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Author Topic: EQ fanart RPG!  (Read 73152 times)


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #325 on: January 18, 2018, 08:32:13 AM »

Tidemist blinked a bit at Marut's question. She glanced at the dark skinned and light skinned elves. She had forgotten about them, the elves who couldn't take care of themselves. She wasn't used to that, everyone in her tribe could care for themselves, and they had only a few pips. Then she smiled as an idea struck her. “They can stay in my cave as well. It should be safe, since it's higher up, and the waterfall should prove a good deterrent to predators, especially at night. And there is a mystery there I wanted to mention to everyone if you wish to tackle it while we're gone. There's a false wall in the cave that seems to be hiding something. But I'm not sure when the best time to track is...I usually don't track...”

Vaeri had finished her eagle and picked up her bowl, deciding to try the strange stew Tidemist had made. She used the lovely bowl Tomi made her, and took a cautious sip. It was very strange, but not inedible. She sipped some more and looked up a bit at the conversation mentioning those who couldn't protect themselves, and Tidemist's suggestion of her den. She raised an eyebrow slightly, wondering what a waterfall must look like.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #326 on: January 18, 2018, 12:11:55 PM »

Laluna was relieved that the fire hadn't spread any further from the grassland. She didn't want their new and only home to get wiped out when they didn't really know what was going on with the mist and all.

She wandered through the ash, trying to find out what had caused the fire. It didn't take her long to find the burnt remains of humans. She felt sorry for them, even though they were humans. Dying in fire was a horrible way to go. Maybe the fire was an accident?


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #327 on: January 18, 2018, 04:22:25 PM »

Marut looked at Dusk and said...

"I can track whether it is night or day... but I also think we should move soon..."

Marut slaps Tomi's knee...

"Wake up charmer! we need your fighting skills more than your womanizing skills!..."
Tomi seems confused and alarmed, waking with one of his daggers, seeking the other one, are they under attack!?!... then his tired and confused gaze sees Vaeri who is not alarmed so he slowly calms down, he momentarily goes into "battle mode" again when he sees couple of new elves but as no one is attacking he finally calms down completely and rubs his face... Marut explains to him what they have decided... until Mehadrin says as he hugs himself...

"But I want all of you to protect me!... I am a delicate, most beautiful kind of flower there is, after all!..."

Tomi lets out a mocking laughter...

"Ye are no beauty! all these lasses here be prettier than you!..."

Mehadrin instantly get's angry and sulks...

"then YOU have no eye for beauty at all!..."

Mehadrin starts to cry a little and goes to Tidemist, touches her gently and asks with a wounded voice...

"I am beautiful... am I not?..."

Laluna only wonders how so many villagers had lost their lives in the fire... and not one of them roaming the grasslands alive... then Laluna notices the elven footprints on the ashes... someone was here, as in the middle of it all and left the place. heading towards the forest...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 04:25:09 PM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #328 on: January 18, 2018, 08:43:02 PM »

“I'm fine with that then” Tidemist said in response to Marut suggesting they move. She was a bit surprised he went to wake up Tomi, and tensed when he woke in an aggressive manner. She relaxed a moment, then tensed again but to a lesser degree when he went aggressive again. She raised an eyebrow slightly at this behavior, but then that eyebrow and the other one shot right up at Mehadrin's bubbleheaded behavior, insisting all of them guard him. Did he really refer to himself as a flower?

Then Tomi was picking at the red haired elf, and she was a bit surprised but not terribly he started crying. She WAS very surprised when he came to her for comfort! Tidemist felt sympathy for him and smiled in a comforting manner. “None of our kind is unpleasant to look upon, Mehadrin. You've no need to worry about that. But we really must learn about this High One you released. It may be important.”

Vaeri was a bit concerned when she realized Marut was waking up Tomi, and concerned about his behavior. But other than his momentary bouts of defensiveness, he seemed to be alright and himself again. She watched the little spat between Tomi and Mehadrin, and turned to him. “You could have been a little kinder to him, Tomi. If he thinks himself beautiful, what is the harm?” then to avoid sounding like she was reprimanding him, she gave him a smile. “But your compliments are appreciated.”


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #329 on: January 18, 2018, 09:26:04 PM »

Mehadrin seemed to not like the answer he gets and cries even more!..

"So you-you don't find me tge MOST beautiful??? W-well you are heartless! And not as pretty as you think!..."

He runs off! But doesn't go far for he is afraid to be alone... Marut looks at Tomi..

"Now look what you did!... There was no reason to be mean..."

Tomi shrugs and tells Vaeri and Marut...

"alright! I am sorry... The whole flower thing just took me by surprise... And Tidemist, don't listen to him... Ye are our beautiful water missus... I believe everyone is stricken with awe as they lay their eyes upon ye!..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #330 on: January 20, 2018, 08:49:09 AM »

Dusk was enjoying the show, he didn't get entertainment like this every day, but something Tidemist had said was weighing on him.

"Can everyone just calm down? This is not the time to be arguing about who is prettier than who."

"Tidemist, you said there was a false wall in this cave of yours?" He frowned "Then I don't think we should be using it as a safe place until we can find out what's on the other side. If it's going to be me defending the..uh...more vulnerable of us, I would rather not have to fight on two fronts. Especially at night in an unfamiliar area."

"If you are going to scout, I would rather stay here. You've been here for a while, so it's probably safe. Leave figuring out the cave for daylight, and a time when we don't have the welfare of others to worry about."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #331 on: January 21, 2018, 09:16:31 PM »

Tomi looks at Dusk and nods...

"Ye be right at that, lad... Better safe that sorry, woudn't want mi desert rose harmed in any way..."

Tomi gently pats Vaeri's knee... Marut looks into the bushes and talks to Rustle...

"will you help keep others safe?..."

Rustle slowly walks forward but looks into the distance...

"I do not know... My cub has not returned, I am worried..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #332 on: January 23, 2018, 11:17:28 AM »

Laluna examined the footprints in the ash. Had someone from their tribe already been there? Or then it was someone else.

She would've followed the footprints, if she had been in better shape. Since she didn't know who they belonged to, she didn't want to take the risk of running into some stranger. She lingered a few moments longer, looking for any clue of what had really happened, before she headed back towards the great tree. She wanted to rest, but she would tell the others what she saw first.

(Personal roll: 3)


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #333 on: January 24, 2018, 05:32:36 AM »

Laluna tries to find anything from the ashes and manages to find a bone knife, clay urn, goddess statue and a toy horse... the toy horse is made from wood and miraculously survived the fire, unlike it's owned, for there is a human child's skull next to it under the ashes...



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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #334 on: January 25, 2018, 12:25:57 PM »

Laluna picked up the urn and bone knife, thinking that they might be useful for the tribe until they get to make more stuff of their own. The weird woman statue looked strange to her, so she left it be.

When she saw the toy horse, and realized that it had belonged to a child, she felt pity... human or no, a young life was lost way too soon. She decided to leave the toy next to the skull. Then she headed back to the others, deep in thought...


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #335 on: January 26, 2018, 11:10:11 AM »

(I'll continue since no one else is doing so!)

The urn is a little big for elven use but can be useful, the knife also needs a smaller handle... What had caused the fire is uncertain, but something about it makes her uneasy, it doesn't feel like an accident, while walking away from the place Laluna suddenly notices Guyaro in the grasslands... he speaks to her...

"... So he has awoken... the golden skinned high one... now everything will take a turn for the worse..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #336 on: January 27, 2018, 09:08:31 AM »

Laluna is startled to suddenly hear an unknown voice to her.  She instinctively grips the newfound knife tighter, even though the big handle feels clumsy in her tiny hands. She eyed the stranger for a moment, unsure of how to react.

"You must be... Guyaro." she said, and relaxed her grip a little when she recognized his features from what the others had told.

"What do you mean by 'everything will turn to worse'?" she asked, now curious about this sullen elf.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #337 on: January 27, 2018, 09:30:51 AM »

"You saw it with your own eyes, the power he holds..."

Guyaro says and nods towards the burned village...

"He will destroy us all, everything we have build here, everything we are... I... wanted to live alone... but now there is no choice... I have to join forces with your tribe..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #338 on: January 27, 2018, 09:53:20 AM »

Moondrop had been side-tracked on her way back to the big tree, skirting the bog to find out if there were any dry paths through it. Her search so far had been unsuccessful, but now the sound of voices pulled her back toward the burned-out village. She crept forward low to the ground, staying to the tall grass for cover. She saw the blue-haired female talking with someone. It was the elf the old-man had warned about. She crept closer to hear better.


At Rustle's words, Dusk nearly choked on the bite of food he had taken. "There's a cub out there? Alone?" He asked in disbelief.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #339 on: January 27, 2018, 10:10:09 AM »

Moondrop sees the Blue haired woman carrying a bid urn that was of human craftsmanship, and Guyaro looked in the direction of the village, clearly worried and ready for some battle he was sure would come to them no matter how they tried to avoid it... his young voice disturbed the silence...

"I... do not know how to get along with others, I have been alone for most of my life... but... I must try... maybe we have some way of surviving if I do..."

Desperation can be seen in his otherwise angry eyes...

Rustle looks at Dusk and nods...

"she follows her own paths... but I worry for my baby... I am injured so I cannot leave this place, but if she does not return by morning I will go no matter what..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #340 on: January 27, 2018, 10:29:17 AM »

Dusk closed his eyes, trying to gain control of his temper. "So while we've been here dithering...squawking about what to do..." He gestured at the bird carcass "eating...there's been a cub out there...alone."

He turned to Marut and Tidemist. "Then if you are going to do something, I suggest you do it now." He nodded to Rustle. "Or I will."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #341 on: January 27, 2018, 10:57:05 AM »

Marut looks at Dusk, he too starts to look a bit tired of waiting and talking... But he says...

"I think Rustle's cub is nearly adult..."

Rustle growls at Marut and says with a hissing voice...

"She is my baby! You wont have her!..."

Then she runs off screaming angrily like fox, Marut looks after her alarmed and confused...

"B... But I did not try to take her!..."
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 11:27:25 AM by Berit »


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #342 on: January 27, 2018, 10:57:44 AM »

Laluna looked shocked when Guyaro told that the devastation in the human village was the high one's doing. She wasn't sure how their small tribe could win against someone so powerful...

"If you want to be alone, it's fine I think... not everyone in our tribe is social."

She could think of a few who seemed to like their own company now and then, herself included.

"I think your help would be greatly appreciated. At least I would." she said.

Laluna didn't know much about Guyaro, but he seemed like a nice person under all that grumpiness, or at least concerned about the future.

"How do you know all this? That... things will lead to destruction?" she asked him. Guyaro seemed to know much more about the place than any of their tribe.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #343 on: January 27, 2018, 11:27:06 AM »

Guyaro looked at Laluna and walked next to her, not knowing what to tell... after pondering about it for a moment he finally answers...

"I... have seen it before... I know it sounds crazy... but I have!... we will cease to be if he is allowed to roam free!..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #344 on: January 27, 2018, 11:34:19 AM »

"Seen it before...?" Laluna asked, confused.

Guyaro seemed very certain and serious about it, but how could he know what would happen in the future?

Laluna was a bit hesitant, when he came closer, but stayed still. She was going to take a risk and trust him, even though he was a stranger.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #345 on: January 27, 2018, 11:46:19 AM »

Guyaro looks at Czarine and doesn't know how to speak to them...

"I... Uuuh... I... Did some mistakes... Earlier at the tree... I... Was too... Aggressive, and I don't know how to... Fix what I did..."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #346 on: January 27, 2018, 01:09:02 PM »

Laluna smiled at Guyaro's uncertain words. It made him a little more approachable, and less like a possible threat.

"I don't know about that... but I'm sure if you apologize, it would be a good start." she encouraged him.

"...I'm Laluna, by the way. Unless you knew that too already." she said, and gave him a friendly smile.


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #347 on: January 27, 2018, 02:29:26 PM »

Guyaro looked at her for a great while, then slowly nodded...

"I am... Guyaro... and I do know some things about already... still I do not know you, if that makes any sense.."


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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #348 on: January 27, 2018, 03:18:06 PM »

(Moondrop roll =1)

This was something for Moondrop to think about. This Guyaro did not seem like the same person the old man had talked about. Both seemed quite harmless, but looks could be decieving. Moondrop had learned that it was always best to watch and learn before making a judgement.

She backed away and headed back to the bog. She would met up with them at the tree later.



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Re: EQ fanart RPG!
« Reply #349 on: January 28, 2018, 12:13:15 AM »

A small amounts of mist escape the bog during nighttime, creating little carpets around the the parts of lang that peek above the waters surface. the moons make the bog look haunted and Moondrop's attention is captured by a splash in the distance, sounded fish would not live in a place like this, but it might have been a big frog or a Water vole... she steps in a surprisingly soft part and falls down! partially soaking her hands in the cold water... but her hands touch something below the surface, something that doesn't seem like a rock, clams maybe!... and she notices the soft part she stepped on... is actually a big footprint of a truly massive bear!... the land has not sealed up after it so the bear cannot be too far....
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