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Anondraw 2020
Album - Owner: Wildfire - 6 items
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Anondraw - Moonshade June 06, 2020, 06:13:27 AM 349 5
This one has been on the board for months now, but I never got around to posting it   ::)
Anondraw- Valentines Card February 15, 2020, 06:05:48 AM 305 8
Pike and Shenshen for Maggie's Valentines Card challenge :D
Done in Anondraw and tweaked in PS afterwards. Don't be like me, use references from the beginning, kids!
Anondraw - Moonshade lines January 28, 2020, 01:51:55 PM 324 5
Yavia's emoji challenge inspired me a bit more than the bigger piece I'm doing of Moonshade, so here's a silly sketch!
If anyone wanna colour this ridiculousness, elsewhere or in Anondraw, feel free!  :D
Anondraw - Savah and Suntop January 26, 2020, 09:04:02 AM 305 8
This is more a thumbnail than anything else, it's tiny :lol
Alternative title: "Hey kid, look at the sun, I'm sure nothing bad will happen, just ask your grandpa!"
Anondraw - Ember January 26, 2020, 09:01:53 AM 359 7
If anyone wanna draw what/who she's looking at/thinking about, head on over to the board https://www.anondraw.com/collab#private_j6meh,-225,709 and have a go at it! Berit drew an adorable Choplicker, but other interpretations serious or otherwise are welcome :D
Anondraw Mermaid!Winnowill January 26, 2020, 08:38:36 AM 318 8
I joined the Anondraw board, and had a ton of fun sketching this mermaid-era Winnowill. I rather like this, so I might eventually blow it up and do a proper render, who knows
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