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Messages - GinGin

Pages: [1]
Art and Elfquest / Re: 2010 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 13, 2009, 04:40:03 AM »
Somehow I ALWAYS miss the calendar :(  Whenever I see it it's either too early (which means there's no theme yet, or that 8 months later, I'll loathe what I submitted) or when I remember, and check back here it's usually past or within mere weeks of the deadline :(


But I'm still going to try. Which is stupid considering my current deadline schedules...but...I don't want to miss out AGAIN ;_;

I just hope I won't choose a character or month already provided for. I'm not sure how much submissions we already have but in case of shortage, I'd really, really appreciate a pm that tells me what season/month, for instance, is needed, or if there are certain subjects already portrayed twice, that I won't do it a third time.  Time is precious for me at this point, so If I'm going to submit, I want to make it count, or not do it at all.  Hope you guys understand that ^^

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