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by Startear

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Here is my Elfquest RPG character. I managed to roll a troll, which I found really fun. Like, a Rayek bodytype on a troll?  :lol

He is a sweet, friendly guy who likes fishing with a javelin. I made a little backstory to explain why he had a Plainsrunner best friend: his mother sent him away when King Gruttlekraw died. She was afraid that he'd kill her child, because her king was like that, and that was all she had known. Silverfish found a tribe of elves who took him in and he has lived the plains life ever since.

He often gets roped in with adventures with his best friend, another character that I rolled but have yet to illustrate. He has an ear scar that they got  in a fight with a longtooth. He actually has a vest, mocasins and a hat, but he rarely wears them when he fishes in the river.

I might change some of his design elements. Like his pants, I am not happy with the color but. C'est la vie.

I have recently switched jobs and have been training this week, so this was a quick drawing using some pens and color pencils that I found lying around. But I had fun!

Posted April 26, 2021, 12:01:34 AM

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Trinket and Jink Dewshine wip Silverfish Ember Uli
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Comment #1 - Posted May 14, 2021, 06:55:01 AM
Congratulations on the job!  Hope everything is working out!

His upper body is slender, comparatively speaking, but his lower body is already developing into a more typical troll form.  He does come across as sweet and friendly, and that he truly enjoys the daily life task of fishing.  He seems content with his life.


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Comment #2 - Posted May 19, 2021, 03:01:55 PM
He does look like a Troll with a Rayek body typ! For a troll he looks very slender. I like his backstory! It's a little sad, but nice he found a new home with the plainsrunner elves. His adventures sounds like fun. I'm curious on the pic of his friend you roled up.
Also like the name Silverfish. His face is so cute!!! Love him.

Congratulations on the new job!


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Comment #3 - Posted May 20, 2021, 05:05:08 PM
Thank you guys! It was a really challenging to get a slender body type and then get in the troll features in. At the scroll of colors forum it was suggested that trolls take long time to grow, as hinted by how Trinket looks like the same small child in Final Quest as she did in Kings of the Broken Wheel, and maybe there is something to it. I haven't really had much time to draw lately, but I hope to get his friend up soon.

@Yavia: He is actually named after a bug! Most trolls have very on-point names, like Picknose and whatnot, so I wanted a name that was both about what he likes to do, and fit into the troll-name aestetic. Silverfish are cool creatures, fast buggers and not angerous to humans. Many find their little antennas disturbing though.
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