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Skymane & Rustmane (Hero Forge 3D figurine)

by Czarine

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I'm all giddy, because Hero Forge (https://www.heroforge.com/) has Cyber Monday sale, and you can buy their digital figurines for $4 each! I designed and bought Laluna riding Rustmane (originally BadLuckPup from Berit's WolfQuest!). I have a friend who has a 3D-printer, and he said he can print this for me, yay!

Even though you can't make your characters spot-on in Hero Forge (Laluna's clothes are different, and wolves don't wear saddles...), I'm quite happy with the result. Now I can't wait for the printed figurine!

If you want to go see the 3D-figure from all angles, go here:

I gave Laluna an elf-name, "Skymane". It's made after her ooooold finnish EQ-name, "Taivasharja", which I happened to find in a text file when I was browsing some very old folders on an external hard drive. I didn't remember her having an EQ-name, so I was surprised to find it!

Posted November 26, 2018, 12:00:47 AM
December 03, 2018, 01:55:47 AM
laluna, rustmane, hero forge, 3D, figurine, skymane

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Marut asleep Hama-bead Marut Skymane & Rustmane (… Zombie Quest Mayhem! Sweet dreams
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  • Total Items: 199
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Comment #1 - Posted November 26, 2018, 09:38:01 AM
This. Is. Awesome. :o


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Comment #2 - Posted November 26, 2018, 02:24:59 PM
     So Cool.    Big wow.   What size is it going to print out at?  A doll/ventriloquist head took 48 hrs to print.

*The jokes on me.  I thought it was a real sculpture (it will be I understand, now) and I was in awe of someone able to made their clay surface so smooth. I would love me one of those 3D printers.*


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Comment #3 - Posted November 27, 2018, 11:06:47 AM
Oh wow, this is very cool! That website can be great for references as well, it has a bunch of good poses. I just tried making Wildfire, and yeah you can't really get it spot on (the expressions in particular seem lacking, but that's probably due to the size - 30 mm isn't a lot)  but still very fun!


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Comment #4 - Posted December 03, 2018, 02:01:11 AM

@Tah-Marien: I think the surface won't be as smooth when it comes out of the printer, but I'm nonetheless excited to have my OC as a figurine! I actually asked my friend to print this in about double the regular size (maybe 60mm?), because I don't plan to use it in D&D.

@Wildfire: Yeah, it's fun to try out different poses and expressions on the characters, even if there aren't that many options. I hadn't thought of using it for drawing, but it could work well for that too!


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Comment #5 - Posted December 15, 2018, 10:23:58 PM
This truly is cool! sad that I don't have characters that ride wolves! what color the wolf will be? a random wolf or one of her Wolfquest wolves?...


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Comment #6 - Posted December 19, 2018, 09:26:27 PM
I see.  So it will be the same size as my Goldspice 65mm - abouts  (which is 3 1/2 inches tall) -eh?  And it really should come out just as smooth as the digital outline.
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