find. It is funny how popular he is! lol

And I totally forgot to reply to Firestorm XD Don't worry what you use to create your art (especially when it turns out looking like yours does!). Art isn't about how technologically advanced you are. Its about the heart and soul you put into it :)

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:32:31 PM »
Sent in Rillfisher! 

And I just thought about it, but I may have an old piece I did of Haken because I was doing a large High One group drawing that never got completed XD  Let me check!

Art and Elfquest / Re: WANTED: Council of Elders
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:31:26 PM »
I want to add to silentleaf's comment that I too can not thank you enough for over taking this huge project.  This is my favourite place now to hang out on the web and I am happy it will remain.  Thank you!  :D

Oh and good luck to everyone involved in this!

EDIT - I can't see any of Maggie's art now =0

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 23, 2012, 02:45:40 AM »
I have Rillfisher's linework done and have begun the colouring! I forgot to ask about size. Oh fudge...I'll double check to see what size I have her at.

Also I am loving the art I'm seeing and it's also making me learn new characters and storylines as I have to google some of their names. I need to catch up some more!

Also thank you to Treefox and Maggie for their dedication of leaving awesome comments for everyone :)

Art and Elfquest / Re: "EQ-drawing -party"...
« on: January 23, 2012, 02:39:28 AM »
I agree that it's awesome we actually have a "real" list of people interested! Whenever is convenient for you guys to start. I'm moving in the next week, but mid-feb should be enough time for me to be settled enough to produce some art :) Who knows. Maybe it will convince me to finally experiment with my tablet lol

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 21, 2012, 01:57:41 PM »
OMG!  You guys don't even know how excited I am that this is live!  And I have to run to work RIGHT NOW...WHY??!!??  I will come back and comment like crazy because WOW JUST WOW  :o

Sorry for all the caps.  Can you tell I'm excited?  ;D

Art and Elfquest / Re: WANTED: Council of Elders
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:23:52 AM »
I wish I could help but I will definitely be the first one to say I don't have enough time to be a dedicated mod. I will happily be that annoying member who (if I see something) reports it to a mod or even starts new ideas etc, but that's about as far as I could go right now.

I'm sure whatever decision is made will work out as this community has a lot of love and friendship going with it  :D

Art and Elfquest / Re: Fate of EQFA
« on: January 14, 2012, 11:19:38 PM »
Eregyrn you're so good with words!  I couldn't put down half of what I was thinking so well XD

Definitely want to thank Foxeye and Kael for all the hard work they have done.  When the last EQFA place went down I was very sad and although it took me a very long time to find this one it made me happy it actually existed!  And it is a huge undertaking as I think anyone who has run a site, holt, or whatnot can agree to.  I moderated a forum based RPG and it gave me headaches trying to keep up with every thing going on.  Even though you are stepping down will you still post art Foxeye?  I hope you're not disappearing from the fandom completely =( 

No matter what's decided I will continue to try to stay with you guys.  Now that I'm back in the swing of things I want to keep up and draw more art and talk with the creative people here.  It's heartening to find a community like this out there on the web.

I think it's awesome that everyone wants to keep it going and is coming up with ideas.  Thank you to all of you as well!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed =D

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Pin-Up Planner for Sale - Got Mine!
« on: January 14, 2012, 11:13:50 PM »
Looks pretty!  I will definitely be ordering all three when they come out XD  There goes any money I was saving lol

Art and Elfquest / Re: Fate of EQFA
« on: January 14, 2012, 10:19:43 AM »
You're not the only one who dislikes DA Berit XD  I made an account ages ago and have yet to shut it down, but I haven't touched it in like...5 years?  I found it a very immature community and the c/c wasn't even that great.  I had people threatening to steal my art and tell me watermarks were useless and just random stupidity.  It's like FB with art and I'm not a fan of FB either XD 

I want to stay positive and move with everyone else, but it won't be easy for me if it gets moved to DA.     

Art and Elfquest / Re: Fate of EQFA
« on: January 13, 2012, 07:59:34 AM »
  :'( I'm seriously crying. I just found you guys again and I don't want us to part ways! I wish I had time to run a site but I don't. I had to close all my personal ones a year ago due to lack of time :/

We need to figure something out!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Pin-Up Planner for Sale
« on: January 10, 2012, 09:32:04 AM »
This is so exciting!  I was basically expecting that price as well so I'm not going to say it's "expensive", but I would like to know the quality before I plop the money done even though I want it so very bad XD 

Can't wait to hear how it looks from the printers!

Art and Elfquest / Re: "EQ-drawing -party"...
« on: January 06, 2012, 03:45:11 PM »
This is an interesting idea!  I've done this with writing stories, but never with art.  I think I would like to try depending on when it was =D

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:37:18 PM »
Work has made me late to the party!  But I will add another resounding chorus of "omgomgomgomgomg!" along with everyone else.  So many styles and colours and just insane talent.  I am so happy this has come to be and I look forward to seeing the next two years worth as well!

Thank you to all the artist for taking so much of their time to put their heart and soul into these pictures so we can all enjoy them and be caught up in the artwork ^_^  

And thank you to Windrider and Foxeye for all their effort to put these calendars together.  It must be a lot of work, but you have to be enjoying seeing all this wonderful art  :D

I also want to thank Windrider for all her encouraging emails as I sent her my WIP's.  It helped me get through as I attempted new forms of colouring.

And now I am off to oogle at the gallery and leave comments =D

Edit - One thing I noticed that no matter how many entries there are I don't really see a repeated pose.  That is pretty amazing and shows the creativeness everyone had.  Amazing!  :o

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: December 21, 2011, 07:11:00 PM »
Oh goodness I hope everyone is doing well!  I have no time literally for anything it's stressing me out  :-\

I only need a few more hours on Tyleet and I shall be done.  I'm having trouble with colouring and shading the skin because it just doesn't look right to me, but I think that's just my opinion.  I've been studying a lot about techniques for this picture and I've been mostly happy with the results. 

Happy Holidays to everyone if I don't get on before then =D 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: December 07, 2011, 03:13:15 PM »
I thought the eye thing was only me XD  I always leave them till last because I swear they are watching me and critique my art.  But it's always hard to see how the finish project looks without the eyes.  To me hair and eyes make or break the artwork. 

I have the rest of the day off so I am going to work on some art =D

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:36:11 PM »
Thank you Startear  ;D  It makes me so excited to see the artwork that everyone has worked hard on!

Tyleet is coming at a plipplop rate but I am determined to meet the Dec 10th deadline.  My main problem is that most of the positions I think are great for her I noticed Wendy already has done in her official art  ???  So I'm pushing my mind to the limit to come up with something unique.  I will do it!

And I am willing to draw more if you need anything  :)

I hope everyone is doing well after that crazy wind storm!  We were supposed to get some, but it rained and now we're getting record cold temps.  It's crazy!  I'm actually wearing a sweater *lol*

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 30, 2011, 01:25:56 PM »
 :bounce  Dodia is sent in!  I'm super excited!  I'm still working on Tyleet.  Every position I've tried just isn't working for me XD 

The thought of 150 new pieces of artwork on this site is mind blowing, but oh so exciting!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:44:46 PM »
Luv luv luv it~

I'm so glad we can see the art w/out waiting years!

I just sent in LongFin and am finishing fixing up Dodia.  It's taking me a lot longer than I expected.  Oh well...And I'm halfway through sketching out Tyleet!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 28, 2011, 09:31:50 PM »
I finished both LongFin and Dodia and am cleaning them up a bit in PS as soon as I log off here.  So they should be to you by tomorrow if not tonight!  Also you can mark Tyleet as "in progress" as I've got some sketches down. 

However you guys want to do the calendar to make it look awesome and with minimum headaches I'm cool with it.  I kinda would love to see all this art before 2014, but if we have to keep it hidden then we do.  I would be up to providing more art if needed  :)

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 25, 2011, 11:45:02 PM »
Thank you guys for your concern!  Luckily it wasn't a severe accident, but a back injury and minor head injury just doesn't work when trying to do art diligently  :-\  I'm walking and talking so am thankful for that.  Now to get my vehicle fixed.  I hate seeing her all scratched up  :(

:( I was looking foreward to seing your version of Tyleet :( I've always loved the Venka-Kahvi-Vaya piece you did for another calender.

Thank you so much for your kind words about my art piece.  I noticed the date today and it's not too bad even with the looming end of the month so I may try to crack out the Tyleet picture.  It was actually one of yours that had me biting my nails over drawing her, Mirror!  I was whining to my sis and she was all like "right, show me the pieces" and when I did she was "wow" XD;;  Your work is inspirational to me even as it makes me self conscious XD 

I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's art!  This has been really exciting!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:16:34 PM »
I'm spending the day colouring LongFin and Dodia and should have those set to send in.  OT at work and a car accident sent me far behind  :(  I'm not sure I'll have Tyleet ready.  I really wanted to have her done, but I've become very self conscious of drawing her after seeing some amazing pictures others have done.  I doubt I will do her justice as the others have  :-[

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the States!

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