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EQ Art
Album - Owner: Treefox - 41 items
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Leetah (first try with GIMP cloring) March 17, 2009, 12:26:22 PM 1526 11 4.50 (2 votes)
Nightfall with new outfit March 19, 2009, 07:00:14 AM 2064 8
Pic of Nightfall that basically just popped into my mind one morning. So I started drawing it like 6:00 AM, basically without reference... Changed a lot after having a look at "real" Nightfall pics.
Crescent for Foxeye March 19, 2009, 02:30:07 PM 1690 8 4.99 (1 vote)
A little black and white drawing I did today for Foxeye. A gift for creating this site. It's very smudgy, hope you still like it.
Dewshine hunting March 20, 2009, 01:48:49 AM 1849 7 4.99 (1 vote)
Well, the concept was to have her fishing, but with the tiny brook it just seems unlikely she would catch anything larger than a tadpole. So we decided she is just taking a small brake during hunting.
Bidding Farewell March 25, 2009, 03:18:53 AM 1214 8
This is a pic of young Winnie as she's saying goodbye to the outside world and is about to move into Blue Mountain. Pretty cheap symbolism with the flowers and colors, but it was so much fun to draw.
Wolfrider Newstar and Kimo April 02, 2009, 06:00:40 AM 1440 9
This is a little pic of Newstar (and Kimo) as I could imagine her as a Wolfrider. This was originally a request from Bonita from the EQ Scrolls. I actually stole some ideas from her designs as the necklace (Woodlock's) and the pants. Still think this looks a bit too much like Hippie fashion.  ;D
Rainsong and Woodlock April 15, 2009, 06:31:45 AM 1894 5
This was my first piece of EQ fanart in years... I looked at all the EQ fanart to choose two characters that are not drawn that often. So I chose Woodlock and Rainsong and decided to draw them as the Wolfriders I imagined them to be before the time in the Sun Village. Here they are now, young, freshly recognized, in love... Just enjoying the good times and being Wolfriders.
Cutter and Holdfast April 20, 2009, 06:51:28 AM 1139 5
A little pic of Cutter and his latest wolf Holdfast. I just wanted to draw something with a blue color scheme and lightening. So this came to my mind. JadeOwl from the Scroll described this pic best, I think: This was to be alive...life, like a bolt of skyfire. Short, sharp, and shining.

Sust, Chitter and Pool April 23, 2009, 06:17:40 AM 1362 13 4.02 (1 vote)
This was a request from Crescent from the Scroll, but also I had this vision of grown-up Chitter as quite a curvaceous woman. I'm not sure, but I think there's no color reference for Sust and Pool, so I made up the colors for them.
Leetah and Cutter May 07, 2009, 07:33:46 AM 2713 7 4.99 (1 vote)
This is a piece I've done as a present for Willowspring a couple of years ago. I remember seeing one of the weirdest trees ever in Spain. This tree had the most gorgeous flowers a big as my hand. These inspired me to do a pic of Leetah with such flowers in her hair. To make it more romantic I put in Cutter as well, imagining their were celebrating their own private festival of flood and flower.  ;)
Vaska (what-if daughter of Vaya and Pike) May 18, 2009, 06:11:18 AM 1313 9 4.01 (2 votes)
A little portrait a drew after Bluedepth from the Scroll came up with this concept for a what-if daughter of Vaya and Pike. So I doodled her and Satiretto (from the Scroll) named her Vaska. She was to have lots of her mother's features with Pike's broad and warm smile.

Edit: Corrected Vaya to Vaska once. Of course Satiretto did not name Vaska Vaya...  ::) Silly me.
Venka's Quest May 20, 2009, 03:47:24 AM 1341 16
After a request from the Scroll for Venka, I decided to come up with my version of her on her quest for her mother together with Aroree and Two-Edge. I wanted to give her an outfit that she could wear in the snow and that would be a blend of Go-Back and Wolfrider style, while also keeping the colors she usually wears.
Khavi's Tale May 29, 2009, 06:21:00 AM 2069 10
Again, this was a request from the Scroll. First, it was to be only Kahvi, Vaya and Vaska, but due to an additional request, I put in Venka at the last minute.  ;) I imagined Kahvi telling her children about her life, her adventures and what ever. I must admit that I'm still proud of this picture even though there's so much wrong with it. I like the atmosphere and the expressions of the characters. Enough self-praise. I hope you enjoy.
Ember Hunting June 03, 2009, 02:31:01 AM 1290 17
And yet another request from the Scroll. The request was for Ember with emphasis on her hair. So I drew a happy Ember with loads of red hair. As it was spring when I drew this I included some spring flowers and fresh green. Another pic that is wrong in so many ways but was really fun to draw. Actually inking it took away some of its original goodness. Oh, why do I suck at inking?
Crescent - colored August 14, 2010, 04:00:09 PM 2957 15
I finally did it! I successfully colored something with GIMP! I still have to get used to a lot, but finally I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I know that there is still so much to improve and that the background is rather "noisy". But all in all I'm not unhappy how it turned out. Critique is welcomed, but please bear in mind that I'm definitely still learning.  :D

Edit: seeing how the rest of my stuff looks on this monitor, I'm wondering whether the colors will be OK.
Voll Pinup January 22, 2012, 02:00:10 AM 5234 7
So, as Startear requested, I will also try to upload my grid art.
This is actually a "real" Voll pinup, as I had started to draw him for the calendar, when I had the idea to pass him on to my friend, so we could get more characters done.  ;D
I really like how he turned out. I think he looks like himself and also his body built and clothes are glider-ish. As I finished the pic for grid art, I used a much simpler coloring but it works pretty effectively, I think.
Oh, I love the old bird and drawing him was so much fun.
Pool Grid Art January 22, 2012, 02:03:13 AM 5203 2
This Pool was created specially for the grid art. I not also wanted to try again to color something digitally, I also wanted to try out a flatter 2D coloring. Man, he really looks nothing like Alies's Pool, though... Modeled him more after my own first pic of Pool.
He is such cutie!

Oh no! I just noticed that he has five fingers!  :P
Festival of Flood and Flower January 22, 2012, 02:07:05 AM 5332 4
Windrider asked me if I could do a pic that would fit the Festival of Flood and Flower and maybe also incorporate some of the slightly neglected Jackwolfriders. I did this within one night, with very little sleep.  :lol It looks a bit rushed and unfinished, but the dynamics are nice and it gave me a chance to put Toorah in. Yay for Toorah!
And yeah, I totally kept the color concept that Foxeye chose for the Jackwolfrider girl. I think her color concepts always become the standard for that character.  :D
Shushen Grid Art January 22, 2012, 02:11:04 AM 5396 4
After finishing the Flood and Flower pic, I slept very little and tackled Shushen.  ;D After looking at some pics of him by Blair, I had the definite urge to make him look older than nine and much more manly, so I buffed him up quite a bit.
Because I thought of Berit's request for more wolves, I also put that Jackwolf in, and man, I think it absolutely steals Shushen the show.  :D
Jink Grid Art March 03, 2012, 11:23:32 AM 5400 11
Gee, I completely forgot that I've got one more grid art to upload as well. This was a sketch I drew to illustrate my idea of Jink to Wildfire and as I liked it somewhat I actually started to color it. Even though it's not 100% finished, it was useful for the calendar grid art.
As you can see, I haven't given up on digital coloring.  ;D
Moonshade July 20, 2012, 02:30:15 PM 5495 17
 :faint I did it! I finished this picture! Seriously, I've been carrying this idea around for at least three years now! I was riding my bicycle and thinking of the EQ characters I almost never drew before and noticed I almost never drew Moonshade. Immideately, I got this idea of a more or less monochrome picture with all kinds of violet shades.
Even this sketch I drew as a base to this picture is more than 1 1/2 years old!
As it really is easier for me to draw her sad than happy, I thought this might be a scene from Hidden Years, when Strongbow was out to find Lashpaw. So here's Moonshade staring into the thunderstorm, being worried about her lifemate being out there, having pretty raindrops clung to those gorgeous thick eyelashes, just generally looking pretty while being worried.  :lol

My next picture will be 100% traditional coloring. I miss feeling pencils and paper in my hand!
Winnowill B/W February 21, 2014, 02:12:10 PM 7132 9
Wheee! I drew something! I had this black and white concept in my head and just had to get it on paper. Also a good chance to use the markers from Japan that Martoo kindly send me. I cannot say that this concept works they way I had imagined, but it was still a nice experience.
I wonder if this could mean that I will draw a bit more than I did in the past years... :P

Edit: Uploades version with higher contrast according to afke's suggestion. Thanks, afke!
Kaslen calendar art February 03, 2016, 10:50:27 AM 3204 5
Ah, I wanted to add at leat something, so I decided to upload my final version of Kaslen after all. I am quite happy how she turned out. Loved to draw her robe and braids.
Sad Freetouch November 19, 2017, 04:01:41 PM 418 7
So, I actually just wanted to try out my new sharpies to check whether they are waterproof or not... turned out that they're not waterproof.... ah well.
A sad Freetouch jumped into my mind. I liked to draw Moonshade sad, so I wanted to see if her daughter could look sad too. Freetouch has really grown on me lately.

Edit: Sorry, Startear.... I don't know why I can't get it to show the right way around. Tried uploading it so many times now.  :-[
Thank you contribution October 06, 2019, 10:15:06 AM 416 10
I thought I posted this long ago. This is my contribution to the fanart book gifted to Wendy and Richard at the end of the Final Quest.
This is super personal, so I don't have much to add to the contents. Elfquest has changed my life to the better.
Sad Strongbow January 25, 2020, 01:52:02 PM 260 3
This has been resting unfinished on my iPad for some time, so I finally slapped some colors on it. I drew sad Moonshade, sad Dart, sad Freetouch, so I felt I had to draw sad Strongbow too...
This was one of the first things I drew to try out the iPad and boy, does he look wonky...  :D
Emoji Dewshine January 25, 2020, 01:54:46 PM 260 6
So I loved Yavia’s idea of characters being represented by Emojis, so I  joined Czarine and Berit in Anondraw and made the crappiest Dewshine ever.  ;D
Emoji Rainsong February 02, 2020, 12:56:14 AM 301 7
The wonkyness continues! Second emoji try: Rainsong  ;D
Sundress Ahdri February 10, 2020, 01:26:19 PM 305 11
As I love Frozen's costume designs, I felt inspired to design a sin version of Elsa's ice dress for Ahdri in the palace. I had a sparkly blast drawing this! Wheeee!

*edit: I meant to write "sun version " not "sin version". Great autocorrect fail, so I am leaving it like that. :lol
My heart soars for you February 12, 2020, 11:51:07 AM 305 7
 ;D My take on the Valentines card idea.
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