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Album - Owner: Chieftess Sorrell - 11 items
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She is known to hunt humans for fun as many of the Stone Tower Warriors do, but she prefers to keep them alive for several days torchuring them alone in the desert sun
 Views: 1067
Jan 11, 2010
This Leader Rank Warrior hides his scarred face as it was scarred by a human female warrior whose teeth now hang from a necklace he wears.
 Views: 1102
Jan 11, 2010
when he was Leader he brought two human children to Grandfather and offered them to him as slaves. the children were kept as slaves until they died of old age.
 Views: 1050
Jan 11, 2010
carried over from another Holt when it closed, this was my first desert warrior. I rewrote his history a bit to make him fit in at Stone Towers.
 Views: 1090
Jan 11, 2010
Forn Abide
Not only a fierce warrior, but a fierce lover as well, if it aint worth fighting for you can be sure he will ignore it.
 Views: 1099
Jan 11, 2010
This Warrior is known to be calm and quiet except in a fight where she lets out a Warrior cry and fights like a demon
 Views: 1030
Jan 11, 2010
Lexaire fights for the sake of fighting as many of our warriors do. He has little reason for speaking and prefers not to have to.
 Views: 1133
Jan 11, 2010
Never turn your back on her in a fight, she will hit that sweet spot without trying. She is honored to be assigned to the Caravan and is finding that travel sits well with her.
 Views: 1065
Jan 11, 2010
Celebrated as a Warrior who took out fifteen humans by himself in a single attack. He was recently assigned to the Caravan. He is enjoying the change of pace.
 Views: 1059
Jan 11, 2010
don't let her looks fool you, she is a fierce warrior. Feels privileged to be assigned to the Caravan. Takes her responsibility to defend the Caravan and all who travel with it with her life very seriously.
 Views: 1088
Jan 11, 2010
He is assigned to the Caravan by Grandfather Itzamna because of his leadership skills. He has little interest in traveling, but you just do not turn down an assignment from Grandfather.
 Views: 1108
Sep 29, 2009
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