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Playful Night
Number five in this series run is the wonderous Nightfall.  Having alot of fun with this goodgirl set, it's really giving me time to sharpen the old colorist skills which has been mia for way to long (I blame PS adobe, it made me lazy).   Enjoy
 Views: 1300
 Comments: 5
Sep 11, 2012
in Pin Ups
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Braided Luv
Came close to her look on this one, this one was hard to find a pose to accent her personality.  Created on Canson bristol with Copic sketch markers and multiliner.
 Views: 1348
 Comments: 5
Sep 11, 2012
in Pin Ups
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Playing coy
Third in the theme series, the ever lovin' cutey Dewshine.  I know I dressed her in her sunvillage dress but I purpsely left her untanned.  I dunno I just seem to like her more creme color over the tan.  Enjoy
 Views: 1266
 Comments: 2
Sep 05, 2012
in Pin Ups
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moonlight surprise
Ok, the Leetah color sketch turned out better than I had hoped so it has created a theme for me to work with.  Here is the lovely Moonshade in a full color design, hope you all ike it.

Stay tuned for more to come
 Views: 1259
 Comments: 3
Sep 05, 2012
in Pin Ups
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Hi all,  Long time no see.  Work, side business and broken ribs has kept me away from what I luv to do,  so I hope this piece is worth the wait.  This time around I decided to break out the color copics and go for broke to create a Wendyish styled Leetah in comic/illustration form(aside from the han…
 Views: 1303
 Comments: 4
Aug 31, 2012
in Pin Ups
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Nightfall bust portrait
I think she turned out ok.  I modeled her from a standing form with her arm extended to hold a pike ( you'll have to envision it so her pose makes sense).
 Views: 1330
 Comments: 4
May 23, 2012
in Rowtiger's sketches
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Venka portrait bust
Really missed doing pencil work, totally hate the hair off her back turned out.  I totally smudge that area accidentally but I was at the last shadings part to do major corrections and she turned out nicely in the face I didn't want to pitch it.  Not to bad for a 50 minute sketch.
 Views: 1342
 Comments: 2
May 23, 2012
in Rowtiger's sketches
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She does not like to wait
Pre Cutter time pic of Leetah in her 'special' roll in the sunvillage, I kinda feel sorry for the elf who just came in the door.  She looks a little 'hungry'.
 Views: 1688
 Comments: 3
May 13, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Gave Skywise my 'art block' emotional look, just because I couldn't think of a really cool image of him to draw.  I do these sketches from mannequin ( I bet I spelled that wrong) but once I did the work up and added clothes his arms just look wrong.  Still I think I really got close to Wendy's style…
 Views: 1609
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May 13, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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My version of Rillfisher, Created with copic multiliner and sketch gray series (cool & warm) markers.
 Views: 1593
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Apr 30, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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The hottest little soccer mom in the holt.
 Views: 1272
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Apr 24, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Tried to make her dress a little sheer, you can still see some of her skin tone after scanning.  I don't know I think it came out ok.
 Views: 1170
 Comments: 2
Apr 24, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Oh Snap
"Lifemate!...(SNAP)..Put a shirt on please, your driving me crazy."  Having some fun and it looks like i'm finally locking down Wendy's style with my own.   created on canson smooth bristol with Copic multiliners 03-05-08-& Brush.  Then gray scaled with Copic sketch markers warm and cool gray series…
 Views: 1283
 Comments: 3
Apr 21, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Cutter and Skywise returned to the holt from a long journey and kids will be kids.  Ember and Suntop just couldn't wait for Cutter to show them what he found while travelling and I don't think father is happy about spoilling the surprise.   created on canson smooth bristol with Copic multiliners 03-…
 Views: 1244
 Comments: 6
Apr 21, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Dance dance dance
Nightfall in one of her dancing urges, just trying out lite dynamic posing and good girl stylin' in this pic.  created on canson smooth bristol with Copic multiliners 03-05-08-& Brush.  Then gray scaled with Copic sketch markers warm and cool gray series 01 thru 06, and as I usually do I  have added…
 Views: 1173
 Comments: 2
Apr 19, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Waiting for her Scout
Scouter has no idea what he's in for when he gets back, cause Dewshine wants to play.  Before anyone asks, Yes she is on a fur rug over a pile of fur for extra cushion. created on canson smooth bristol with Copic multiliners 03-05-08-& Brush.  Then gray scaled with Copic sketch markers warm and cool…
 Views: 1171
 Comments: 6
Apr 19, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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This is an older sketch of my wife character out of Wildwood holt, It turned out so nicely, once I found it in my files I just had to share it with you all.
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Apr 17, 2012
in Rowtiger's sketches
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Ruffle of the Sunfolk village
Startear gave me some wonderful inspiration to go back to working in a convention style sketch medium.  Here is a bust portrait of Ruffle of the sunfolk, she was created on canson smooth bristol with Copic multiliners 03-05-08-& Brush.  Then gray scaled with Copic sketch markers warm and cool gray s…
 Views: 1166
 Comments: 4
Apr 17, 2012
in Rowtiger's Con sketches
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Ember enjoying some play time through the trees.
 Views: 1062
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Apr 15, 2012
in Rowtiger's coloring book
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Sea elf from the Discovery graphic novel, wasn't sure if I should or shouldn't try my hand at water effect detailling.  She'll probably look alot beter when I get around to colorizing.  I did some forshortening and while I was doing it I was envisioning color and shading so some things might look a…
 Views: 1051
 Comments: 3
Apr 15, 2012
in Rowtiger's coloring book
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