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In Nightwatch - Posted Oct 10, 2011
@ Treefox: Thank you :) yes the proportions if I want him to be wolfrider-esque are definitely not correct.  I have been drawing 'normal' proportions for so long that drawing more canon eq feels very off to me so now I sort of hang in the middle heh. I'm not sure how far I want to imitate Wendy's style, but it's a good idea to keep a chart if I want my next try to be more in league with the proportions she set for the tribes :)
I suppose it may give off  an anime-esque feel though I have been paying attention to draw him more rounded rather than overly angular/straight-lined. I guess it's also because he is more fine-lined and more detailed in costume design than EQ characters are in general. I always have to restrain myself on the costume designs but I usually can't XD though I'm always willing to change weapons and costumes and such to fit an rpg. Thanks for your comment!

@Eregryn: Thank you :) I use manga studio since I always had trouble inking. It makes it less frustrating, and more fun (for me) I can definitely recommend it it you like or want to try out to ink digitally. It is a good help too with comic/manga layout and such as well.

It is indeed prepared for colouring and not meant to stand alone as a b&w piece, though the actual colouring will probably not happen soon since I'm currently primarily focusing on practicing drawing and inking respectively though it may be a good idea to also make a version of this that is meant to stand as a b&w piece for practice! If I do I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind.

Proportion: Well that sounds like my kind of perfect, but I guess I'll just have to see where he ends up holt/setting wise :)  I have a tendency to draw more 'normal'/nonEQ proportions because that's what I've been doing for a really long time now. So my choice is a little half-hearted haha.

Yes I went for dramatic rather than a natural scene. I wanted it to be a 'dynamic still' so to speak.  Perched may not be the wisest word to choose for this on my account. It is indeed more of a challenging display.

The blade: yes it's been bothering me as well! Since I'm not the only one, I shall fix it before colouring :) thanks for your critique!
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