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Easysinger Sketch Progression 2

by Eregyrn

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Showing progression from refined figure sketch through finishing stages -- more detailed sketch with hair, facial details, costume; and then, ink. (After the ink, her head was made slightly smaller in Photoshop, in order to match up with the proportions of another figure drawn separately.)

This is part of a larger piece for RTH in which I specifically wanted to play with the ceremonial robes created for Leetah and Cutter in the first issue of KOTBW -- without copying them exactly.  So for Easysinger, chieftess of the tribe, I decided to do a feather-fringed multi-layer robe instead.  (Her color scheme is generally blues, greys, and whites; the feathers are intended to be white goose or swan, as I've associated those with the character before.)

Posted March 06, 2011, 03:29:00 PM
March 06, 2011, 08:46:33 PM

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