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Album - Owner: Czarine - 20 items
The canon Elfquest characters. Enjoy!
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Zoom Details 7
I got inspired by Wildfire's instagram themed drawings in AnonDraw, and participated in the challenge!

I know the elves wouldn't drive or do anything like this, but it's a funny "what-if"!

Drawn in AnonDraw, edited in Gimp (with Beautify plugin).
 Views: 323
 Comments: 7
Feb 20, 2020
Zoom Details 6
More Picknose for Valentine's!
Happy Valentine's Day! :D

I imagine Trinket wanted to decorate Picknose while he was sleeping.

Drawn in AnonDraw, edited with Gimp (Beautify plugin)
 Views: 316
 Comments: 6
Feb 14, 2020
Zoom Details 4
Aroree and Robin
There was a spot in Anondraw between Rillfisher and Rayek that looked like it could fit an Aroree, so I just had to draw her. That's why this is so small. :)

I like her glider hat design better, but I wanted to give her a happier face, so I picked this less rigid outfit.

Her pose is boring, but I'm…
 Views: 302
 Comments: 4
Feb 04, 2020
Zoom Details 5
Sexy Teir
Berit and Yavia talked about drawing a sexy Teir on AnonDraw, so I took the challenge! This is a response to Wildfire's drawing:

I took some liberties with his clothing. I'm lazy like that!  ;D
 Views: 319
 Comments: 5
Jan 26, 2020
1 Eye
Continuing Yavia's emoji-versions of EQ characters!

I left in Pike's enormous finger that's poking One-Eye. Berit tried to distract me!

Edit: duh, I was supposed to edit the dull colors in Gimp, but forgot! Updated the image.
 Views: 307
 Comments: 5
Jan 24, 2020
Zoom Details 2
Creepy Pike
I colored Berit's Pike drawing!

I also left One-Eye's hat visible, because it makes the image even funnier.
 Views: 301
 Comments: 2
Jan 24, 2020
Zoom Details 4
I'm helping out Berit with a gardening game thingie (the game doesn't really have a name yet!), and I drew a dreamberry bush sprite for it. It was drawn in Anondraw, so yeah! Enjoy!
 Views: 491
 Comments: 4
Jun 11, 2019
Zoom Details 3
MerMay: Foam & Puffer
Whew! Still behind schedule, and I'm too tired to color properly, so I just slapped some colors there... But here's Foam and Puffer! I think Foam is a good mom. :)

MerMay is an event, where you draw a mermaid every day during May. Though it doesn't matter if the subject is a merman, or some other me…
 Views: 300
 Comments: 3
May 07, 2018
Zoom Details 5
MerMay: Flaptails
Still lagging behind with my MerMay entries, but here's another one! I wanted to illustrate my version of the scene where Moonmirror and Tumble rode flaptails.

MerMay is an event, where you draw a mermaid every day during May. Though it doesn't matter if the subject is a merman, or some other mer-p…
 Views: 355
 Comments: 5
May 06, 2018
Zoom Details 2
MerMay: Haze & Farbright
It's MerMay! And I've decided to draw some of the wavedancers, since I haven't drawn them before!

I started with Haze and Farbright, who are two deceased elves, because I'm not very familiar with wavedancers (haven't read that far yet!), and they are not major characters afaik.

A simple illustrati…
 Views: 305
 Comments: 2
May 03, 2018
Zoom Details 11
Following the Zwoots
Whew! I had to test my Promarkers on Rayek (because he's always the one who gets to be the guinea-pig), and it got out of hand... ;D

This took a few days to finish, because I was super nervous and careful when mixing the colors. It's so much easier with digital art! I ended up adding some colored p…
 Views: 334
 Comments: 11
Jan 06, 2018
Zoom Details 2
I was inspired by Berit's sketch of One-Eye and decided to make a quick sketch of him, but one thing led to another and then... yeah.  :D

One-Eye is so often very serious, so I thought I'd like to see him laughing.  ;D I wonder what's the joke they're laughing for!

I'm going to upload the line art t…
 Views: 424
 Comments: 2
Nov 28, 2017
Zoom Details 6
I originally wanted to just draw a quick sketch of Treestump, but then I ended up coloring him a bit, and then he looked a bit dull without a background, sooo...

Autumn always makes me melancholy. I guess it affected him too.
 Views: 6769
 Comments: 6
Sep 04, 2016
Zoom Details 7
The Strict Leader
Wanted to draw Two-Spear again for some reason. I tested out this freeware drawing program http://mypaint.intilinux.com/ and I think I'm in love! Or at least I have a crush. Ohhh all the real-like brushessss *faint*

The full size is huge, by the way! I left it so that you can see the brush stroke…
 Views: 2338
 Comments: 7
Jan 03, 2012
Zoom Details 8
While the Cubs Sleep
I've been thinking that there aren't many passionate pictures of Woodlock and Rainsong. They're always just looking after their kids (especially Rainsong), and we aren't getting any glimpses of their intimacy. That's why I chose to "hnnng" them up a bit.

(I'm not actually sure if this should be mat…
 Views: 2789
 Comments: 8
Oct 02, 2011
Zoom Details 21
Hmm, first time drawing Two-Spear. I like the
hairy version
of him , though in this I think he resembles a bit of Bearclaw.. scary. O_o

Nevertheless, he's one of my fav characters, and I think he needs more fan art. 8) Sorry for being lazy with the line art, and, uh, proportions...  :-X
 Views: 3063
 Comments: 21
 Rating: 4.99
Jul 27, 2009
Zoom Details 4
Rayek needs more torture
I just had to try out what it was like to draw the line art with a mouse... and it's terrible! Horrible! Vulgar!!! Remind me to never, EVER draw line arts with a mouse again...

I so have to lend my extra tablet to Berit. You were right: thinner brushes make those ugly, cornered lines. I had to dra…
 Views: 2458
 Comments: 4
Jul 25, 2009
Zoom Details 5
Chot confused
Well... Berit suggested me to draw an Elfquest pic. Here it is! I think Chot deserves more attention.

Aaaand... I don't know why he's confused.  ;D
 Views: 2420
 Comments: 5
Jul 21, 2009
Zoom Details 5
Bearclaw & Joyleaf
I love these two as well. <3 Should draw more of them. I did this with coloured pencils. It was a struggle to make it scan properly.  :P

I used several of the comics as reference to compile the poses and the faces, not just one image particularly.
 Views: 8179
 Comments: 5
Jun 28, 2005
Zoom Details 7
This was one of my first attempts at colouring in photoshop, and does it show..!  :D Lovely Moonshade, one of my favourite female characters. <3 Unfortunately, I can't remember if I took a reference or not. For her clothes, definitely.
 Views: 2474
 Comments: 7
Jul 13, 2009
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