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Non-Canon and Self-Elves
Album - Owner: joselle - 2 items
Basically just random, made-up characters. Lol
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Indri for Manga October 20, 2011, 11:59:11 AM 2155 9
Dug this out of my massive "unfinished illustrations" folder. A while back Manga requested this picture. I'm not even sure if I ever replied to her, lol, but I did start drawing.

...then the company I started got funding (Google Ventures & Justin Timberlake)....and then I got to pay myself for the first time in 3 years...and then we hired people...and got new offices....and got an even better office....and then got the best office. So now we're a company of 20 and that doesn't leave much time for fanart, so I thought I'd share this since, A.) I'll probably never finish it. T.T and, B.) I'm motivating myself to finish my calendar pieces. <3

Thus is the story of the last year of my life and why you guys never see me draw anymore.
Snow December 05, 2009, 12:50:09 PM 1017 2
Snow ® Willowspring

Yeah...not much else to say about this except I love drawing braids, and apparently Snow is bustacular-galore. ....and I make up words. Quick everyone use bustacular-galore 25,000 times so it can be an officially recognized word!
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