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TWD  ZQ Nation Road sign

by Tah-Marien

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Use freely means with respect, of course,  But do not worry that it is not signed - I used paint and my fingers to make the blood smears for the Master.  And since I was a IA in my school district, my prints are on file with the Government.  No contest in an court of law, right?

But seriously  - Have some fun folks, please.  What KA character of yours, past or present, could kick some Zombie butt?

Posted October 18, 2018, 03:36:23 PM
Halloween, Goldspice, RTH, ZQ Nation, Zombie Quest, road sign

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Comment #1 - Posted October 18, 2018, 03:47:43 PM
So I could add these to my work? okay! could be interesting to draw my characters like this! gotta bother Czarine to come along too!...


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Comment #2 - Posted October 18, 2018, 04:07:56 PM
Yes,yes.  Use away.  The larger is the sizing copy.  And please, invite / bother anyone who would have some fun with the AU idea. If you need a better copy -with less dpi restrictions I will E-mail it, just pm me here .


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Comment #3 - Posted October 19, 2018, 05:41:23 AM
This would be great to have as a vector version! If I have enough time, I can try to make one, if that's okay. Hmm, gotta think of a fitting drawing to use this with...


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Comment #4 - Posted October 19, 2018, 09:58:29 AM
What ?  is? a Vector version?  Just curious - no worries, very OK to apply any skills to this one dimensional rendering.  Looking real with the blood painted in and the eqfa plug with a red background,and the white sign with the dirt and dent . . .  -  but that might not be what you mean . . .

Thank you for the interest! Have fun and Happy Halloween.

Oh, and the bullet holes-mustn't forget them. (smile)
Last Edited: October 19, 2018, 10:02:17 AM


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Comment #5 - Posted October 19, 2018, 03:29:03 PM
About those bullet holes, are the elves here more modern too? meaning that do they use guns or stuff like t-shirts?...


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Comment #6 - Posted October 19, 2018, 04:26:45 PM
  Humans are infected, and the "theme" is TWD.  More forest regions because Modern times on a (?) larger world, just industry and cities / smaller towns spread more far apart than Earth, and for some reason the surviving elves cannot get infected or the animals on the planet either. In the first 5 yrs those that relied on Magic disappeared much faster, and to the horror of the others, there are few too none left in the Groups that they have encountered so far. . . encountered so long ago that they doubt they exist now. Could there be a group with magic users left?  We do not Yet know.  But many Traps have been left behind;  Horrors of dead man flesh and bone either embedded in rock or trees or  twisted in body.  Living dead masses that squirm and moan  and cannot move until bones break or flesh rots and they crawl upon the ground.

Clothes . . . good question.  Why would they not use what they can find.  I imagine that there is little time left to tan.  I hoped for a mix; something that still said Elf but utilized the environment-think Rayek coming up out of that rag bin, looking like a prince.
Last Edited: October 25, 2018, 12:10:04 PM


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Comment #7 - Posted October 19, 2018, 09:57:48 PM
No zombie elves or animals? dang... here I hoped I got to draw some! it would have made he horror more personal to the elves... okay! clothes can be a mix of elven and modern human! I'll start drawing now!...


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Comment #8 - Posted October 20, 2018, 12:24:24 AM
Vector is digital art, as in company logos, clip art, etc. Vector doesn't get pixelated when you zoom in or out, so it's easy to apply anywhere. For example, jaRf uses vectors to make his art. http://www.elfquestfanart.com/MGalleryItem.php?id=5772

Now I'm inspired to make a movie-poster like image or a fake screencap with this theme! :D


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Comment #9 - Posted October 20, 2018, 07:56:21 AM
Berit - You can still draw the nightmares that theses elves would have thinking of their missing tribemates , furry friends of the forest and the destroyed world..  (Zombie anything is cool though) Some horrors must be saved for the subconscious and some are just so real that they need no introduction.

Czarine - Oh. . . Just a different piculation.  It sorta looks like point-ism from the old masters revamped for the techno age - Cool.  We have five characters so far, if you are going to join the fighting. I am drawing the latest drop in.  Who wouldn't love a movie poster theme - wow.


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Comment #10 - Posted October 24, 2018, 12:38:34 PM
  That first year or so they had been hit hard.  The scouting groups were down in numbers and it was a weary, but intact troop, that was headed back to base camp.  Softfeather had gone on ahead, being less tired from her sniper's volley.  Busyplan was so tired he was dragging his enormous weapon carelessly on the ground, Flattop wasn't smashing unlucky objects and Shadow's Whisper's very presence in the group proved how tired he really was.  His large hood was uncharacteristically thrown back and Goldsmash noticed him casually glancing at the plowed ground and, with a sly smile, she imaged a mindful scowl on his otherwise immobile face.

  Something had bothered Hushmore this run and his edge was keeping him on his feet, prowling, and keeping them safe.  He was unapproachable but There. The rest of them looked as tired and ragged as she felt -  but scavenging had been good; multiple carrysacks were full and the trip to the town had been worth it.

 Suddenly a low many-voiced hollow moan could be heard ahead, soft in comparison, to the group moan that answered in exhausted harmonic response.
Last Edited: October 28, 2018, 04:44:05 PM


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Comment #11 - Posted October 28, 2018, 04:27:16 AM
This all sounds very cool! nice and inspiring! Come on! what happens next? are you planning on turning this into an RPG or a story?...


  • AdultSwim
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Comment #12 - Posted October 28, 2018, 12:58:30 PM
both story and RPG everybody has a say in it.   In Sweetwater we called it a writer's Conclave.


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Comment #13 - Posted October 28, 2018, 02:28:28 PM
Ah . . . Writer's Conclave.  I must have just easily fallen into old habits and roles.  She is right, it was both, and yet, neither:

My role then was to take the facts and make a Timeline that outlined Characters.  It seems I already began with ZQ Nation by outlining "The First Year or So" . . .  a story with a blank as to how these characters got "there"; because their stories are their very own, and ones I really want to hear later.  Opening left.   My writing style was only used to document and  "Dragnet"  (the facts 'mam, just stick to the facts) the  ongoing  chosen  Saga.   My love of Input made me enjoy the role and the challenge.  The bonus was drawing the characters! 

Here, for the first time, I have inserted a group viewpoint in Goldsmash.

. .     More on what a Writer's Conclave IS later.  I must think on how best to say it.

Edit  (just thinking)  "Doesn't fully matter what was."    You need to know, just what I am offering Now.   If you wish to follow this white rabbit into wonderland than you have a right to understand how far the crazy-hole goes, and where.  

. .
Last Edited: October 31, 2018, 10:12:32 AM


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Comment #14 - Posted October 31, 2018, 12:07:39 PM
   The best way to sum it all up is with a Fable.  Who doesn't love a good story?  So bear with me here. . . as I have edited and shortened for reasons of space and clarity. This is now my story.

  The fable of  "Stone Soup"  tells of a  wise traveler who came upon a village that was starving.  She went to the local blacksmith and asked to borrow the largest cauldron, she then collected small bits of firewood from around the village and drew water from the local well. Setting up the pot over the timber she added the water and began to stir.  An old man came out and asked if the stranger needed flint or ember, and the fire was started.   Smelling smoke the curious villagers peeked out from their windows as the traveler took a large stone reverently out of her pack, and with a great show of care, placed it in the water.

  People began to wander out of their homes, as she stirred and hummed, too ask what she was doing.  The answer was always the same.  "I am making stone soup."  The people would just shake their heads and walk away.  The village came alive with whispers and speculation until a child came out of the nearby forest approaching the village square and shyly offered a grubby handful of wild onions. The gift was taken with a regal bow and great ceremony as the woman diced the onions and added them to the pot with a smile.   Soon a small turnip here, or a old potato there, or a dainty bit of dried beef or two was slowly added  to the stone in the water as the morning went on.

 When every family, friend or member of the village that could, had added a small personal share - a merry mood began to gather.  Hours later the village knew that they would eat heartily for more than a few days and the hungry stranger traveled on with a full belly and another story to tell.

. .
Last Edited: November 12, 2018, 10:56:19 AM


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Comment #15 - Posted October 31, 2018, 12:36:28 PM
I am, I offer the Cauldron, the Water , the Stone and the Timber.

Cauldron = Guidelines, General Information.  I would then coordinate, document and update all future entries such as maps, traps, boundaries, characters and slang... etc.

Water = Elements.  Stir the world with plot, mood and conflict.  And it will Boil sometimes. But you control how hot your character can take.

Stone =  Theme.   In this case - - ElfQuest.  Zombies.  The Walking  Dead and Z Nation.

Timber =  Idea.   A seasonal, action-parody,  character driven, episode story-line with multiple contributors.  More of a Creator's Conclave, if you will.  A Graphic Novel/TV Series mash-up format with the goal of one or two episodes per year; to be posted at least every "Season" , being October and November  (appropriately in this case) and grown by whatever means the people want to contribute.

. .

This is the very shortest version.  When we figure out what it constitutes and where it goes in the Forum we will put all the boring tech-stuff there.  I do not quite know if what I am proposing is a  "Holt"  as such . . .  

. .
Last Edited: November 12, 2018, 10:56:56 AM


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Comment #16 - Posted November 01, 2018, 03:38:25 PM
Slip in
Ah, here are some information's to your "Zombieland" ideas.
It sounds nice but.. don't wanna be rude but... Elves can't be infected, so what's the sense in Zombies? The elves only must be carefull not to get eaten or beat to death. No difference to before. The nice danger to get bitten and turning effect stays out of this idea. And why no magic?  That's the thing that divides us and elves. If they can't use magic or don't have any, they might as well be humans. (If you don't wanna overpower them: Not every magic is helpful in every situation.) Hmmm, so, why elves? I like elves and zombies, but this two missing things don't combine them the perfect way. Just my opinion, no offence.
Slip out


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Comment #17 - Posted November 01, 2018, 03:57:05 PM
 @YAVIA       *wink*  - -  got you covered.

But since some answers are Elements to the Story they would be spoilers . . However:  Go back and re-read everything so far . . . there are hidden answers to your questions in every comment I have made.  Happy hunting!


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Comment #18 - Posted November 01, 2018, 07:22:07 PM
Sorry, I did not ask questions about the story so I can't be spoiled. I was just wondering, why you take elves and zombies if the characteristic elements are left out. You said so, both elements are mentioned in your posts: There will be no magic and elves can't be infected. Them are major characteristics of both worlds. If them are missed, I could rather read EQ or watch TWD separately. That's what I meant, no secret hints.

If you just fooled us with that statements I rather wait till all is ready and the plan is clear to follow.


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Comment #19 - Posted November 12, 2018, 11:31:24 AM
@ Yavia - the wink - meant - yes there will  human characters if you prefer to play one. 

Only the "surviving" (beginning with S9 E1) elves seem to be lower or no magic users.  This distinction of Magics will be explained.  Elves Can be affected and infected- just on a very different level from the humans. Meaning - they do not turn into a human version of a Zombie.   


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Comment #20 - Posted November 25, 2018, 10:26:55 AM
I misunderstood - The wink - for there was no real statement, that I want to play a human. Just a mention in another Threat that there might be one of my human characters who would survive it so far. So I don't combined that two things or even get it and didn't react on your winks at all. Sorry.
And I don't wanna play a human in an EQ Zombie Apocalypse.

Now you finally have a different kind of infection for elves and some distinctioned low magic users, so the two fandoms have combined much better than before.
Nice, but there is to much that don't fit for me. I'm out of it.
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