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Kitt's ElfQuest INSPIRED Elves
Album - Owner: Kitt - 13 items
OK!  These are the elves that were inspired by ElfQuest and are mostly just elves that I play/have played on various holts or that I've drawn for people who play on various holts.  ;D  I think that was boring...sorry! :D  Ah, all of the characters were designed by me unless otherwise noted  ;)
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Hold Me Tender - COLOR January 02, 2012, 03:25:01 PM 1413 2
I actually went ahead and colored that previous piece. I needed to get Oshen's colors laid out, anyway. Beyond that, it's been YEARS since I've done anything with him so I felt that they both could use a little more love. ^_^
Hold Me Tender January 01, 2012, 05:56:32 AM 1381 4
Another picture of my pair of water snake...er...people (naga). It's Oshen and Alima sleeping beneath the water.
Alima Color Sketch September 25, 2010, 12:02:56 PM 1566 3
Wow, long time no visit. I have been so darn busy, I haven't gotten a chance to get around here. *hugs all*

I was at work the other day and was a little bored so I started to sketch a little. This is a character that I haven't drawn in ages, but, well, she wanted a little attention.

So, if an elf can have a tail of a fish, why not a tail of a snake. ...granted, she's not technically an elf, but, she looks enough like an elf that I think I can get her safely into this gallery ;D Anyhoo, her name (for the moment) is Alima and she lives under water...like the Wave Dancers. But, she can't breathe under water. She has to surface for air. Otherwise, she'll drown. ...poor thing.
Tanagra 2 October 21, 2009, 05:43:09 AM 1521 1
This is Rena and Varun's eldest son, Tanagra.  His expression is often somber, but he's actually a pleasant elf who's been gaining self-confidence over the years even through the loss of his younger brother, Cailan.
Caught in the Rain October 08, 2009, 06:25:34 PM 1615
This was a picture that I did for a contest on the scrolls.  It's Varun and Rena again, though this time, a little more...er...sultry??  I don't know.  They got caught in the rain and decided to keep warm by snuggling up with each other. ^_^
Tanagra Sketches October 04, 2009, 02:19:14 PM 1522 2
And here's a more recent version of him letting his wild hair down.  He was still turning up a very somber face so, I decided to try and see if I could coax a smile out of him in the second one  ;D
Deepswim Bust no.2 March 27, 2009, 12:29:24 PM 1516 1
And a second sketch of him from the other side  ::)
Deepswim Bust no.1 March 27, 2009, 08:22:12 AM 1513 2
This is one of my Thunderwater Holt boys, Deepswim and one of the few of my elves who have short hair!  ;D
Send Her Your Love March 27, 2009, 07:41:28 AM 1679 2
This is Rena, again, though this time with her lifemate and Tanagra's father, Varun.  This was a picture that I did for a friend who was very sick.  I sent it to her with well wishes for a speedy recovery.  The two in the image are also "sending" love and well wishes for her, too.
Tamal Genderbender March 27, 2009, 07:31:13 AM 1630 2
...just a "what-if" pic of Tamal as a girl  ;D
Isn't It Pretty, Tamal? March 27, 2009, 07:28:18 AM 1575
Another Shadow Wood Holt image.  This is Tamal and Tanagra.  Tamal (the green-haired elf) is played by a friend while Tanagra (the little treewee on his back) is mine.  Tanagra is actually Rena's son.  This is a...sort of...blast from the past pic as Tanagra is by no means a little sprout any longer.  In fact, he's taller than Tamal.   :D
Soon You Will Know My Joy March 27, 2009, 07:06:20 AM 1577 1
This is a pic that I drew a while back, but only recently found the time to ink & color (it was a slow day at work ^^; )  Anyway, these are the twins of the Shadow Wood Holt, Ayla and Naiya.  Ayla is my character while Naiya belongs to someone else.  Naiya recently recognized so this is a future picture of her pregnant and nearing time to give birth.

I wanted to revisit my old way of coloring with this picture since the nature of the image is very soft.  ...I realize that my old manner of coloring is out of practice for me.  ...I'll have to try again, later ^^;
Rena Expecting March 10, 2009, 09:47:55 AM 7547 4 4.99 (1 vote)
This is one of my Shadow Wood Elves named, Rena.  She's lifemated to a fella named Varun and the mother of two boys (one recently passed away).  This was a picture that I had drawn of her while she was pregnant with one of her sons.  I love pregnancy pictures because women are absolutely glowing when they're pregnant! :D  
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