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Album - Owner: jaRf - 6 items
separate scenes and descriptions I did for the EQFA calendar 2017 (before I merged them into one)
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thoughts on my entry for EQFA calendar 2017 January 04, 2017, 07:14:14 AM 12822 2
Don't just click! Please use "save as" and rename the download to pdf! Then open it with your favourite pdf viewer.

My thoughts and intentions on each scene that I used to compose the final image.
Image quality had to be lowered for upload, but you'll find the images of the scenes in separate postings in better quality.

I'm sorry for the indirect upload, but sadly SMF (that is used here) would not allow me to upload any serious document format (pdf, odt). But it was just checking extensions (not MIME/header) and thus I was able to trick it.

alternative download:
(sorry for using dropbox)
Scene 1 and 2 Surprise and Dignified January 04, 2017, 07:26:05 AM 13075
Rayek self contrast for EQFA-Cal. 2017
Scene 1 and 2
Rayek being surprised about an unexpected reflection while fetching water
dignified face.

You might want to interpret the scene for yourself first, maybe leave your thoughts in a comment, then read my thoughts at it if you want here http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5546.
Scene 3 Sadness January 04, 2017, 07:27:43 AM 13159 6
Rayek self contrast for EQFA-Cal. 2017
Scene 3
Rayek sitting on the rocks in sadness.

You might want to interpret the scene for yourself first, maybe leave your thoughts in a comment, then read my thoughts at it if you want here http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5546.
Scene 4 Happiness January 04, 2017, 07:29:05 AM 13187 3
Rayek self contrast for EQFA-Cal. 2017
Scene 4
Rayek flying the palace and turning the scrolls - full of happiness.

You might want to interpret the scene for yourself first, maybe leave your thoughts in a comment, then read my thoughts at it if you want here http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5546.
Scene 5 Exhaustion January 04, 2017, 07:30:32 AM 12977
Rayek self contrast for EQFA-Cal. 2017
Scene 5
Rayek soaking up Winnowill's spirit and being exhausted.

You might want to interpret the scene for yourself first, maybe leave your thoughts in a comment, then read my thoughts at it if you want here http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5546.
Scene 6 Angriness January 04, 2017, 07:32:11 AM 13170
Rayek self contrast for EQFA-Cal. 2017
Scene 6
Rayek floating and being full of wrath, zapping and blasting things.

You might want to interpret the scene for yourself first, maybe leave your thoughts in a comment, then read my thoughts at it if you want here http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=5546.
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