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Anphal elves
Album - Owner: nilla - 6 items
my elves but it's set waaay back
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Ref used from pinterest! An Anphal lady who's just really handsy.
 Views: 99
 Comments: 1
Oct 22, 2023
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Disgruntled Ram?
Wanted to draw some expression, but this one taught me Ram isn't inclined to do make wide range of expression. His range is basically annoyed, concentrated/intense and maybe surprised. He doesn't smile.
 Views: 103
 Comments: 1
Oct 22, 2023
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I like trying to draw scenes but I'm not very good a backgrounds. (In my own opinion)
 Views: 96
 Comments: 1
Oct 22, 2023
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Leaping Ram
Ram running after something, or somebody. I used a ref from pinterest and I think I messed this one up, the pose would make more sense if he was moving backwards?
 Views: 100
 Comments: 2
Oct 22, 2023
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"A situation."
More Ram, out hunting or getting hunted, I don't know. He not happy. (I don't think he knows how to smile)
Used a ref from pinterest.
 Views: 93
 Comments: 2
Oct 22, 2023
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Been drawing Ram, who I'd describe as a 'young, really angry elf who can't comprehend why you have decided to darken his day by so much as looking at him'.
 Views: 87
 Comments: 1
Oct 22, 2023
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