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Album - Owner: bukittyan - 2 items
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Chibi Moonshade
A request by Icemoon! I'm experimenting with different styles, trying to see what I want to use for different pics. Also, this is the very first pic I've done completely digitally, from drawing to final product, and that's also been a learning process. I think I'm going to have to practice more. :)
 Views: 1011
 Comments: 5
May 25, 2009
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# 31- Flowers
# 31 of the 100 sketch challenge. Inspired by someone's request in joselle's thread and my recent trip to Maui. I've always liked the scene where Chot tells Shenshen she smells prettier than flowers, and her not knowing how to process this information, so this is my tribute to that scene.
 Views: 6297
 Comments: 10
May 10, 2009
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