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visiting stars & Elfquestifi­ed characters
Album - Owner: Berit - 7 items
in this album we see EQ characters meeting characters from other comics,cartoons and games, all these characters have been visiting stars in our Elfquest RPGs!... we also see some Elfquestified characters here as well!...
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EQ Fanbook portrait thing - 2017 April 23, 2018, 02:40:05 PM 250 1
I think it's safe to start adding this stuff here, so here is my portrait for that EQ fanbook thing that was sent to the Pinis as thanks for all the years... adding lineart too just for the heck of it...

Allright, but follow silently... March 26, 2012, 10:30:19 AM 2249 5
Marut and his good friend Faendal hunting... I don't know who is following them to the hunt, but obviously, they don't want him/her making any noise...

Faendal is a character from Elder scrolls games... in some TES/EQ RPGs, he hangs out with Marut, Terra and Laluna...
TES EQ RPGs 1 January 01, 2012, 05:47:17 AM 888 4
Like the title says, the Elder Scrolls series meets our EQ RPGs, here, EQ Laluna and Marut are having fun time with their friend, Ungarion...

Ungarion is from Elder scrolls oblivion... I have more these EQ meets with TES drawings that have cannon EQ characters as well, but I posted this only to see how people think about this before I add more... and yeah, I like the Elder scrolls and EQ both just as much, drawing things like this makes my nerdy head explode!...
Elfquestified Dram November 13, 2011, 06:30:51 AM 855 5
I couldn't help myself! I've always been a huge fan of Dram, from an old game called "Elderscrolls adventures, Redguard"... I just had to try and Elfquestify him! and I must say that this usually scary assassin suddenly started looking cute!... he'd still be damn deadly though!...
Elf-self Berit October 20, 2009, 05:22:19 PM 951 17
Chibi me, in EQ elf form!... this may not look like much, but believe me, I wasted quite amount of time trying to do the details on the drawings in this picture, for some of them are actually based on some of my real drawings! and on the stuff in this picture, I'll let you ask if you're interested in something! the list would be too long to write here... and don't worry, I will stop messing around in paint soon enough! I'm just happy that Luna finally joined the fanart! Go say Hi to her!...
elfquestified 004 October 19, 2006, 08:18:26 AM 6392 3
yeah, something odd from my old sketchbook scans!... Albert Heinrich (AKA 004) from Cyborg 009 series turned into an Elfquest elf!... I don't know where the idea came from...
Lamika Lee as EQ elf November 15, 2006, 09:01:39 PM 6849 1
Lamika Lee, from the old Vampre Hunter D anime, transformed into a EQ elf!.. there is a version of this, where I removed the ears, so that I could send it to a fanart gallery about the anime... told it, so that nobody would get confused about anything!... I think Lamika looks very "cute" in this form... still wanted her to have that cold sharp look in her eyes...
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