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Well, after over 10 years this is finally done. Most of the artwork isn't consistent, and although I tried I couldn't hold the art together at the end. But I fulfilled a vow as of this morning.

Now, my fever and I are going back to bed. You can slay me another day.

If you can find me.

 Views: 798
 Comments: 7
Mar 14, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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If I were a less sickly artist, or at least a better artist, I'd redo this glorified thumbnail and make it pretty like I do for Heavenly Bride.

BUT I'm not. So I won't.
 Views: 773
 Comments: 4
Mar 13, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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One last page before I disappear into work again for a bit.
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 Comments: 8
Feb 25, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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Panel one fought me and won. I tried. I TRIIIEEED but Winnie's head insisted on being too large, or Aroree's head to small. And just... GRAAAH!  I almost put the art aside, but decided to finish it anyway.
 Views: 818
 Comments: 6
Feb 23, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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Gaaah, the art isn't that great but I got her done.
 Views: 923
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Feb 05, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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You can tell I was tired when I did this picture... my hands and backgrounds suffer when I'm this tired. BUT! I just got news last night that spells d-o-o-m to me and comic making if all pans out the way it's looking. So I'm struggling to get this story done before summer. I hope I can do it.
 Views: 797
 Comments: 1
Jan 14, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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Big tree.
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 Comments: 1
Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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She's bored.
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 Comments: 1
Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 798
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Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 817
 Comments: 3
Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 843
 Comments: 1
Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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I was told by someone in the know that this page showed i was trying to hard. :-) But that was a long time ago.
 Views: 833
 Comments: 2
Jan 08, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 820
 Comments: 4
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 806
 Comments: 2
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 801
 Comments: 2
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 808
 Comments: 1
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 847
 Comments: 3
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 833
 Comments: 4
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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 Views: 714
 Comments: 2
Jan 07, 2011
in Fanfic: Bird in a Bush (for la…
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