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Our Wolfpack!
Album - Owner: Berit - 16 items
Syuff about our Wolfpack that was created on Wolfquest! adding drawn art about them here!...
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Wolfquest Laluna - 2018 October 18, 2018, 06:10:14 PM 387 4
Decided to start making a family tree about all my Wolfquest wolves! so here is Czarine's character Laluna as a wolf! She is the puppy of Timmain and Skywise and she has a a lot of siblings! they are named Kiba, Shiro, Marut, Miriel, Darkstar, Skywheel, Quartzpelt, Lightning, Moonpearl, Fargaze & Gloomhowl!... Laluna left the pack and lived a while as a lone wolf, later making a pack of her own... Laluna had quite the funny coloring, like someone had bleached her from the top to bottom but ran out of bleach in the middle of it all! her eyes are grayish-brown...

She later had a very big litter of puppies herself, but I’m going to create separate family tree for that to stop it getting too confusing, besides none of her pups interact with the main pack AND they are based on wolf/dog monsters from mythology and various media. not uploading those pups. here because they do not quite fit elfquest...
Wolfquest puppies 1 - 2017 February 17, 2018, 05:23:28 PM 331 2
Two of the wolfquest puppies! Fargaze and Quartzpelt, both were named by Amberfox. These were actually drawn in a letter I sent her. Fargaze always tries to get Quartzpelt to play, but she HATES his guts for trying! and it always end like this!...

And The Wolfquest thing in the forums is finally moving forward again! Sorry for the delay!..
Wolf lines - 2018 October 07, 2018, 03:57:53 PM 296
I know! it's a crappy looking wolf! but I'm using these lines to later make a familytree out of our Wolfquest wolves so far, because I'm getting confused who is related to who and who carries what color gene/inheritable condition!... and to anyone feeling inspired to color this anyway you want, go for it! you have my permission to use the colored art you've made anywhere on the internet! just don't post these uncolored lines anywhere without my permission, ok?...
Wolfquest KaljaVuorenKauhu - 2018 October 08, 2018, 01:50:15 PM 279
Tomi's mate, KaljaVuorenKauhu (named by my mother, name means BeerMountain'sHorror, what can I say? my mother is too much into alcohol). KaljaVuorenKauhu was the alpha of the pack but now she has long since died. She had two puppies with Tomi, Sywise & Blackfell... She had very light gray fur that was partly white and brown eyes.. and a torn ear from her dominance battles

Don't worry, I will not send too many of these wolf things foe a while after today... I'm just trying to sort out who is related to whom in wolfquest, as I am making a family tree for them---
Wolfquest Amaterasu - 2018 October 07, 2018, 05:59:03 PM 276 4
Joyleaf's younger sister who currently hasn't had any puppies of her own. She was named by Czarine... and it's clear that Frostyfox has inherited the same color patterns from Joyleaf!..

Amaterasu has interesting fur colors, having reddish brown head and almost white body. she has black eyes even though she is not related to Tomi...
Wolfquest Tomi - 2018 October 07, 2018, 05:50:53 PM 263
The first male of our Wolfpack, though you never met him since he has long since perished, In Wolfquest He had puppies with KaljaVuorenKauhu (named by my mother, it can be translated as BeerMountain'sHorror... I don't know what she was thinking)... Their cubs are Blackfell & Skywise.... Tomi had almost black, sort of dirty looking fur and black eyes.
Wolfquest Timmain - 2018 October 18, 2018, 03:56:50 PM 243
Wolfquest wariation of Timmain and the current pack leader. she is Skywise's mate and had many puppies with him, they are called Kiba, Laluna, Shiro, Marut, Miriel, Darkstar, Skywheel, Quartzpelt, Lightning, Moonpearl, Fargaze & Gloomhowl! though they did not have them all during the same year, they have still had TOO MANY PUPPIES! Timmain also had one puppy with a random dog, that puppy was named Hewie. but now I've banned her from having anymore puppies! same goes for Skywise!... Timmain has the whitest fur of all of my wolves and she has pale grey eyes...
Wolfquest Marut - 2018 October 20, 2018, 10:53:20 PM 243
Decided to start making a family tree about all my Wolfquest wolves! so here is my character Marut as a wolf! he became one kind of an interesting colored one, while still looking like a basic wolf. Marut is one of the keenest hunters of his siblings, fast and agile but not that good at doing group activities, I wonder what is wrong with some of these siblings that they are surprisingly not interested in staying in the pack, Marut always comes back but might be away from the pack for very long times!… anyway, Marut’s parents were Skywise and Timmain and his siblings include Kiba, Shiro, Laluna, Miriel, Darkstar, Skywheel, Quartzpelt, Lightning, Moonpearl, Fargaze & Gloomhowl… WHEW! it just gets hard naming them all!… but anyway, Marut is a gray wolf with patches of white and brown in his fur and lime green eyes… He is not interested in finding a mate and is more happy playing with his siblings…

And WHEW! that's about all the Older Wolfie's I'm posting here! just the puppies to go!....
Ironing bead wolves - 2019 March 09, 2019, 10:18:42 AM 240 4
Hahaha! nothing fancy! just some quick ironing bead tests I did! that darkest colored “doberman” is actually supposed to be Laluna’s wolf friend Mudpaw but the gold of the beads melted off the surface and gathered on the middle! I honestly don’t know where to use beads that work like that, for me, they are pretty pointless!…
Wolfquest Miriel - 2018 October 11, 2018, 02:58:18 PM 233
Decided to start making a family tree about all my Wolfquest wolves! so here is Insertio's character Miriel as a wolf! In Wolfquest Miriel's mother is Timmain and his father is Skywise. She is too young to have puppies of her own and was born in the same litter with Marut... Miriel has almost blueish pale gray fur on the back but is mostly white, her eyes are very light gray...
Wolfquest Bearclaw - 2018 October 13, 2018, 09:24:14 PM 233
And here is Bearclaw! or what he is like in Wolfquest. wanted to add this here to get all the dead wolves from this side of the family out of the way! Bearclaw was brother to Blackfell and Skywise, his father was Tomi and mother was KaljaVuorenKauhu. Bearclaw was a bit of an wild card, as in wolf packs only the leaders mate, but when Blackfell was leader Bearclaw sneaked out the territory and met Joyleaf and mated with her! they had 5 puppies, Frostyfox, Lionstalker, Sunspot, Rustfur & Mudpaw. it's rare for wolfpacks to combine, but this happened when the other pack found Joyleaf and Bearclaw together with their puppies... and this "pack" only consisted of Joyleaf, Amaterasu and the pups, so this dying pack was invited to the family... Later Bearclaw managed to die ironically by having real bear claws swat at him. and even to this day the bear I named Madcoil lurks the land... Bearclaw had stained looking black fur, (obviously inherited his dirty look from Tomi!) and his eyes were yellow...
Wolfquest Brownberry - 2018 October 12, 2018, 06:48:21 PM 218
More of long since died wolfies for the Wolfquest family tree! Brown berry was my first brown colored wolf so the whole brown gene comes mostly from her! She had few puppies with Hukkanen, Their puppies are named Amaterasu & Joyleaf... Like I explained Brownberry had very brown fur and even her eyes were brown... she was a very big and powerful wolf, able to kill elks all by herself...
Wolfquest Skywise - 2018 October 11, 2018, 03:36:10 PM 209
Skywise is one of my wolves in Wolfquest and he is Blackfells brother and Timmains mate. His Parents were Tomi & KaljaVuorenKauhu... Timmain and Skywise have had a LOT of cubs during their life! He fist had a litter of three, Laluna, Shiro and Kiba. then the next year they had two, Marut and Miriel. and now they had Darkstar, Skywheel, Qartzpelt, Moonpearl, Lightning, Fargaze & Gloomhowl! I decided to not let them breed anymore or we will drown in their puppies! Skywise has almost entirely dark gray fur and yellow eyes....
Wolfquest Joyleaf - 2018 October 12, 2018, 07:07:36 PM 209
So here is Joyleaf! she is the current "nurse" of the puppies and she is very nice and sweet. she is Amaterasu's sister and daughter of Hukkanen & Brownberry. Joyleaf was Bearclaws mate but Bearclaw died by ironically getting swatted by REAL Bear claws! (named the bear madcoil) Before her mate died Joyleaf managed to give birth to a litter of puppies, named Frostyfox, Lionstalker, Sunspot, Rustfur & Mudpaw... Joyleaf has brown and cream colors on her fur and brownish orange eyes...
Wolfquest Blackfell - 2018 October 08, 2018, 01:56:52 PM 208
Blackfell and his brother Skywise are Tomi's and KaljaVuorenKauhu's cubs in Wolfquest, He became Alpha of the pack after his mother died. Blackfell has sleek black fur and yellow eyes... He stopped being the alpha as he could not breed and Timmain turned into the alpha...
Wolfquest Hukkanen - 2018 October 12, 2018, 07:23:26 PM 205
Here is Hukkanen! He was Brownberry's mate and father of Amaterasu & Joyleaf. He was shot by humans after he tried to steal animals they were herding. Hukkanen had cream colored fur and lime green eyes, he was quite small for an adult male wolf... And now I'll add something else than wolves so people won't get bored! but I will continue some day soon!...
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