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Investigating a carcass - 2018

by Berit

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Something I did when I found these quite ugly plastic frames for cheap! they are flat and made of this odd plastic material and they are simply a scan of another real frame on the surface of the plastic… Here are my characters Marut and Rustle investigating a moose carcass…

Posted February 10, 2019, 03:10:39 AM
marut, rustle

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Winter day with the… Anondraw Czarine ber… Investig­ating a carc… What is that noise?… Mermay painting­s - 2…
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  • Fan Calendar Participant
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Comment #1 - Posted February 20, 2019, 01:13:15 AM
Okay... that frame sounds weird... Your picture surely makes it look so much nicer!


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Comment #2 - Posted April 18, 2019, 07:06:42 AM
The frame may be ugly and cheap, but this sort of reminds me of the very old photos from around the turn of the 20th century.  It's the small photo the viewer is to focus on by using a frame that drew the eye center to do just that. The background you added enhances that since it's similar to some of the green shades in the frame. Rustle looks oddly turn of the century as well in her outfit, but elegant. Her face seems a bit off, however; the nose and eyes not quite lining up.  The high neck of the dress also appears to almost distort her jawline. Marut is as Marut as ever! Did you get the idea for this illo after looking at the frame?  Amazing how you can be inspired by something like this and create a wonderful illo!


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Comment #3 - Posted April 24, 2019, 07:56:36 AM
the design of the frame has nothing wrong with it as I like old stuff... but really, why poison green and on a wobbly plastic? (reminds me of how sloppy disks feel)... And In Rustle's human form (in a galaxy far far away) she actually dresses in clothes like that, not really liking pants or miniskirts (as most of my female characters actually have pants, I wanted something different) and Yup! Dolly's eyes are a bit wonky and things don't quite line up, I'm actually not that good with paper cutting so I messed things up!... I just thought that green would be good for something nature themed!...
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